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Posts posted by Aetideus

  1. If you like AoE DoT Madness is the way to go for Force specs; Lethality is for Tech ofc.

    Slow Mercy Tactical and 1.3 gcd melts the other group, over 12k dps. But you got to forget single target and focus on that. And mastering of the Dcds is needed.


    IO on the other hand, with Magnetized Scrapnels can do great single dps an stil great AoE DoT dps up to 10k. But it is the most difficult rotation to follow in the game.

  2. It is not about Premades. Most Premades still play objectives. In Darth Malgus there are * certain * Premades; people know who I am talking about, that just chase people 4 vs 1.


    When I pop in the same team with them I just leave because it is a waste of time. If I am at the opposite team I try to avoid them and go from node to node. There is nothing to do, just try to ignore them.

  3. There is no reason to do objectives really..


    What do you get for winning ? Nothing at all..... The PVP gear crates are one of 6.0's biggest jokes by dropping very little gear you can actually use.


    Some matches are totally unbalanced and sometimes premades just farm randoms


    My other problem is that for example last night on DM I had to leave 6. Hutbagroup to gangll games in a row because all I was getting was lagball. Players hate lagball because it pops so much, while In the past we had it from time to time and it was fun to play. Now it's just : OH GOD NO -- leave match. :mad:


    Apart from Huttball, that BW's obsession of TOO MANY pops has rendered it boring:

    It is bad players that group to gang 4 vs 1, because they are too stupid or unable to do anything else.



    1. Try to avoid them.
    2. Group with others. Mostly they don't attack even numbers.
    3. Don't try objectives alone. The only think you 'll achieve, is the team losing one player.
    4. Run around the nodes when possible. Often those groups attack all together to a node - even 8 vs n. They do not guard usually.

  4. Yep, ok, keep doubling down on how much more too Nerf Sins. Would you like a buff to your class while they are at it so that you don’t have to worry about learning to play or any other class that’s not your own being a threat to you? And you had the audacity to derided my earlier post and accuse me of looking foolish :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


    Just read the peoples' comments and stop deluding yourself. Deception is the FOTM. Nothing new for Swtor.

  5. Reducing sins dps shouldn't happen, because you'll just nerf PvE for PvP matters. We have to be smarter than that if you want balance to be achieved.


    Again, remember in 5.X when peoples where saying that mercenary was too strong in PvP. From the start we all said that it was the defensive cooldowns that needed a nerf.


    Devs only listened to players who've never played merc. As a result, the DcDs got unchanged (so merc were still OP in PvP) and they got their damage nerfed, which nuked them in PvE.


    At the time we asked for one thing we got the complete opposite because peoples weren't able to see what was balanced and what wasn't. I don't want that to happen again, because that would just punish PvE players for a matter that was only PvP. And wouldn't solve the issue of sins being played incorrectly atm.


    Just so we're all clear, every ten seconds you get a proc named "Duplicity", which makes Maul cost almost no Force and deal a bit more damage. Sin, if played properly, should only use Maul when it is procced with Duplicity. Before nobody in their right mind would have used an unprocced Maul, because the benefits you'd get from it were non-existant. Currently the issue is that the new set bonuses allows you to crit on an unprocced Maul. Basically, you're playing the class incorrectly because it is more "optimal". This is what needs to be fixed. Prevent autocrit if Duplicity isn't enabled. There you have it. You can only deal 70k+ hits once every ten seconds and not three times in 4 seconds. Sins are fixed, and you don't nerf PvE on the side.



    You all have to remember that PvP balance should never hurt PvE balance in order to be decent. I agree, there's not much high-end PvE players around. But there's not much high-end PvP players around too, so nobody will get a "balance priority", don't forget that :rak_03:


    Agreed that changing the base DPS substantially is out of the question due to PvE. A moderate/small reduction though, combined with other mediocre PvP targeted nerfs would be feasible. Deception is not favored by the PvErs.

    The change of the autocrit that you propose + a slightly higher cost of the abilities worth trying. At least there would be a 7s window to prepare one's defense.

  6. Then instead of calling for Nerfs, go and actually work out why you think they are OP. What is it that you personally find OP when you play against them.

    Calling for Nerfs when you have nfi about the class (because you don’t play it) or what the actual problem is only leads to Bioware nerfing the wrong things or buffing the wrong things.

    All they hear is QQ OP NERF!! And then do the wrong thing that ruins the classes they mess with. This is apparent with the Merc changes they tried last meta.

    Nobody with any knowledge was complaining about Merc damage. Those in the know, knew it was about their DCDs and told Bioware in detail what the problems were. But all they heard were the loud people whining how OP they were and the QQers (with no idea) highjacked threads and all Bioware saw was QQ NERF MERCS so they nerfed DPS. Which did nothing to stop the Mercs being OP in pvp. All it did was make them worse in pve content because they did less damage against bosses.

    So before you start shouting from the roof top that a class (any class) is OP and they need a nerf, maybe find out in detail what the issue is and confirm it yourself instead of parroting things you’ve heard and can’t explain because you lack the knowledge about the class.


    Apparently you don't want to accept the problem and took my reluctance to provide a hasty solution for non-existence of the problem.


    The problem as stated in a lot of comments is the REPEATED, UNCONTROLLABLE OVERPOWERDED BURST.


    This could be addressed in various ways for the Devs to elaborate and conclude. Stacking of a class cannot be avoided ofc.

    - Longer CD of vanish. The Charges system cannot be changed since it is global.

    - Reduce the base DPS of the abilities. Maul, Ball and Breach for Deception. It is the base DPS of Deception abilities that should be addressed, because they get Crit and maximized by Sets, Tacticals, as well as Deception Procs; and changing all those would affect the other specs. For example, changing the Melee Crit bonus after a Force Crit would affect all Assin specs.

    - Other combination.


    If I had to chose I would prefer a combination of both, since the 2 vanishes is the only think that keeps Assins alive and away from the pathetic performance they had before 6.0. A reduction of the base DPS + a shorter Fade

    ability would be equalizing.

  7. Please be more coherent and explain what actually needs to be nerfed and how much. Saying something needs to be nerfed means nothing if you can’t back up your claim


    There are people more versed in Deception than me, Devs certainly, to conclude HOW should be nerfed. Regarding WHAT should be nerfed, was rather coherent in the comments: "got 2 vanish and continue the OvP burst".

  8. Do you play solo ranked? Everything Roupe said is completely accurate. And juggs are almost always the best targets to focus in arenas unless there are pts. If you think otherwise, you're simply wrong I'm afraid.


    At least you can appear with your Jugg in SR and hope for the best. There is usually no way for a PT without q-sync. So much about the meta and who needs an actual DCD.

  9. You embarrass yourself by not recognising the match was class stacked and glossing over that when asking for Nerfs. You don’t even seem to understand what the problem is that’s cause people to switch to Stealths.

    Let me give you a hint, it’s the tactical swapping ;)


    I swap Tacticals both with Assin and Oper. Yet the complain is about Assin + stacking. Why? Obviously, despite your inconvenience in admitting the problem, because Assin got 2 vanish and continues the OvP burst. As mentioned the rest is a hideous and unintelligent rhetoric. The spec should be nerfed somehow to get in line. No one needs another Merc Arsenal stacking.

  10. LoL, big bad Sin had their way with you?


    You just embarrass yourself not admitting the problem. There were many FOTM specs in the past to deny the current one. We focused on the Operative yesterday, because in a team of 4 stealth was the only one with 1 vanish.

    This is ridiculous.


    I hope Deception gets nerfed, like Arsenal should have before that, due to the APPARENT stacking spec problem and the OvP repetitive burst. Anything else is hideous rhetoric.

  11. honestly, I'm still learning how to use it right. You need to track dots well and ignore your insta cast on power shot/serrated. save it to be used on power shot to pop your thermal det while mag is on cd


    It seriously changes the IO rotation and you kinda have to relearn it. I will report back with more info when i've gotten better with it


    also, priming shot tac is my choice for arsenal for sure. most consistent one for the spec imo


    You can pop mag shot by activating the AoE.

  12. tier 2 alac (1.3s gcd) is the way to go. stack crit/mastery after that


    you're also better off running the dot refresh on sweeping blasters/DFA tac. once you learn how to integrate it into your playstyle, your dps will skyrocket. it is the strongest tac for IO


    I use this for burst.

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