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Everything posted by MEMEyou

  1. Why is it I can't make a girl less than skinny but I can make multiple kinds of obesely large men? I prefer plus sized women and this character creator doesn't cater to my interests. All I can pick from is twig, cartoon and almost normal supermodel. I'm guessing you don't have a lot of women on your staff?
  2. Yea I don't think they like flames for or against anything.
  3. hey - it could happen. it's not likely unless i finish my project bending space and time but if i do you'll be the first to know. you can't say it won't. either way it's ok.
  4. That would be promising one more day than the original zero. So no.
  5. no it's not - that card was bottom of the barrel 4 years ago.
  6. The forum threads for the respective months...
  7. Everyone makes garbage. If you don't make garbage you're a hoarder and you become the garbage.
  8. I preordered the CE of rift, played in beta and all that. But after playing it on opening day, I went back to wow. So no - not a better release.
  9. You can't post after the 20th without a key? Damn you learn something every day. Anyway - this belongs at walmart, not in game.
  10. It launches on the 20th - when you get charged for your pre-order. I'd take billing information from a developer with a grain of salt.
  11. Not even relevant - it's an ancient video and the channel poster is a moron.
  12. Oh lord not this argument again. Consider twitter a free bonus, like facebook - they have much more redundancy and more uptime - perfect for a launch when stuff goes wrong and you may not even be able to get on the forum - or find a thread through the nonsense.
  13. You didn't actually. Money has more value to someone the sooner you give it to them. It's it's just five dollars... so it's not really a big deal.
  14. It's a figure of speech not a statistic - or you're just trolling.
  15. This is about the 99% of customers trolling customer service preventing people with ACTUAL PROBLEMS from getting customer service. And I can ride any horse I want - tall or short, nobody died and made you my horse trainer.
  16. The 5 days hasn't even started yet... and "UP TO" means you could get 0 for all anyone cares.
  17. Finally the last wave for today is out. See you all tomorrow when maybe we'll get through the people who registered in August... but You all were told in writing that by pre-ordering you COULD get UP TO 5 days extra game time based on WHEN you pre-order and verify it w/ Bio. Now Bio starts early so people that procrastinated could get more of their 5 days - it's not even the 15th yet - and the forums are all FULL of children QQing because they don't know their place. It's totally disrespectful and I'm genuinely embarrassed. It's a video game. You accepted terms and are not entitled to anything different. No doubt Bio is ignoring most of you and I wouldn't blame them. Thank you.
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