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Everything posted by Oeconomicus

  1. Hi Devs, i am currently crafting Universal Prefab's MK-1 and already had several of MK-2 to MK-4 in my inventory. All kind of prefab's can be added to the material inventory using the diamond, but not the Universal Prefab's, no matter if MK-1 or MK-4. Is that intentional or a Bug? Since the other Prefab's work fine, i would guess it's a bug. Maybe you have a look on it? Kind regards!
  2. Vorbesteller und Collectors Edition sind zwei verschiedene Dinge. Wie ein Vorredner sagte, geht es dem OP um den Zugang zum Vorbesteller-Händler und den dafür notwendigen Key.
  3. Die Frage lässt sich leicht beantworten. Ein Vorbesteller-Key gab es für Spieler, die vor dem Release von SW:TOR, dass immerhin über 10 Jahre her ist, das Spiel bestellt haben. Die einzige theoretische Chance einen solchen Key heute zu bekommen wäre, dass ein Vorbesteller diesen 10 Jahre lang ungenutzt rumliegen hatte und nun privat zum Verkauf anbietet. Oder wie jemand weiter oben angeführt hat, die Verwendung einer Zeitmaschine. Von Bioware direkt gibt es einen solchen Key nicht mehr. Praktisch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit also sehr gering, an einen solchen Key zu kommen. Und falls doch, wäre der Preis bei einem privaten Verkäufer vermutlich noch höher als bei einer Collectors-Edition aufgrund der noch höheren Seltenheit und Verfügbarkeit nach einer so langen Zeit. Und meine persönliche Meinung zu den Vorbesteller-Boni ist: Lohnt nicht! Bei Youtube/Google kann man sich den Inhalt der Händler anschauen.
  4. Following Codexentries (19) were introduced with Patch 6.2: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/cdx?q=&category=0&planet=0&faction=0&patch=6.2 I was able to get most of them, except "Clan Cladera". Does anybody know how to get this codex entry?
  5. Hi Devs, if you use the character inspection feature, you can't see the offhand weapon of the targeted player if he is playing one of the following classes/sub-classes: Jedi Guardian / Sith-Juggernaut Gunslinger Mercenary The offhand weapon slot appears empty in the character window. Please have a look on it. Thx & Kind regards
  6. Hi Devs, the Imperial Forces in the Jedi Library on Ossus are not counting for the progession of the achivement "Ossus: Valor of the Republic". Since the Achivement does not refer to a specific area of Ossus, i guess its a bug. Please have a look on it. Thx!
  7. I checked my collections. I already have these mounts. Thx for your support!
  8. Can Confirm. Something is not working right here. I redeemed the code directly as it were anounced in the stream and i did not get any mail or mounts on my account yet.
  9. I can confirm the bug. No vendor symbols visable on fleet map (pub) in certain situations. https://imgur.com/a/idhxOzq
  10. I would like to bump up this thread. An official message would be nice to know, why Kaon and Lost Island can not be played via Group Finder. Is there any reason or is it a bug?
  11. Can confirm that this bug still exists in Patch 6.1.3. Teammate did not saw Melarra at her intended position. Please fix this. Thank you.
  12. The Legacy Ignore is great, thx for that. One question: Does it still effect Groupfinder in the future? It would be a pleasure to know that after adding a legacy to the ignore list you will never see this player on any other character in the Groupfinder again.
  13. Make sure that this change does not effect the gameplay of PVE (guard is important for threat management in certain boss mechanics) and the change will be fine. Stop scapegoating PVE for wrongdoing in PVP.
  14. "The Republic and Empire banners in the Odessen War room have been reverted to the original neutral banners." Sorry, but a revert is not a fix.
  15. Hallo Landmann, da ich eine Gilde mit festem Fokus in SWTOR Suche, in der auch in einem "Sommerloch" die Gildenaktivität nicht auf 0 sinkt, scheint dies nichts für mich zu sein. Trotzdem danke für Deine ehrliche Rückmeldung und weiterhin viel Erfolg.
  16. Hallo "Old Guns", ich (40, erfahrener Raider, PT-DD) bin auf Euer Gesuch aufmerksam geworden und hätte ein paar Fragen: 1. Wieviele Spieler (nicht Charaktere) sind in den Abendstunden für gewöhnlich bei Euch online? 2. Habt ihr eine Raidgruppe? Wenn ja, wie sind die Raidzeiten? Vielen Dank vorab.
  17. Please take the opportunity to fix the other misaligned or broken Jetpacks on so many other armors as well. Thank you
  18. I just finished this quest on my smuggler that has arrived on Ziost. Sry, there is no bug. Everything worked fine for me. I scanned all five AA turrets without any problems. Reset your quest and try again.
  19. Why do you think that a patch that has not been deployed yet is responsible for Connection issues? I am playing on Tulak Hord and everything works fine!
  20. Combat Logs are working fine on my side, so i can not confirm this bug. It's not a game issue. There must be a reason on Player side.
  21. Nein, ich habe leider keinen WLAN Stick zur Hand. Sollte das Problem beim nächsten Firmwareupdate immer noch vorhanden sein, spricht sehr viel für Deine Theorie. Meine WLAN Karte hat einen Broadcom Chipsatz.
  22. Right, but "more than one" is not very specific. If you add the Details on which quest/planet this happens, the devs can have a look on it. Feel free to use this thread.
  23. Hi Devs, the quest "Armed Intervention" (Warrior, Impside, Alderaan) is marking the wrong waypoint / destination for the Player on the map (Outpost Bolym Thranta) instead of the right one Panteer Hideout Thranta. This is misleading. Thanks, Kind regards!
  24. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=928740
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