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Everything posted by ELECTRICJUDGMENT

  1. I disagree totally with both your points. 1. Because green mods are weak and BW would have to completely readjust the difficulty of all the enemies to compensate for the lack of blue mods provided by commendations, and there's no access to the GTN from any of the planets. I would really hate to board my ship and zone a million times all because some entitled crafters want a monopoly on the blue mods. Not gonna happen. Also, giving crafters that much control over the game's economy would be a huge mistake, because they would abuse it and charge exorbitant amounts for mods that could have otherwise been obtained by commendations. Every player should stand an equal chance to acquire the same mods for their character at the same price, especially at lower levels, with the exception of Advanced and Legendary items. I don't want you inflating the cost of my mods and thereby making the PvE end of the game more difficult. If you want to charge 8000 credits for a purple Guardian or Might Mod because they're rare, be my guest, but you're not going to do that to my blue mods that I need to progress through the game. 2. Capping the custom gear defeats the purpose of having custom gear. I would just buy a bunch of static gear for my level, rather than be forced to compromise and swap all my mods into gear I may not like. A player should have the freedom to use level 9 custom gear if they think it looks better on their level 40 character. The requirement to use a specific item should go down, not up, as you level your character.
  2. I agree the pace is rather tedious and even grueling at higher levels. The price of training is also absolutely ridiculous. Speeder Rank 2 is 210K credits, assuming you've already learned the basics of piloting a speeder at Rank 1. Why is it so expensive to drive 10% faster? This is what I propose. Speeder Rank 1: 90% speed increase Speeder Rank 2: 130% speed increase Speeder Rank 3: 150% speed increase
  3. Of course you fail to see, because you're still not understanding that the legacy IS the surname and vis versa, and it's associated in a way that gives meaning to the surname. A surname without a legacy is boring, it's been done before, and a legacy without a reference to whom does this legacy belong to, some guy on a server that shall not be named, or an actual family. "The Skywalker Legacy" sounds a lot better than "The Same Nameless Legacy As Everyone Else" there's no point of reference. If you had your way, everyone would share the same generic legacy. What a cop out response, all lies. We all know you'd be on here whining about that too if it were the case. I can't imagine the legacy being separated from the surnames for the same reason. No one is forcing you to display this legacy name for all your characters, therefore it is you that is "bad for RP" for 1. chosing a name you don't like 2. choosing to display it over all your characters. This is not something BioWare can fix because people like you will always find a way to make it "bad for RP" when in reality it's an extra feature that can be enabled/disabled at any time with the touch of a button within the UI. Not true. I do have an alt that I plan on leveling later, but you see I actually like my legacy name and took that into consideration when creating the character. This is what RP is all about. You clearly made a decision you don't like and would like BW to reverse that, which is cool, everyone deserves a second chance, but dismantling the legacy system is out of the question. You already have individual characters with unique names and stats, that's not the purpose of the legacy system which you seem to not understand.
  4. Why would they separate the legacy from the surnames? "HEY EVERYBODY, THIS IS THE NEW LEGACY SYSTEM. IT HAS NO REAL PURPOSE AND IS NOT TIED TO A LEGACY NAME BECAUSE WE FELT THE SURNAME WAS BETTER HAVING NO VALUE OR MEANING WHATSOEVER AND THEREFORE BEING WORTHLESS, AND POINTS WERE BETTER JUST BEING ARBITRARILY EARNED FOR EVERY CHARACTER ON YOUR ACCOUNT, WHILE NOT TIED TO A LEGACY WHICH CANNOT BE NAMED" The surname IS the legacy. If you don't like "smith" being shown for your Twi'lek character, DISABLE IT. You are failing to realize that the whole legacy system is a BONUS, an extra given to us by the devs. YOU HAVE A CHOICE, and you are not entitled a last name for your characters AT ALL!
  5. The purpose of a singular unique legacy/surname across all characters is to extend bonus attributes to those characters. If several players could use the same legacy name, it would completely negate those bonuses. By your logic, neither are first names, so I guess that means you won't mind if there's 10 "Graym_Inz-Tyr" on the server, right? Bull. If you think it's bad for RP, don't display it. Open up the character panel and disable it. I happen to think it's great for RP, but then again realistically I don't have a thousand hours to spare leveling 8 different characters from several different species and demand they all have different legacy names because I have no life.
  6. Dude, I said Leia and Jacen Solo, NOT Skywalker. You do know that Leia married Han Solo, right? Her name became Leia Organa SOLO. They had force-sensitive children, one of which was Jacen SOLO. Also, Darth Vader is a title given to Anakin SKYWALKER as a Sith. Vader is a title, not his surname. The surnames should remain unique and linked to the legacy, otherwise neither has any meaning, and for the people that do actually like their legacy name don't want some random anyone on the server representing them. If you don't like your legacy name, don't use it, but just because some individuals effed up their legacy name doesn't mean BW is gonna spoil it for everyone else that actually gets the whole purpose of having a legacy and being linked to a surname.
  7. I for one think the legacy system is quite awesome, and I really hope they don't separate the legacy points from the surname because that would be undermining the whole purpose of the legacy system, which is for your character to have a legacy, similar to Anakin and Luke Skywalker or Leah and Jacen Solo. Now, I can totally understand that if someone mistakenly chose a name they didn't want to request a reset so they can choose another one that is available, but separating the surname from the legacy or removing the surnames altogether is stupid, and allowing someone else on the server to use the same legacy name is also stupid and demeaning to those that worked for and rightfully chose that name.
  8. Come on over to the The Maw server, there's an overabundance of Sith to kill for Valor. The best part is, these are the lowbie-camping, speeder-ganking kind of Sith, so if you're like me you will find great enjoyment watching them fall to their knees in agony and shame for their arrogance and overzealousness.
  9. Ataru should be more acrobatic and precise, Juyo should be more aggressive to overwhelm the enemy with high-damage hits IMO
  10. I like this game a lot and I trust in my fellow Austinites to keep making this game even better. I can't tell you if it's worth your money, you should keep playing and decide yourself, not rely only on the negativity on these forums. Remember that a lot of people get on here to complain or b**** about something they don't like, so take it with a grain of salt. Don't waste time getting wrapped up in someone else's bad experience, play and enjoy the game for what it is and then decide if you want to continue playing.
  11. Zoning less would be cool, but I could cut down a lot of zoning if they just put Galactic Market Kiosks on every planet. Never made sense to me why a "Galactic Market" could only be accessed from the Fleet station.
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