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Posts posted by Asunasan

  1. Guys, the combat team is not very good, what do you expect? Lol


    Nothing about how crappy bolster is, will change this, until we get a Dev team who comprehends it.


    I'm not joking, the worst combat team to ever grace the MMO industry.


    And yet, they don't even have to be good. All the work for a balanced well done PVP system was in place pre 1.2... They just needed a few rounds of Control Z at any point before areas were released.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread got deleted for impersonating a BW employee LOL.


    As far as your cross server answer, we know that's not true because they literally said season 1 would have cross server back in 1.2-1.3. Yes they obviously are capable of lying, but they wouldn't have said that if it were really THAT difficult. We'd have x server by now if EA actually invested a small fraction of the hundreds millions they've gotten from the CM ALONE back into the actual game.


    No it is true. Middle managers and marketing people don't always have the most firm grasp on what their developers can accomplish. Should they have checked with their dev's more thoroughly before promising cross server back in the day? Absolutely, but getting an accurate estimate on the effort / time x server would have required would have required telling said dev team that most of them where about to get laid off. So... yeah

  3. This was attempted before when server transfer first came out, all the teams where to transfer to pot5 (or bastion but pot5 was noisier) And a ton of them did, and like three months later most of the guilds collapsed or return to their origin servers.


    I think its worth pointing out that the "collapse" happened as a direct reulst of BW announcing that they were pulling 8v8 ranked... the very thing they had all transfered to do. Most of them felt 4v4 wasn't worth transferring for and quit. those that went back to their original servers preferred their friends ect from the old server if they weren't going to get the pvp they wanted on the new ones.

  4. Channeling on whirlwind needs to go.


    * You rarely get it off under pressure, meaning that it's not used on the people you would have liked to use it on. In a best case scenario you'll be able to use it on a healer in a zerg but even that is somewhat of a longshot and there's always the risk that they instantly break it.


    * Overall survivability has gone down. I used to be able to juggle people on sorc/sage. Now, not so much. Even with polarity shift you'll have to deal with knockbacks and other forms of indirect interrupts. I think a good player should be able to handle a situtation where he or she is outnumbered. And someone is probably going to come in here and say that they're still doing that. Yeah, but what kind of players are you facing?


    * Sorc/sage was never an ideal node guard but sometimes we're forced to do it anyway. By having to channel WW we went from bad to horrible. It's a filler class in ever aspect and unless we're individually sooo much better than the opponents there's very little we can do in terms of objective.


    I thought the nerf to electrocute range was devastating, and it is, but I've managed to adapt. I'll never come to terms with having to channel whirlwind.


    If you need to get WW off under pressure use mental alacrity. Your bubble makes you a much better node guard then you were pre WW nerf. If you can't juggle now you are probably Lightning spec. Lightning sorcs with their current burst being able to juggle like the old hybrid spec would be ridiculous.

  5. I'm not starting anything. I just expanded on the information you put out there for everyone to read.


    This is what is going to happen since you're playing the good guy act ill go ahead and spell it out for you:


    1) Rock Bottom plays well and asserts itself as being a 'top team' on Pot5. Everyone from Bastion will lean on this and claim glory about their server because Rock Bottom was just a mid-tier team and they are a top-tier team on Pot5 so yeahhh Bastion is the best woooo!!!


    2) Rock Bottom asserts themselves as being a mediocre team. Bastion then claims that is no surprise because they were a crappy representation of their server anyways! And if that isn't enough you can claim that the real Rock Bottom team doesn't exist on Pot5 because half their team is really from Pot5!!!


    You must think we are all idiots to not see this coming.



    Yeah, that is exactly how I would expect it to play out, it is a no win situation for POT5. So? Just because there is no situation in which POT5 will get to claim they are better than Bastion from this transfer and their is a situation in which Bastion could claim it is better than POT5 doesn't mean it isn't a potential way to determine if Bastions teams are better than POT5s. Some experiments can only prove A>B if one result happens and don't prove anything if the other result happens, in some cases that is how the the scientific method works. Its not "fair" but this is one of those experiments. I'm pretty sure Bastion would be perfectly happy for POT5 to reverse the experiment by sending one or more of its rateds teams over to play on Bastion. In fact, please do.


    I don't know why there's **** talking from either side about this whole bastion vs pot5 deal. We came to pot5 for earlier rated start times because our guild literally can not function on bastion timezones because, most of us are east coasters. Both servers are good to a degree. For people on my team it was either we transfer to pot5 for people to continue running ranked or it was GGs we're all going to separate and join whatever guild. Maybe even quit and sell our accounts... I will literally say that Casual is probably the best team I've ever fought and I'll even admit I got raped. They know what's up. So let's just end this whole bastion vs pot5 thing because people seem to have such ignorance about it.




    Sorry man, it was bound to happen with a team moving from one environment to the other. I totally get why you moved, and it was a good move in order to keep playing. And I agree, Casual was a fantastic team back when I played against them on the 2.0 PTS, I would assume they quickly got back up to that level after returning to the game.


    Let a couple weeks play out then we can make super generalized statements


    My thoughts exactly. I'm glad a little mimicry on my part was able to help you reach that conclusion. You're welcome.

  7. So Casual is as good as the top teams on Bastion after playing for a mere 2 weeks? Oh, cool.


    So Rock Bottom, a mid tear team on Bastion, is better than all of the top teams on POT5 except Casual? Oh, cool.

  8. Looks to me like Rock Bottom might be a contender for Top 3 on POT 5. Infinite Darkness and Clutch are considered some of the strongest guilds on that server (at least according to that thread's rankings from week to week. I suppose we should wait a week to see how they settle before we really use them as a measuring stick to compare the level of competition between the two servers though. Best of luck to you Rock Bottom.
  9. If heals aren't OP, why do ranked Civil War games turn into a stalemate at mid where nobody dies, and the team that capped the node first wins? Why does Novare turn into a grenade/stun so we can channel ticks game instead of a wipe the other team game. Why is Huttball so reliant on who picks up the ball, not which team can burn down the ball carrier? (Pro Tip: Its not possible)


    At this point in the meta, we either need a healing nerf, or a damage increase to reduce the time to kill, and bring more kills into the completely objective-centric pvp that is going on. Now don't take this to mean I don't want PVP to have objectives, I just believe PVP should be focused on kills allowing you to pursue objectives, not cc capping as much as possible, or autoclicking for a ball.


    Cause honestly, I don't want to play a game where all that matters is the first 10 seconds of a match, or where whoever has the most grenades wins the map. This isn't PVP, it's PVPE, relying on boring PVE mechanics in a PVP warzone.


    Simple fix could be to increase the Trauma Debuff by 5-10% so the actual PVE types don't get squirmy about healer nerfs...



    That was the case even pre 2.0 when smash and pyro reigned supreme. Not saying heals don't need tuning, but that isn't the reason.

  10. So I could be wrong but isn't all of the blizzard stuff getting thrown around in this thread in relation to no super ques in their regular battlegrounds? I didn't look all that close but it seemed like they were still letting groups of up to 5 into their battlegrounds... kind of like BW lets groups of 4 into its warzones?
  11. Restrict yourselves if you want to...not my problem. Lucky for me I have one of every class and am proficient with them all.


    And when you play ranked (refer to thread title) on a serious ranked team, on a serious ranked server, you mean to tell me that you play your deception sin? What you don't? I don't believe it.

  12. Marauders get a heal debuff on their 10m saber throw so they do actually prevent some healing. They also get a number of roots and group buffs as well as some of the best damage in the game.

    I'm not sure why there are so many people in this thread trying to act like dps sins are in demand for ranked teams. They aren't.

    Bunch of reg starts wan't to say flaunt how awesome they are by saying the class is fine since they top charts / complete objectives in regs.

  13. mercs are actually being taken for RWZ and doing very well right now.


    mostly true. Certinaly better than before, much better in fact. I'd still consider them a tier down from a sorc in ranked play though. They are usable, like a dps jug is usable, but the team would prefer that jug player to be a mara. I think most teams would still prefer that merc to be a sniper or sorc. Maybe your mileage have varied though.

  14. For DPS, since that sounds like what you are looking for, Mara, and Sniper are both great. Sorc solid. Sins, Jugs, and Mercs are perfectly fine in reg WZs but currently aren't optimal in the highest level rated (again for DPS). PTs and OPs can work in regs, but honestly they are just worse than the other classes when in comes to dps.


    In short your sin is fine for dps if you only want to do regs, which is all the vast majority of players ever do.

  15. First off you should assume that just about every player who responded to this thread is better than you at pvp (they are, and if you can't recognize that you haven't been paying attention). That said your observation is accurate; regs on this server are worse that Harbingers were pre-trasfer, but that is because the three ranked teams on harbinger pre-transfer had to slum it up in regs more often than they would have liked. The strategy in regs on this server also seems to revolve more around CCing healers and less around focusing them compared to Harbingers regs pre-transfer. Adjust, or leave, it doesn't really matter to any of us. However I would recommend finding yourself a rated team even if it means being an alternate due to your schedule. This game, on any server, just isn't worth playing only in regs. Regs are little more than a place to kill time / put in your time while waiting for teams to que rated. But you won't listen to me or anyone else even though your previous posts contained a rant about players not listening to each other :rolleyes:
  16. Do any of the top 3 teams on Bastion POT5 or TOFN use a dps sin on their A team? No? What do you know dps sin's aren't viable in truly competitive rateds. Can you get away with one a tier down or on a server that no longer has the highest caliber teams because they transferred off? Sure. If you want to go to the top though a dps sin won't be used for more than an occasional gimmick of desperation.
  17. I can completely see how you would find that annoying OP, but the thing is 7/10 times he has let all of the relevant people know when he called it over voice chat. Another 2/10 times the relevant pugs who happen to be solid players will notice that MID is suddenly a lot lighter on either friends or foes and look around to figure out why. Lastly, calling incs over VOIP can be a good way to make sure you don't get 5 people charging over to defend the off node from 2 attackers and then end up losing mid. Doesn't sound like that is what happened here, but there is a method to the madness, it just didn't pay off this time.
  18. Jagoff is right on point even if he exagerates the case with pve geared / mixed gear players "stomping" pvp geared ones. The problem is the bussiness plan in the MMO genre is now all about lowering barriers to entry because that is the only way they can hope for growth. As long as BW believes that bolsters lowers the barrier to entry for pvp it is going to stay. I prefer the recruit gear solution, but recruit gear will never work as long as augments make such a significant difference. The issue with MK2 wasn't the stat differeance between it and WH, it was that augmenting WH gear made sense with how long you would keep it while augmenting recruit was a waste of credits, and that created the gear gap, not that actual stat difference.
  19. Deception sins have moderately better burst, and moderately to significantly better suitability. Scrapper have slightly better CC. The whole stealth alpha strike archetype just isn't viable in ranked with the current class balance, that said sins do it better than scoundrels. If they can't make it in that role in ranked, scrappers don't have a prayer.
  20. Humph - that was the least of my points. Try addressing the others, which actually relate to gameplay.


    I did, try reading my posts, but anyone who brings lore to the balance table isn't likely to be taken seriously on their other arguments.

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