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Everything posted by OneGuitarGuy

  1. I now have the same issue. After forgoing flashpoints in order to hit level 50...I got back and try to do the normal ones to unlock the hardmodes and I find I can't enter. That is not cool Bioware! What does a level 50 have without Hardmodes? Not much to do is the answer. I don't want to put all the time and effort into another character because he might have the same issue when he hits a level I want to do flashpoints at. I was able to do BT at level 12, but now at level 50 I can't do a single flashpoint regardless of group, non group etc. It's kind of frusterating/and infuriating.
  2. So, the planet Taris is definitely in dire need of fixing. Due to the fact that I've played all the way through despite map lagging and quest update lagging on a scale that leaves me and my current companion almost dead. I have still played this planet to get the lore and experience to move one. But I have almost finished the bonus series for that extra boost of EXP and find myself at 0.3...thats' right 0.3 FPS!! That's not acceptable. I hit that frame rate after having a solid 30-120FPS throughout my experience so far. I was then disconnected and after 20 seconds of logging back in I was thrown back into a 712 person que...We need a "grace period" of sorts to get us back into the game without a hour wait. And I will never go to Taris with any other character untill it's fixed. It sucks because it's such a major lore spot and has such great memories, but the planet is bugged beyond playability and it's a shame that the game was released before this was fixed. Anyway I'm in the que again and needed to state how I felt. Have a good night all and I'm loving this game otherwise.
  3. If you've already put in your pre order number then it's a done deal and you wont be able to use it again. starting december 16th those that have preordered will be getting their actual account numbers that can be then used to activate the "real game" this early access isn't being counted towards an actual game account until it launches on teh 20th
  4. Yes. Please everyone complain. It's the mature thing to do
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