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Everything posted by Complication

  1. same issues, I feel powerful when I have to force close the program though.
  2. is it just me or has anyone else noticed that when a blue+ drops it is about 75% of the time a mod. I've had around 20 drops of blue+ and have gotten about 15 mods so far (the others were one artifice schematic level 47, couple blue misc items, 1 purple. etc...) anyone else?
  3. what gives? all other relics but this one? also artifice cant RE blackhole offhands, but biochem can do implants? artifice cant RE black/oj crystals? and I presume black/purple also. ball has been dropped, big time bioware!
  4. someone go check the metal door that the smugglers come out of in their class quest. by that cantina thing nw of the mountain you get the frozen water at.
  5. the metal door is an exit to the smuggler class quest.
  6. when you mentioned those quotes I noticed a ledge yesterday that had something on it, but it was too small to click or even make out, I tried getting too it, only to die. but ill look for this "cave"
  7. im thinking of this, get nvccs kill snowblind find mother use jerky ?kill mother? ?taun taun comes out?
  8. tested, its because he has agent falcon targeted
  9. but when we click it, it does not say anything about not being able to see target. also translator says "closed jaw door"
  10. that link seems to have alot of mis-information and it is not updated, alot of the information was from the PTS actually. the map im working on has caves, all tauntaun npcs, neutral, dead, non-targetable. would help to rule out areas, or help people who have the jerky, as I do not.
  11. nope it does not get used. im looking for this taun taun mother, any idea where?
  12. well im joining the hunt after following this thread since PTS. im making a map of every tauntaun dead or alive that I find, ill post it and people can add to it and post their results if they want
  13. yup, the cords were wrong for republic, assumed they were imp
  14. the cords are off for republic, but its the same, north of the space port and just behind the cantina for the other.
  15. exploding, and they cant have them on them. or the vaccine.
  16. its not the quest where you infect or heal, you get it once you have the disease on you and infect someone else.
  17. there is a daily to infect 10 people also.
  18. patient 0 kill, fun fight! http://i.imgur.com/2xbx8.jpg
  19. it can bug, remove it with a vaccine then reinfect yourself.
  20. exactly what I was going to test out.
  21. testing a theory on how to get more dna cells. ill post results in a bit.
  22. figures imps run the show when it comes to open world pvp stuff
  23. logging in now, any gold/elite npcs?
  24. tat is full of sand dunes, so its not really precise. however most events or shared items are in a shared space magenta crystal (world boss for schematic, waters which could be obtained through out the zone, freezing water which would be a shared space on hoth, ghost which would be a shared quest hub) Orobird pet (eggs gathered from shared areas, hatched in shared quest hub) which means it is probably in the dune sea.
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