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Posts posted by Airoper

  1. Aelannor

    you are half the problem with this game PvPers who dont like to PvP vs everyone you just sit in ya server with a premade farming solo quers!, FYI noob not everyone plays prime time or has a full server so "i dont like cross server" is just qq l2p cry baby community dribble go to a PvE server if you just want to play the same people over & over, leave the PvP to people who want to PvP not hide behind a server!

  2. people still left before 1.2.

    i will stay in a losing WZ if its a good fight ive been 0-6 in huttballs but stayed as it was EPIC death match.

    fyi we only lost due to them having a sorc runner ninja cappin while we all were fighting to the death, that sorc came last in medals which was good as they killed the match by stopping it early

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