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Everything posted by lord-durpp

  1. This could attract strategy lovers to the game as well
  2. And npcs could actually kill one another, but the would all fall in a few hits, the normal ones at least... Just havin the good ideas rolling
  3. Or they can just indicate if it is to be a pve or pvp oriented fusion:) Edit- as well, npc armies anyone? Why not add a bit of strategic thinking?
  4. They could add several of these fusion ops. Also, as I am no pvp/pve endgame gear expert (highest is 40).so, the interlude for gear swapping is an excel en t idea, or eliminate the expertise stats. The fusions could range from warzones minus the arena, to an op where the last boss is an opposite faction striketeam.
  5. They could add storey stuff about the "other strike team will try to stop you" kind of thing. With the appropriate alternate endings
  6. that part was pretty cool
  7. I just had a brilliant idea. A VERY large raid group (up to 50 mans), that plays like a normal raid (bosses, mobs, gear etc). But, instead of a final boss, there is a same sized strike team OF THE OPPOSITE FACTION. You duke it out with them, and whoever wins gets SLIGHTLY better rewards. This can be done on a smaller scale (16 man +). DISCUSS!
  8. I am a LS juggernaut, and almost exclusively. However, Duke Kendoh form the SW storyline on alderaan, pushed it when he gossiped about me. I had the friendly sith bodyguards (to me) kill him.
  9. Just curious on your thoughts. Do you guys think Darth Rusiafik sounds menacing?
  10. A TOR south park episode could actually help subs go up:D
  11. up for some imp-style revenge? (I'm on the swiftsure)
  12. How does one form groups larger than 4 people? I wanna attack reppie bases, and kill the champ guards:D
  13. maybe their roles get reversed from said episode, and they all become dps powertechs in tank armor:p
  14. I think south park ought to do a follow up to the famous "make love, not warcraft". I could be about how the boys moved away from WOW, or something along those lines. Thoughts, suggestions? Discuss
  15. I notice that almost every darth in the star wars universe (minus revan and malak) has had their name changed after becoming a darth (i.e. Anakin-Vader, Palpatine-sidious, Keb Tenel-Thanaton) why is this not true in-game for pcs? There should be an option to change your name to make it look good with the darth title.
  16. the warriors go some of the most sithy armor
  17. title explains all. post name and picture of the set of armor, or outfit. Personally, I would wear that mara set that looks like the imperial guard's armor (the black armor) in the korriban academy. http://http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/11850.jpg
  18. ...However, the consular stuff does look ugly, While the sith stuff (past lvl 20) is like the sith went to project runway (which is not a bad thing)
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