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Everything posted by Vietmix

  1. There are really only two bosses for which I see it not working out: The first (Bonethrasher) and fourth (Fabricator) Enrage timer on Bonethrasher is tight...you need full composition and decent DPS to bring him down until everyone gets over-geared. I wouldn't joke around with that one for newcomers. Fabricator...the same. FYI, for the one that mentioned nerfs...his HP is down to 1.8 million down from 2 million pre-nerf. Enrage timer is still a little tight, but I will admit having a sorc healer makes this fight several times easier (we tried it for two weeks without one and it wouldn't work...putting a sorc healer in turned the fight into a much simpler affair). Find a couple pugs, socialize with the server All said, Normal EV is not as accurate a frame of reference as you would have hoped, I'm afraid. Despite both offering the same-tier gear, I've found KP to require a good amount more focus than EV.
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