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Posts posted by Airoper

  1. I see a lot of troll posts by what i can only call BW ghost accounts pretending to be players on the forums, all they do is spout fan boy BW scripts & try to flame all our ideas that will force BW to do some actual fixs to PvP.
  2. It took Blizzard 3 years to write the code to do it. How long do you think it will take Bioware with a fraction of a budget?


    Wrong july 2006 blizzard announced cross server BGs it was up & running before twisting nether came out (start of 2007) so meh, we will not wait much longer for cross servers as this game should have had it in the works from day 1 as it was 1 of the big factors that makes WoW successful so it should have been on release if BW had good Devs & management running this game development we should have had it already

  3. lol your not very good the other teams just really bad, only 1 of the enemy players had over 100k dmg so meh nothing to brag about it just shows your noob
  4. lol merges FYI merges dont fix out of Prime time WZ ques its a band aid to the problem, just look at Warhammer online they went the merge route & got trapped in a merge cycle that didnt fix the problem. PvP need to be 24/7 or casual / non prime time player will un sub due to lack of PvP when they log & merges wont fix that!
  5. if you dont believe me go in a WZ & see what classes are in it, you will find the classes called OP in forums are the most played in WZs for that patch/nerf cycle
  6. lol this isnt WoW, yea no **** WoW actuality has PvP 24/7 on every server.

    FYI WoW is the bench mark in MMO PvP due to the been there dont that trial & error, a MMO is stupid to not use the ideas WoW spent years figuring out

  7. lol links all you need to do is look on the forums new threads pop up everyday on this subject, i guess you dont look at forums much.
  8. All i see now days in forums is...

    "Whats the most OP class for PvP so i can play that?"

    Its seem most players dont play a class because they like its play style, it seems most people want to play the most buffed char of any given patch.


    i remember when operatives where called OP then every WZ had at least 2 per-side(mirrior)

    i remember when sorcs where called OP so every man & their dog rolled 1 or a sage & so on you get the idea.

    PvPers are cying out skill vs gear etc but it seems no one want to play via skill they just want to play which ever char is called op on the forums!


    FYI you have no skill if your char is based of patch notes & forum builds all it show it your lack of skill & originality.

    What i find really funny is all these cookie cutter players crying on forums for nerfs to other classes eg "im a new mara since 1.2 buffed them cause i want to be OP, i was in a Huttball but i got 1v1ed vs a tank & i lost, how is this possible i rolled a mara so i wouldnt lose so that player must be haxs or something please nerf that class its not fair!!"

  9. yes i understand that but when it the same people for over 2hrs farming everything in site its a premade & odds are they are in vent cause ive faced PuGs & premades & they fight very different
  10. if you need to join a grp to beat PuGs you have no skill & yes knowing you have a tank heals & dps that know what to do helps, PuGs dont get to pick who or what class they get it the luck of the draw, ive been in lots of PuGs with no heals as the only healesr online joined a grp & they started to farm their own sides PuGs due to no enemy being online.
  11. Premade vs PuG epic BW PvP fail!

    all day is premades farming PuGs! is this BWs idea of a fun PvP system it only seems fun for the premade at the expense of PuGs.

    Fix your broken PvP content:

    1 voidstar 1 team ready waiting while the other team has half its players still stuck on speeders, need i say more

    2 no cross server WZ so PvP is dead on 90% of all server out of prime time

    3 rated WZs is being used as a dangling carrot to keep PvP subs

    4 PuG vs Premade is a complete joke, premades farm all day till PuGs leave then they farm the new PuGs laughing all the way to the PvP vendors

    5 cant select the WZs you want to play, your forced to play what ever pops

    all & all it seems like BW is putting band aids on everything without actually fixing anything.

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