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Everything posted by Warren-Stride

  1. The issue is, even if there's not counter-fighter on the scale of what the IDD has, the IDD fighters are not capable of doing any damage at all to the Vong ships. The majority of the IDD fighters have two light laser cannons. LIGHT laser cannons. Similarly, the main weapon on IDD capital ships are LIGHT turbolaser batteries. Think of it like this. You're trying to take down a tank. You can use 1000 bullets or 10 missiles. Which will do more damage? Obviously the missiles. No matter how many bullets you send at a tank, it will keep on comin'. The IDD has bullets. AiR has missiles. Yaret-kors are going to tear through shields and any ships in their way. But the light weaponry of the IDD is going to be basically non-consequential to the extremely durable yorik coral on the Vong ships.
  2. Lomi Plo can command the space battle very effective from the ground. Killik hive mind and she's the queen. Say what you will about Trench, but his feats don't add up to all the hype. Trench's first blockade over Malastare was easily broken by a un-noteworthy Jedi commander. In his second blockade, he did the obvious thing that all blockades are meant to do and cut off supplies to the planet. Then he allowed the Republic forces to escape because he was ordered to by a superior. Then he ordered a bombing run and battled a stealth ship (unsuccessfully). Then he was surprised by an unconventional tactic and died (but not really). None of that suggests to me that he was a stellar commander. Certainly not nearly of the caliber as the Aliiance/New Republic commanders that Lomi Plo's Dark Nest faced. He's not going to provide the IDD any edge.
  3. This is so so wrong. Gog is an Imperial Scientist with DIRECT TIES to the Imperial Biological Weapons Division. Together, Gog and IBWD developed the Gobindi virus. Gog is an Imperial through and through who interacted with Darth Vader on an almost daily basis. Additionally, remember starting loyalty? Jerec's Empire is not the Empire they served, and they have no reason to be any more loyal to one Sith Empire than another. To these scientists, the fact that Jerec and his LIMITED number of Imperial biologicals are not working for the Empire they once served is betrayal. Not the other way around. And Lomi Plo wouldn't need to be sent to Byss. Joiners can be made by Lokin, and connection with the killik hive mind can be established via electromagnetic or electrical signals. Like communications that span the galaxy ever day.
  4. No high-up Imperial leaked the plans to the Death Star because they felt bad about building a space station that could end billions of lives with the push of a button. I think Imperials are pretty ruthless. And honestly, being in biological weapons development means that you KNOW what kind of horror they can create, and you readily accept that. You have to be a sick, twisted individual to develop biological weapons. I don't think they'll have any morals getting in the way. And if loyalty is in question, just Join all of them. Lokin knows how to create joiners. Send over a killik and have them integrated. Then they can't do anything without Lomi Plo's say-so.
  5. The part where we are picked up was not mentioned in your post. It sounded like we just walked up to it. Also, just as an aside to anyone that interacts with Maana, it really grinds my gears when y'all control my chatacter's actions. For example, Maana would not scream at seeing/being confronted by a Rancor. Nor would she ever allow herself to be picked up by one.
  6. Apparently the point-defense turrets prevent that. But the Vengeance is free of such weapons. A boarding party on that ship to take control of it would be interesting. I'm heading out for the afternoon! *waves*
  7. Wait, when did Drey get in the Rancor's hand? I though Tune was pointing the blaster at both of them?
  8. But these missiles are MUCH more powerful than any capable of being carried. Not only do they cause explosions like those seen on the Executor with complete disregard for shields, but the explosives inside increase the damage this causes exponentially. Noting, also, that these 'missiles' are piloted. So they are MUCH more difficult to take down with point-defense.
  9. Time is not an issue for the rakghoul plague or I71A. Both, if transmitted through bite, are almost instantaneous. And it's a domino effect. One person is infected. Then two. Then four. Then sixteen. And so forth. The Imperial Biological Weapons Division is helping its own Empire. They are serving a Sith, as they always have. They have two Imperial scientists, both of which worked under Sith before. And why would a Biological Weapons Division have qualms about morals? It literally exists so that their Empire can use this sort of thing against its enemies. That defection... makes no sense. The zombies are independent, yes. But if the zombies are infecting the Uppercity and the rakghouls are infecting the Undercity, the IDD will have to fight through both horde to get to AiR.
  10. I'm not sure why dartships work to your advantage here. Tartans can blast it as much as they want, but as long as the dartship flies into the Tartan and explodes with the all sorts of explosives inside it, the Tartan's out of commission.
  11. The fighters for AiR won't be attacking the big vessels, they'll be fighting your fighters. And those Tartans will be obliterated by one hit from a yaret-kor. When a plasma rock the same size as that ship goes flying at it, it'll be a goner.
  12. Which significantly decreases the number of people you actually evacuate AND makes it so that you'll have to fight off the exact people you were trying to save. Who are now undead zombies that are extremely hard to kill.
  13. If the Uppercity is being evacuated, I see no reason why AiR would not release Project I71A to cause utter panic. Good luck evacuating people when there's an airborne zombie virus going around.
  14. I think AiR has the fighter battle locked town. But, if IDD fighters do get close to the larger ships, they'll be ineffective at doing anything. TIE/D have two light laser cannons that would do absolutely nothing if they even hit the ship and aren't swallowed by dovan basals. Shadow Droids and Skiprays have plenty of missiles, but dovan basals will take care of those too.
  15. As Tune mentioned, the dovan basals on the larger ships also act as gravity field distorters. Which mean that those fancy maneuvers will be impossible for anyone near the larger vessels. It slows down the fighters and cuases them to be caught within the gravity feild, leaving them easy pickings for the yaret-kors.
  16. The issue with this is that the yaret-kors on the capital ships basically fire this molten rock in constant streams. So a point-defense turret might stop an attack from a coralskipper, but it'll prove futile against the constant stream of large projectiles. Also, weren't the point-defense dealing with fighters? Can't do both at once and be effective at either. And, again, when the Vong open fire, the IDD will be expecting turbolasers. They'll have no idea that the molten rock is actually molten rock until it's ripping through their shields. And by then, you can try as you will to stop them, but adapting so quickly in the heat of battle isn't easy.
  17. It's rather unfortunate when you put your responses inside a quote, because I can't quote a quote.
  18. The dwarf spider droid is completely different. The dwarf spider droid was specifically designed to be able to do that. The OG-9 was not. Just because I have fingers that can grip a surface doesn't mean I'd be able to scale a skyscraper. The OG-9 would put one foot on there, try to push itself up and fall backward. Look how different their legs are.
  19. But just look at it. There's no way that thing could scale buildings. It just can't. Those four feet cannot position themselves that way. Scaling steep cliffs means that the legs have footholds. But clinging to the sides of buildings requires more than just four legs. Take an hippo. It has four legs. It can move along the bottom of seabeds, fully submerged in water as well as scale steep cliffs. Can it hang onto the side of skyscrapers? No. There's no evidence that the OG-9 is any different.
  20. I don't think you'll be getting those droid bodies back. And like I said, they're cable. As in, cut the cable and rip off the head and/or legs and/or arms. If you want to try and repair them, go ahead. But you'll have to send them all the way back to Mechis III. And by the time they get back, the war will be over. Chitin armor is what insect shells are made out of in real life. You know how hard it is to crush a flea? Much harder than it is to crush a spider, which lacks chitin. Chitin on the scale of a humanoid being would be immensely tough to damage. They are basically hard scales of organic fiber. So although a blaster bolt may be able to hit a chitin shell, it's extremely dense, and would not puncture to the point of harming vital organs. Phase II and III are a bit more of an issue, yes. But the killiks have tricks up their sleeves as well. The Kolosolok are gigantic,over fifty meters long by ten meters tall. They are capable of taking massive amounts of damage due to their size and heavy armoring. They are especially adept at breaking through enemy fortifications. Some killiks, such as the Qeeq and Aebea are much smaller and able to fly, making them difficult targets for the Darktroopers. Others, such as Rekkers, are experts at jumping, able to close the distance between them and the Darktroopers easily, at which point the Phase II and III become useless. And lest we forget the Nekghouls. Exposure to the Muur's Talisman and training by Muur himself (along with maybe a little Sith Alchemy) will make them much more deadly than ever before. And, strangely, lightsabers don't seem to be that uncommon on Taris.
  21. I was referring to thew part where you said "THe Dovin Basals used for propulsion I doubt did much in the way of defense." No offense Tune, but you're not a credible source. I was looking for a specific example, during a specific battle for instance, when that strategy worked. Also, what battle are you referring to with Wedge and Garm? Let's not forget that the Alliance started winning after they had learned abou the Vong ships. When the Vong first arrived in the galaxy they wrecked shop. None of the IDD have ever face Vong ships before, so they will attempt to combat them just as they do normal ships. They will not have the time the Alliance had to adapt to the strange weapons of the Vong. Instead, they will be wiped out like the first Alliance fleets to attempt fighting the Vong.
  22. This is what I brought up earlier: Consider this. In the Battle of the Murgo Choke, the killik nests (under Lomi Plo) battled the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances at the command of Nek Bwua'tu. Bwua'tu failed and his ship was captured by killiks. Killiks are no joke in space, and it seems they are very good at boarding parties. Especially on Star Destroyer-type ships. As far as Trench goes, I've never been super impressed by his feats. Besides, no matter how good of a commander Trench is, he doesn't have the machinery to take down the AiR navy.
  23. The Dovin Basals on larger ships were very effective at shielding against incoming fire, fighters and turbolasers alike. Is there evidence for this? I never read the Vong war books, but from what I can tell this is not mentioned on the Wookiee, and the number of dovan basals for each ship is left undermined. However, considering that dovan basals are each their own animal, it does not make sense that they could only activate a few at a time. Additionally, there was not a limited number of dovan basals, the Vong grew them quite extensively.
  24. Sorry for spoiling the sentimental moment Canino! Maana isn't one for small talk though, and she was dog tired.
  25. I'm using this image as reference. The Phase I Darktroopers only have a skeletal phrik frame. Which means that all of the darkly shaded areas in that picture are weak points. Notice that all of those weak points are joints or vital system junctures. Although phrik may prevent them from being stabbed in the chest, it provides no defense for getting their leg ripped off or beheaded. In fact, these dark areas are only power capable, easily cut through with a standard voibrosword. Killik warriors, on the other hand, have a whole exoskeleton of chitin armor, which is resistant to almost all forms of energy damage. On the offensive side, Killik warriors had super-human strength and natural weapons such as acid spit. With vibroblades in hand, they could make short work of the Phase I by aiming for their joints and power cables: a good strategy against any opponent. Additionally, let's not forget the numbers advantage AiR has. It has thousands more killiks than the IDD has Darktroopers, and the rakghoul plague quickly spreading throughout the undercity on a planet of six billion people will provide more than enough troops to simply overwhelm the Darktroopers. A swarm of rakghoul could easily rip apart the Phase I Darktroopers. Phase II have a giant assault cannon. But it only has 400 shells before it has to reload (a lengthy process for an assault cannon). During that time, the rakghouls will swarm it and destroy it.
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