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Everything posted by rickhatfield

  1. The only thing I enjoy is the pvp aspect of the game, that being said, the resolve system sucks big time! In my humble opinion anyway. If you have a full white bar, you should not be able to be rooted or pulled or stunned. Snared, I could live with, but the roots and pulls must go! Resolve means enough already! so... enough already!!!
  2. Huh, so the answer I am getting is YES? This is exactly what they intended? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I don't mind bolster and I see the need for it until 55. That is the way it was till 50 before. No problem with that. But to say that having zero gear at all, being naked is MORE POWERFUL than FULL EWH gear is insane and calls in to question, what in the world are they thinking? Introduce homosexual engagements and at the same time, make the most powerful people in the game, naked. Freaking freaky and a bit, I don't know, but its strange.. For a "family franchise" like Star wars.
  3. To keep playing, I admit that working for better gear, the carrot, is important. To give no reward at all for the months of work for your gear, only to lose to a lvl 30 guardian with 26khp and 2k expertise and im rolling with full ewh at 22khp and 1700 expertise is just plain wrong. It removes all the gratification from the work it took to get that gear. Plus having everyone run around naked killing each other is just weird and takes away from the Star Wars Universe. I hate this change and I hope this was not meant to be.
  4. Well there goes my subscription. I will no longer be paying for this propaganda being exploited on kids after the fact. I want my money back for this stupid expansion. I dont want to support the homosexual agenda with my money or my play time. This is the stupidest move yet and i want no part of it> i will boyv+cott this game from now on and i want the money i paid up front for this bs returned! You stupid ****s have messed up my game>
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