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Posts posted by Mularky

  1. The thing Bangers and I talked about while writing this guide was, should we make different utilities for different types of scenarios for PVP? We came to the conclusion to just have one set utility combo just b/c we wanted to a person to jump into a warzone and have fun. Whether it be ranked or non ranked, the current utility is viable for all aspects of pvp, but the set up could be better. Small twinks can be made.


    That being said, our guide wasn't really going to people who already know how to play a PT. It was more or less for the ones who just started playing and were looking for that bridge into the next level of play of the Powertech. Although like Bangers said, he is open suggestions and civilized discussion.

  2. Can we now have a serious talk about getting an class balancing system in place so you don't go up against a team of, oh I dunno 5 sorcs and 3 pwrtechs or 4 snipers and 4 mercs.


    Any class is "OP" when you stack more than 2 in warzone. Something needs to be done. Either do some massive nerfs or let's have a real talk about what it would take for you guys to put a system in place that would balance PVP so we don't always have to shout, "OMG SORCS ARE OP MUST NERF"


    1 or 2 sorcs aren't overpowered. They're glass cannons and should do high dps. 5 Sorcs is a nightmare and 5 of any class is a nightmare I think we can all agree on that.



  3. So, did I miss something?


    What is this better than xserver thing they had prepared for pvp?


    I haven't read anything anywhere regarding pvp Qs. Have they not released it?


    If I recall correctly they will announce something before the end the year.

  4. Seriously, every single class seems to think they're underpowered and everyone else is OP as ****.


    What a mess. Can we give it a month for the dust to settle before everyone losing their **** over who they think needs to be nerfed?




    I imagine all the people who call for nerfs being the angry german kid, smashing their keyboards and screaming.


    "NERF NAUW BW OR I UNSUB!11!!!!1!!!"

  5. My merc gets chain interupted and CCed and i cant get a single heal off once energy shield is down.


    Wouldn't that be true for Ops too? I mean they can no longer keep someone up without having to cast something. If you chain cc and chain interrupt a Op its going to do the same thing.

  6. I hereby provide the best opener example:


    ED -> TD -> [Explosive Fuel, Begin SC Spam] RP -> RS -> MB -> EB -> RS


    ED + RP = ~12k

    TD + RS = ~18k

    MB = ~5k

    EB = ~15k

    RS = ~10k

    SC x7 = ~14k


    Total damage = 74k over 9 seconds or 8.2k dps.

    If you ignore the rail shot at the end, its 64k over 7.5 seconds, or 8.53k dps




    What do you think of charlies possible rotation?


    TD > Flame Burst* > 4 Stack Energy Burst > Rail Shot > Rocket Punch > Railshot (+shoulder cannons +explosive fuel)


    The idea behind it is that you don't waste a Railshot proc because apparently flame burst doesnt proc Railshot but you get the auto crit on EB/CB by using flame burst

  7. That is incorrect. PT's are unmatched in burst in 3.0 (except by vanguards of course), but they are significantly less survivable than sins, jugs, and other high burst classes. They are the closest thing to glass cannons that this game has.


    Lighting Sorc's have more burst along with SIns being stun locked by sins then being unable to stun them for 17 seconds. . Merc Arsenal is mobile as heck and Innovative Ordanance have the same fundamentals as AP. Marksman Snipers have straight up heavy hits on very quick casts.

  8. I doubt it, Koozie has said he's moved from PT to some other class, so someone else will have to take his stead, I'm loving AP PT so when i hit 60 on him and get my bearings on the rotation and utilities i could probably make a PvP AP Guide, I dont like the new Pyro and will not make a Pyro guide, even if you forced me.


    The only thing that really changed was our rotation. The defensive cool downs mostly depends on the situation, from experience in pvp you will know how to predict damage. For example you sort of tell when people are starting to turn their attention to you. Try to force your self to use your warzone adrenal with Kolto Overload to get the maximum amount of it.


    The best tip I can give is to work in and out of melee range when attacking melee. When going against ranged be cautious about over extending and thinking about where your team is in comparison to you and the other team.

  9. The burst for AP/Tactics is just
    . Pyro is pretty good but I just feel like flamethrower/pulse cannon just doesnt hit as hard as it used to even with the 3 stack buff.


    It doesn't hit as hard becuase each stack is only 15% not a 20% damage boost

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