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  1. Exatamente por causa de posts nonsense como este é que recrutamos pessoas mais velhas e com maturidade. Será que eu estou no wow? É isso? Aquele bando de moleque, mal educado, sem maturidade, achando que é "cowboy" de teclado?
  2. Of course it does, cause it allows people to do that. There should be cooldowns on kick, and recently joined players shouldn't be able to be kicked as soon as they joined. The way it is it ruins your available game time.
  3. Today, after waiting 1 hour in line for a LFG daily I've experienced a terrible situation. As soon as it called me to join an existing group I was kicked by the 3 other players that belonged to the same guild for no aparent reason at all. After I was ejected outside I realized they were doing that to have a 4th member of the same guild to join them. I understand people rather play with guild members than with strangers. But it is a total disrespect with the other players that were waiting in line for that long. Of course some will come to this topic just to be trolls and make useless comments. For starters this isn't QQ, it's just a fact, a reason that why the LFG system must change: Cause we don't have all day long to wait in line for hours and risk to be kicked over and over. People shouldn't be able to kick recently joined players unless they are offline.
  4. No, it means that if a Boss has adds, the loot wont be available untill you kill all the remaining adds. The word is ENCOUNTER, not "the whole FP or OP"
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