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Posts posted by Nesferia

  1. LFG tool was what destroyed whole community in wow. It is what destroyed completely lower populated servers. People who you meet in LFG these days cant say simple hello to you in most cases and drama a rudeness rules wow these days just because you will never see the other person aways so you tell him what a *********** **** ***** he is without any repercussions.


    It is the worst thing that happened to wow during its history. Not mentioning how many troubles it brought to dungeons design. From its dfficulty to content and class skills, they had to rebalance everything so dungeons could work in synergy with LFG tool. Anyone who made Shattered Halls hc back in day or Shadow Labyrint hc can say what a joke are todays dungeons in WoW. With no coordination (I see these people for the first time in my live and I do not need to speak to them) with no actualy need to finish dungeon (Frak these noobs I am ultra tank with 2 min que Frak them and go to another dung whatever) wow dungeons became cesspitt of meaningless grind and bad behaviour.


    You should be glad there is no LFG at all in SWTOR. At least I am.


    You might have your reasons against it, ok. But still it's easy, make a character in the said realm and go bm him how much you want to. Really a Dungeon Finder would benefit more than it would hurt. Seriously, you get to have ninjas, idiots and what not even with a normal group only that it would take much more to replace him, not to mention the building of a group. It takes so long sometimes that you're forced to go in 3 and have a companion. You seem to know only half of the story here, who cares if people insult each other? Are you really so weak to trolls?

  2. Over a Million of ppl are happy about this game, we got also a very small vocal minority who infest those forums with their endless QQ all over and over again . (if u check username u will notice it's the same 30-35 ppl who post over and over and over again complaining everywhere).


    In 2 days when first month run off I am sure this will not change, those ppl will keep staying here to complain but their credibility will drop down to zero.


    You're on to something true thar. It's usually the same people making tons of threads about the new "cool" thing to hate on. Regardless...

  3. I actually found the system very useful in wow. The dungeon finder is ok with me really. I remember back in vanilla when it could take 1 hour or more to find a group for a dungeon...

    Hateful, i don't want those days to come back. Besides, it is very useful for people who don't have friends 24/7 playing with them or the guilds that don't organise that sort of stuff.

  4. You're right about the problem thing. But still, eventually they will get around it if they actually put some work in it.

    I have no complaints with it atm since WoW is boring while this is not. Nevertheless, it's your call. Really you'll always find something to complain about after all but that's just a common thing, depends on Bioware if they're actually going to put some work in it or just sit back and milk this cow till it's possible.

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