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10 Good
  1. Dak Guide looks great and it's what I've been running - I've been following the other thread and I'll pick up on this one too. One utility skill that you might want to mention is Dodge - as that will act as a personal cleanse "Purges hostile removable effects and increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 100% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth." only thing is that it's on a 60s CD. Also can you give us an idea of your stats for that parse? And the relics that you had equipped? and any set bonuses? Thanks!
  2. Cilas I picked up the Adv Crafting skill and I have the Expansion (purchased 12/18) - got the 2 in game e-mails and put a toon on Makeb this morning, but I'm unable to see any of the gathering missions. It sounds like Amber is saying that you need to be level 51 to be able to see this missions and I'm trying to see if that is true with a clear confirmination. I didn't receive my e-mail until like 30 minutes ago but I doubt that has anything to do with it . . .
  3. So Amber - are you saying that a toon needs to be a min of lvl 51 to be able to see the missions / schematics? Thanks!
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