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Posts posted by Auxili

  1. Is the game ever going to become less of a constraining themepark? I'd like some freeing sandboxy social elements be infused into this game. Bioware's current design philosophy is "make the gameplay experience as cemented and claustrophobic as possible", which can be seen from their planet design to Ilum (I'm sure your pvp devs aren't going to write Ilum on their resumes).
  2. Actually, I think this news in and of itself isn't really the problem, I think the issue here is that Bioware's answer to this issue is indicative of their design philosophy. They're creating a very tightly-controlled thempark style game, and any amount of freedom or player-driven creativity gets in the way of their "vision" for this game.


    That's what I meant to communicate, thanks for the superior explanation. :)


    I guess the themepark design Bioware has chosen for SWTOR limits what they're able to do in terms of making this a large and freeing game experience

  3. "Unfortunately, the nature of our ships as central story areas for all of our class content, and all of the associated triggers and cinematics that must therefore be done on the ships, means that giving players new ship models, particularly interiors, is very, very hard for us. We will probably look at addressing this instead by providing a greater sense of ship customization at some point well in the future."


    Bummer, it's too bad we won't be able to have content like 'new ships' due to the way Bioware designed the game. I'd love to have a different sort of ship, but it looks like these sorts of cool sandboxy things won't make it into a game like SWTOR.

  4. Currently, sith gears up lightyears faster than republic on pvp servers due to ilum and same-faction warzones (empire queues up way faster). and the fact that bioware doesnt give a rat's arse makes me feel like crap.
  5. If you want tips for raidspecc (DF) try the tread some guy posted a month ago or something like that, where he streamed his end game play style and explained how he did it. He had very nice damage with DF and there is a guide if you google it.


    Hope it helps you to achieve top dmg in nightmare mode. Scrapper has a harder time doing that, but is that not fair? I mean, a class should not be able to excell both at pvp and raid witht the same spec, or is that just me?


    A lot of ppl. also compare the souncdrel to sorceress. Well, if they are so much better, they should be nerfed, but that does not mean that we should be buffed up.


    DF is the worst raiding spec. Unless you want to prevent your raid from ever CCing anything ever

  6. It becomes more efficient to do 1 big hit with a bit of damage reduction taken off than a series of small hits which are almost totally mitigated.




    -50% (for example) of a 5k hit is 2.5k

    -50% (for example) of five 1k hits is 2.5k


    Maths of mitigation :)


    You'd only be correct if defense gave a flat -damage# effect, like in some more oldschool RPGs. If defense mitigated 200 damage 'per hit', then you'd be right in saying a single 5k hit is better than five 1k hits, because those five 1k hits would just become five 800 damage hits. Meanwhile that 5k hit becomes a 4.8k hit (much superior).


    But that's not how mitigation works in this game.



    Single big hits are still favorable, but not due to how mitigation works. Big hits, or burst, is more favorable simply because it's generally harder to heal through, allows you to execute targets, and so forth.

  7. What i feel about speed is not that you shouldnt get rooted (on the other hand there should be a talent at some tree that enables you immunity and root dispersing on use), but that of its long cooldown. Its just way too long from speed to speed compared to charge.


    in the tank tree it breaks roots. Is that not enough? You've already got a knockback, a mez, a ranged stun, stealth, a sprint, a tank stance, a knockdown, in-combat 10m burst, an execute, 5% more base parry, a vanish, an out of combat mez, and a pull within your class. Is this not enough? Some classes *coughoperatives* have half the tools and manage to complain less.

  8. stealth burst classes have it the worst when it comes to mmo patches, and this has always been the case. Players find them 'annoying', and it never matters how much damage or survivability they have. They're simply 'annoying', which is enough to make the devs nerf them constantly.


    If you want ease of mind and an enjoyable longterm experience with SWTOR, choose a non-stealth class. Do yourself a favour.

  9. all 4s stuns fill the same resolve.


    Smuggler/Agent 'mezzes' (breaks on damage) cause much more resolve than any other mez in the game.


    Force speed should be able to get rooted/stunned. It's not a get out of jail free card, it's a run speed buff and it does what it's supposed to.

  10. "Open world" PvP is one thing.......but denying another group of players access to content is another....


    I would suspect there is a balance they are working here....


    Did your group proceed to slay the world boss?


    ....or were you just killing off the republic players so they could not?


    Denying content? On pvp servers, world pvp is 'content'. If youre fighting over a world voss, then so be it.

    You're part of why this game is so carebear.


    (SWTOR movies to be released later this week)



    Jedi Shadow PvP


    The Corsair


    Specs used:


    31/0/10 "Kinetic PvP" spec. (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601bcrkkrskrsZZf0cM.1)

    0/31/10 "Infiltration burst" spec. (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601ZhGbRkhrbtzZf0cM.1)





    Welcome! This is the second entry to a new saga of Shadow PvP. This video features mainly Kinetic Combat as the primary spec. I have to admit, KC is just far superior in PvP than infiltration or balance could ever hope to offer. I'm not really proud to say that, as I have a soft spot for infiltration. However, I must be realistic and face the facts. KC offers such great utility and group assistance. It's also quite tanky and you don't have to shy away from using guard now! Overall, not only will the spec attain more medals, but you will be helping your team far more than you can imagine.


    I would hope Infiltration receives some love in the future. The damage is just about 'okay' for the rather weak survivability and utility it offers. Don't be fooled by big numbers. In competitive group PvP, they are meaningless. A shout out to Watchmen and Light Tempest! Along with all the loveable imps on The Corsair and that silly Konichiwa who needs to reroll!




    Track List:


    Richard Wagner - Ride of Valkyries

    The's - The Barracuda

    Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place

    Metric - Black Sheep

    Zelazowa - Numbers

    Thomas Tantrum - Rage Against The Tantrum





    Tools used:




    Sony Vegas






    Original Shinarika vid, which is mainly infiltration can be seen here:


    You REALLY have to split these videos into two since you're using 2 vastly different specs. Makes the video unwatchable for me, I can't learn a thing.

  12. 3. Our abilities fill Resolve MUCH faster than other classes. 2 abilities fill opponents resolve. However, mine never fills and I die. (Sages/Sorcs can cast all day w/o filling it, guardian/juggernauts can charge/push/chrage/choke and not fill it...etc...). The fact that these ppl have combos and can lock down better than an assassin/rogue is retarded. Lockdown isn't a bad thing. If that's what you spec for, that's what you do. You will suffer other places, but that's what you chose.


    4. We have no utility other than stealth. Shadows get sprint. Jedi knights get leap/push/choke. Scoundrels get jack ****; we have no sprint/knockback/grip. I have one CC break, which is mostly useless. As soon as i use it, someone from 30m+ roots/dots/stuns me all over again.


    THESE two points are key.


    Especially the resolve bit, it's totally true and speaks bounds of the bias bioware has against certain classes

  13. First off people favor sith because everyone is a butthead and is bored by goodie twoshoes plots.


    Second off there are 12 terrible QQ OPs on the first page so couldn't you just post this in one of those?


    I've been slaughtering helpless jedi on my consular, being an arsehole space cowboy on my smuggler, being a bigger genocidal arse than anakin skywalker on my jedi knight, and being like Saren (mass effect) on my trooper.


    What 'goodie twoshoes' stories are you talking about? :rolleyes:


    But honestly, even with that, I'm amazed at the sheer chutzpah needed to state that Operatives have no problems with "burst" healing since we can always use Kolto Injection to generate a TA for Surgical Probe. That just shows a tremendous lack of understanding of how the game actually plays.




    Plus operative healers have half of the utility sage healers do, like a ranged stun, knockback, BUBBLE, and so forth. An insulting answer from the devs.




    So get ready for more "well-tested" content. -.-




    If 1.2 doesn't show a dramatic change in how Bioware handles this game, I won't be around to stick around for the long-term.

  15. I agree to a certain extent on the sniper. I think sniper is hard because the "wonky" cover system. Many new players does NOT know that they can switch their "natural" cover to just cover.



    Natural cover = 100% "immune" to NORMAL attacks only (i.e. rapid shot, slash etc. This does not include special attacks like tracer missiles, heatseeker etc etc)


    Both cover provide 20% damage reduction (that should be right. coming from memory)


    so far I have a level 22 sniper and loving him


    note: I have 7 characters one of each except marauder (my wife plays that one) so I'm getting a feel for each class.


    No, it's only 20% ranged defense, meaning you have a % chance to dodge bullets from other snipers. That's all cover gives you.


    Natural cover only gives you the 'immunity' bonus to white rifle attacks when not attacking and not casting a shot (basically, never).

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