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  1. You guys do know that you can turn the power of your lightsaber down. The young-lings use training sabers which are sabers with their power down to the point it only zaps you. I wonder if the reason the bleed effect happens is because you turn the power down enough to cut and burn but not completely seal. I also like the moving around causing the wound to open theory. *The guy below me put it way more better...er.*
  2. I do this all the time if my companion needs the gear. Which is not that often since I keep him up to date via the GTN. I'm gonna NEED it for the same reason I would NEED it if the drop was a mod for my weapon/armor. The companion is a weapon or more armor a tool for my character.
  3. ^This is the way to loot for you companion right here.^ Now I say you can loot NEED for your companion if your comp can use it regardless of who needs it in team. This is fine because the companions are apart of you he is a weapon he is a tool. I mod my armor and weapons why not my companion. The companion is a form of auto attack and is needed for like someone said 99% of the game. He/I NEED the gear to make my character more viable in the game. If you got a problem with that try to find a group that agrees with you or like people have been saying communicate with group. We do not need some general rule or whatever for this.
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