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Posts posted by RealAeiouy

  1. Gaiys, we is probably gonna lose, lets not try when we can sit here and complain about premades.



    That sums up the thread


    It's amazing that people are laughing at the people who are playing the game they pay to play as opposed to folding their arms in protest of premades. Games are about trying to win, especially PvP. Even if you are 99% going to lose why would you enjoy sitting there when you can play, I just do not get it. And do not tell me it is to save the 2 minutes you will shave off this game to play another. Play the game, compete, it's more fun, even when you lose. Losing is not the end of the world.


    It's not just a comeback to win that you play for. If you are playing against a premade that is awesome and you and your PuG manage to score off them and prevent the 6-0 or cap two turrets its fun, even if you do not get a W.


    We disagree on gear progression but 100% agree on this.


    You can still have a lot of fun when outmatched. That is when you can get better. You can try different tactics or ideas that might not be feasible in a close match.


    Why someone would choose to do nothing over actually playing is mind boggling. They might as well stay in the spaceport. People who give up win a lot less often. This will be interesting in rated warzones with solo scores. In the long run players who quit/give up will end up much lower rated then equivalent players who never give up. I guarantee it.

  2. Does nobody think that practicing your PvP skills despite poor odds a good enough reason to fight on in a losing situation?


    That said I'm not diving into situations which will result in almost instant death but I will always defend the last turret til the end if I there is a chance of taking down a few of the opposition.


    Quitters never imagined that they are losing because they are bad due to lack of practice do they? :rolleyes:


    This is why bad players remain bad.


    Some of my most fun in warzones have been being spawn camped and while most of my team is cowering I manage to go kill someone or cap something. The idea of quitting or giving up does not register. The world needs ditch diggers too though.

  3. Let me clarify my point. PvErs want their cake and eat it too. They want gear with better stats and better visual appeal. But these same people want to restrict PvPers to aesthetic appeal only and limit or remove PvP gear progression. The solution of putting PvErs in muumuus with great stats but no aesthetic appeal and offering PvPrs great aesthetic appeal with limited stats was, for the most part, sarcasm. But in reality, if gear can't be the "carrot on a stick" for PvP then it must not be for PvE either. The two game mechanics have a symbiotic relationship in most mmos and are often impossible to balance. So if gear progression stops in PvP it must also stop in PvE. Skill should be the deciding factor in both PvP and PvE. Let's face it, PvP isn't the only place that gear can serve as a "crutch"


    I assume you are being flippant and actually understand the fundamental differences between pve and pvp. If not, let me know, and I will fill you in.

  4. Be careful not to hurt yourself climbing up on your soapbox there. The change affects me very little as I'm BM minus a couple slots. The reason I even posted is because BW has preached about easing the gear gap with all the recent changes to RNG and equipment com's being easier to get yet they come along with this severe contradiction and I'm left wondering who is driving this short bus.


    But what the hell, let the change go live for all I care. I'll stay cuddled up in my BM gear while I watch more people get fed up with this crap and leave the game all the while knowing that I'm growing up and getting over myself. Again, your sig is fitting indeed.


    So you are just talking about your backside. You just admitted you don't even know what your crying about.

  5. Why do only bad players constantly talk about their valor levels?


    How about anyone who has ever bragged about their valor level in the forums be made read only because they clearly have no idea what demonstrates a good pvp player nor what is important for pvp.

  6. This has nothing to do with having something to work for. They are essentially eliminating the gear from the game in terms of its functionality. How would you feel if you login and your level 50 gear got bumped down to level 25 gear.


    It isn't about giving people new gear for free its about them making the old gear worthless. If you really want something to work for I guess you would suggest Bioware just delete everyone's character after every patch.


    They didn't change the stats on your gear stop crying. Hey Zeus crist.

  7. Omg I for one am tired of these ridiculous crying rant threads where people act like they have never played an mmog before and can not even fathom how they might work.


    These changes do not screw over anyone let alone most of the pvp players. There is new gear to get and most importantly new progression. Get over yourself and grow up. Enough with these dumb threads.

  8. lol you too when you think you'll be bursting down a healer getting healed by 3 other sources with guard on them.


    All four of your healers are going to follow each other around? Seems like a bad strategy. Horribad outside huttball.

  9. Let's just say you have been playing longer, to make you feel better, then you obviously haven't been reading a long time, because you didn't really read anything that was written.


    PvP was fine, even with raiding gear and the PvP gear without a stat (since we are referring to vanilla WoW and not other pre-resilience/expertise games - SWG, EQ, etc...). If you had a hard time finding a guild to raid, or in the case of the old Honor System, you couldn't gain any rank...then these aren't developer problems. As for the rest, I already wrote it. Read again.


    Lol so your massive experience consists of a single game wow? Don't make me feel better just stop trying to act like a know it all. Your experience is minimal. Like I said games used to not even have pvp gear. Pvp in vanilla wow was awful. By the way I go back to pvping online in islands of kesmai in 1985-1986 on compuserve.


    Expertise solves a whole lot of pve and pvp balance issues and does so simply. Not a single person saying expertise should be removed have come close to addressing most of those issues.

  10. When WE say that expertise needs to be removed, it's implied that PVP & PVE gear need to have the same stats. Don't question it. Just do it.


    And WE who say that is dumb do so because we have extensive mmog experience and know such a request is ignorant and foolish.

  11. The common misconception is that expertise or pvp stat is there so that raiders don't own pvpers with raid gear. THAT IS NOT TRUE.


    Exprtise is there so that raiders do not get pissed off. Simple fact is that if the Best In Slot Gear is available in pvp, then all pvpers will be happy. But raiders will not.


    Raiders need to spend 2-3 hours in a dungeon to complete it then the dungeon gets a lockout timer. In order to do this, they will also need people to get into a decent group that won't wipe in a boss fight.


    Guess what will happen to the raiders if both gears are the same? They will then abandon raiding and get their gear through pvp because pvp gear progression is linear and requires barely any effort. Even if you lose, you get gear. Even if you afk, you get gear.


    Imagine looking for people for a dungeon only to find out that they would rather pvp and hate it because it is easier. In short, this game will die because its main focus is PvE or story telling. PvP in this game is just an after thought. Expertise proves this point.




    This is something a lot of people don't understand. Seperate but equal is not a formula the majority of pve raiders would be okay with...

  12. This! You don't need expertise, just make the tiers of gear exactly the same same stat wise in both PvE and PvP awards. Expertise only benefits those with lots of free time and not only segregates the PvE and PvP world, but it also segregates the PvP community to those with and those without. Tier the gear stats, but get rid of the expertise and the whole community could enjoy both sides of the game without a hinderance.


    People who pve raid are not okay with this idea.


    The only reason most people raid is because it is the only way to get the best pve gear.


    As a pvper seeing what pvers do to warzones while they play horribly trying to get gear I don't want them pvping for gear either. Making a single set of gear negatively impacts pve and pvp significantly.

  13. Most of the players defending expertise, hopped onto the PvP bandwagon during / or long after 2007...this is all that they are used to.


    PvP was fine before then (even better for the opinion of some). The excuse to say that PvE players will mop the floor with anyone not PvE geared has no basis. Blizzard put resilience into the game, because - at the time - getting into a 40-man raiding guild was difficult for some players. But since most games, WoW included, reduced the size of a raiding group...getting exposed to raiding material is really easy.


    As it stands right now, it was easier to become involved/expand-the-intrigue of newer players with an older non-expertise system. In that system the gear you used to cap your level was closer, stat-wise, with raiding gear than Expertise/Resilience gear.


    Otherwise it will just be the same 30-50 people gearing up, while the rest of the world goes and plays a game that doesn't cater to someone who unrealistically plays 24/7. I don't call something PvP if i am always gearing up to PvP. I call it PvP to prove i am formerly hardcore and can embarrass newer and younger "hardcore" players because my teammates and I simply play better.


    Lol no. I am sure I have been pvping online long before you were.


    There used to not even be pvp gear, pvp players had to pve for gear. That you don't know that or know no real pvpers liked that set up proves you are talking nonsense.


    Pvp players want to be able to get bis pvp gear from pvp. That is the only real concern. The rest of the issues come from pve players. Expertise easily addresses the relevant issues.

  14. You exit combat in PvP 8 seconds after the last hostile action. DOTs do not refresh this status.


    You're playing very unusual games of Huttball if you never drop out of combat. Especially given that the ball resets to the center after someone scores, moving the action quickly.


    Georg, I will check again but when I was playing my assassin I could run across the map alone and find myself still unable to stealth due to being engaged. I will check it specifically but in an active huttball match going eight seconds without any hostile action rarely happens unless you purposefully run away.

  15. PvP?


    What PvP fights are you in which last over 90 seconds? Healer vs healer? ROFL.


    Maybe in Voidstar, as defender, I can see you being in combat > 90 seconds if you are amazing and never die. Maybe.


    This change is a complete non-issue for PvP. This affects PvE Boss Fights tremendously, however.


    You must not pvp. As he mentioned you can go 10+ minutes in pvp without being in combat. As long as anyone who has attacked you in pretty much any way is still alive you stay in combat. It is easy to know when you play a stealth class.


    Sorry but this is a bigger issue for pvp then pve.

  16. This guy knows what he is talking about, please read.


    No removing expertise is a horrible idea. It messes up pvp and pve. If you remove expertise you have to make the absolute highest rated pve gear in the game attainable through normal pvp play. If you do that then 75% of the pve players will pvp for their gear half heartedly which ruins pvp for pvp players. At the same time the remaining 25% of the pve players will be upset that they lost most of the people they raid with and also that pve gear is being given away without effort.


    If you remove expertise without allowing pvp players having access to the best gear then you might as well shut pvp down. You can't just bolster everything and remove all items from pvp. There are already enough complaints about it.


    The reality is most pvpers are fine with expertise as it addresses the issues for pve and pvp. The only people who don't like it are those who want to both pve and pvp without putting in the requisite effort. None of the people who say remove expertise properly address the interconnected issues that impact every single player in the game. Given all those issues expertise is a very simple answer and wanting it removed is dumb.

  17. Hey there,

    I noticed a popular demand in the new feedback-request-thread is "remove expertise". I just wanted to hear arguments for that, and discuss them.


    Removing expertise is the single dumbest thing they could co as it relates to pvp.

  18. I will give you another reason why they are poorly thought out. I know some BH who are no longer player this game due to the changes that are coming in 1.2.


    I love people who play above average classes for months then claim they will quit if they are reduced. Can't really design an mmog by extortion so devs pretty much have to say see you later.


    If those bhs want to help they can roll on test and provide feedback. So many things have changed that it is worthless to guess the impact of any changes on paper.

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