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Posts posted by clonewarsisbest

  1. i see people wanting species to be playable that are hard to make different costumizations for. these species that i would like to see are ithorians, wookiees, kaleesh, hutt, rodian, and trandoshans. each of these species have enough variations that will allow these species to become playable. these variations come from swg, wookieepedia, and the clone wars. there are also speceis i call difficult species which includes houks, gands, grans, talz, duros, kel dor, and neimoidian. these species will be hard to make variations for and will probably never happen. but i dought that we will see these species playable anytime soon because of cost. tell me what you think about this.
  2. when disney bought lucas films they annouced that they are making episodes 7, 8, and 9. and later probably make episodes 10, 11 ,and 12. with all of the talk on the story line i was also wondering what the stories will. since there will probably be two trilogies i think that the first trilogy will take place in the yuuzhan vong war, and the second trilogy will take place in the second galactic civil war. what do you think about this?
  3. how many more clone wars seasons do you think there will be. i think that season 6 will be the final season because they are very close to episode 3. the only way that i see there being a season 7 is if they do another prequal season like season 3. what do you think.
  4. i get where you guys are going with that this is alot of extra work. for the ones that say that they want more classes a brand new class will actually be more expessive (with new companions, ships, advanced classes, weapons, gear, story areas, story lines, and possibly a new starter planet), but with a second story line to a exsiting class will actually be cheaper (only needs new companions, storyline, and a small number of story areas).
  5. i have been reading other forums about how people want more species in the game, but making a species playable is very expessive. i have been thinking of a way to make it cheaper for adding new species. the species i am thinking of are kiffar (which are humans with dredlax hair and yellow face tattoos), umbaran (which are like the like ratatakis without the face tattoos), give a cyborg option to all of the existing species, and enhanced human ( like the imp agent companion vector, the enhancements can be several different species like killik). i would love to hear your thoughts on this.
  6. i will be putting other posts like this about future classes and species and etc. i want people to know that i know that this kind of stuff is expessive to do and i just want to bring my ideas forward because i love playing swtor and i just want to help inhance it.
  7. i know it will be expessive but to keep the price down a bit they could do one class at a time. they could also reuse some of the story areas. look this is a suggestion was i just wanted the idea to be out.
  8. hey guys i have been thinking about this for a few months now. for each class there are two advanced classes and i would like to play both advanced classes, but the only to do that is to do the same class again and go through the same story again. so thought what if bioware made each class have a second story line with a different set of companions. you would unlock the second story line after you complete the first story line. i would love to read what bioware and other community members think about this idea.
  9. with creating variety for the wookiee species i saw a SWG video of the different costumization options for wookiees and i think that bioware should base the costumization by those SWG designs.
  10. i have been reading posts about how the wookiee species should not be a playable species because people dont want to see wookiee jedi and sith saying it doesnt fit. i think they should be because if you look at other star wars sources there are wookiee jedi and so why not sith? and with the issue with language there is a nikto in the inquisitor story and a ithorian in the clone wars that can speak basic with some cybernetic implant so why not give that for th wookiees. would like to read your posts.
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