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Everything posted by deanth

  1. My bad, I should've mentioned warzones, arena's and especially ranked arena's. When I 1v1 an assassin (usually because they are guarding the node), against equally skilled players, I generally run away, there's no point since assassins (deception) always trumps scrappers. Deceptions also has one 4s hard stun, 2s hard stun attacking from out of stealth and a 4s mezz.
  2. My main is a Scoundrel Scrapper, been that way since launch 2 years ago, gone through all the nerfs, directly to the class and indirectly (Recent crit nerf back to the surge nerf ages ago). I also feel that with the Obroan gear, primary and endurance stats were buffed quite a bit and along with augments, fully geared DPS are running with ~31k/32k HP, but our damage hasn't been touched to reflect that increase. I feel that the class has been marginalised from turning the tables in a warzone to a hit and run class, we can hit decently, but not run effectively. And because our weak defensive cooldowns, our play style gravitates more towards strategizing where, when and whom to attack. The devs said "Scoundrels/Operatives are meant to be shady, slippery characters that survive by escaping rather than sticking around to face the brunt of a foe’s attack". Which is the play style the devs wants us to play, and they further say our ability to heal and stealth count towards our survivability. And as many people have mentioned about our heals, I wonder if the devs have tried fleeing and healing mid battle, it hardly works without popping Disappearing Act/Cloaking Screen. Even then, a mere aoe, dot that's not cleansed, sticky grenades, etc just drags us back into the open again, for a 1.5min (specced)/2min supposed defensive CD, it feels quite lacklustre at times. Reading through the scoundrel top 3 Q&A, people feel that we are a lone wolf class, with the dev responding that it "lies with the stealther and the stealther’s allies" thus their reasoning in not buffing our burst with balance patches. In warzones, we are often the lone wolf attacking objectives, but during team fights and more so in arenas, we are hugely dependent on our allies, as a previous poster said, else our effectiveness is greatly diminished. Our burst rotation drains our energy extremely quickly and feels very stiff compared to shadows infiltration/assassins deception. What I mean by that is, we are dependant on upper hand, which is produced 95% of the time by blaster whip on a 6s cd, and I'm finding that sucker punch isn't returning upper hand (not doing the 2nd hit even off the internal cd that grants the refund of upper hand) regularly anymore. What I mean by a stiff rotation is the core damaging attacks apart from shoot first (+ flechette round) are blaster whip, back blast + flechette round(12s cd still don't know why they bumped it up from 9s), sucker punch, and sabotage charge (20s cd). I still play and enjoy playing scrapper, I'm one of those 30 fabled scrappers/concealments still playing the spec. But too often, I get frustrated at the limitations/role that I can push the spec.
  3. Easy fix would be to grant us 100% immunity from movement-impairing effects, knockdowns and physics during roll (But it doesn't break root and only cleanses slow if dodge happens). But since we are supposed to be and everyone else wants a CD placed on roll, why not give us a 5s CD on roll but for DPS, give a talent that allows us 100% invulnerability, dodge/evasion and immunity from movement-impairing effects, knockdowns and physics for the duration of 1.5s. Also reduce backblast back to 9s as many have already requested. And for scrapper/concealment, in talent tree, drop disappearing act/cloaking screen to 45s, and for dirty fighting/lethality defensive screen reflects 75% of damage taken back to attacker. Just some ideas without changing the specs too drastically, but would love for the gameplay style to change more, as of now, scrapper/concealment rotation feels too stiff and energy management is very unforgiving.
  4. As I only DPS as scrapper (concealment) in warzones, we need that mobility to get in/out of situations quickly because we have the worst defensive cds out of every class and advance class. Even then, roll is so easy to shut down. When it comes to ranked arenas, that mobility is for the most part, useless. In normal warzones, we can now be pulled out off cover/leapt to, there should be no excuses to 'not an effective counter'. In the beginning of voidstar, roll doesn't have an advantage to attackers, we cannot roll and cap faster than defenders leaving their spawn. Huttball, we have the advantage of getting the ball first, but doesn't guarantee a win. Civil war, roll can't get us to a node and finish cap if both left the spawn around the same time, and we'd be out of energy doing that as well.
  5. So you want to nerf operatives/scoundrels into oblivion...
  6. Yup, it's mostly the class. As a dps the idea is to get in and get out quickly. Kills include Assist kills, so classes with aoe on short CD's will trump scoundrels. Damage, scoundrels/operatives are the squishiest class in the game, as a scrapper, where everything is melee, you will either get killed too quickly or you run into cd/energy issues. As can be seen from pve leaderboards, scrappers dps is quite poor. As a dirty fighter, you can achieve top damage by putting dots on everyone as well as having a very strong burst after setting up those dots. Healing, scoundrels are up their in terms of healing, but sorcs/sages can heal more due to their AOE heals, I would also say that sorcs/sages have better burst healing than scoundrels but at the risk of burning a lot of their force.
  7. That is so one-sided... Op/Scoundrel Heals + Utilities: 1 HoT, 1 Minor upfront (1.5s) casted heal + HoT, 1 (2s) casted heal, instant heal (constrained by only upper hand), 1 instant aoe heal, 1 weak casted heals but crits grants energy regen. Stealth, roll, weak damage mitigation, dodge, 4s stun, 8s mez, 8s stealth mez (can't be in combat). Sage/Sorc Heals + Utilities: 1 (weak) Hot, 3 casted heals, 1 aoe heal (can be instant casted), bubble (instant 4k dmg mitigation), instant self heal. Force speed, boost alacrity and uninterruptible cast, 2x autocrat, 10s invulnerability, knock back, 4s stun, 8s casted mez
  8. It's definitely not fluff damage, and it's a very powerful spec, but it's a much harder spec to play effectively. Your major burst is going to happen around 5-6 GCD's in, if the dots haven't been cleansed already. Survivability is fairly low and lethality is out in the open most of the time with 2 fairly weak defense cd's. The lack of mobility.
  9. For those that can't wait for SWTOR to release their own free flight space combat, there's a free to play MMO space combat game called 'Star Conflict'. http://star-conflict.com/
  10. In the beginning, Scrappers/Concealments could burst down anyone in a matter of seconds without the opponent even getting up. About 2 months later at Guild Summit, which was 1 day later of the first round of massive scrapper/concealment nerfs, they had stats on the most to least played classes, scoundrels/operatives were at the very bottom.
  11. I feel your pain, I spent a few weeks also doing grinding 100 fleet comms every day, got 1911 fleet comms by the day 1.6 released. I also threw down about 15 million in credits buying mats from the GTN hoping to sell crafted ship parts only to realise after crafting them that they were already on CM and have flooded the GTN at prices I could in no way compete....
  12. In that case, I would like them to release full Dread Guard set on the Cartel Market because just having the gear does not automatically allow us to win in such instances as Hard Mode Terror From Beyond, Nightmare Explosive Conflict, etc. Also I would like them to release full War Hero set on the Cartel Market too, because just having a team geared in full War Hero does not mean we will win a warzone.
  13. You may wish to reconsider your darned good pilot statement when there's many people who have already completed all the new space missions. Dulfy already have guides up:
  14. Yes, you can complete the space new space missions over and over without the daily quest, it yields 1793 creds for completing the mission, and for the republic side space mission Regnant Station Assualt, there are 3 bonus missions, Destroy 1 Sith Ship, Destroy 4 frigates, both netting 5381 creds everytime and there's destroy 40 imperial fighters which I can't remember the creds off the top of my head, but i think it's in the 3k-4k creds range. And completing these bonus missions also unlocks a codex.
  15. Yeh.... I felt screwed over, spent 15 mill getting mats ready to craft T7 ship parts, and now they are buyable from cartel market, and already flooded GTN at a cheaper price than the cost to craft them....
  16. It's not a bug, because what you completed was the dailies not the weeklies which provide the black hole comms. By completing the new space missions once, you unlock the weekly version of it, but I can't seem to pick up the Operation Regnent Station quest and that may be a bug.
  17. No Titles, at least from completing all the new dailies. I can't seem to accept Operation Regnent Station though... But I don't believe we'll receive anything special by completing all the weeklies as well.... They are difficult and I personally like the challenge and enjoy these heroic space missions, but I agree that the rewards fall quite short for completing them and don't have the intention of doing them over and over again. Since it's on rails, once you know the mission, it soon becomes a grind.
  18. Never played the Imperial side of space missions, but if it's similar to Republic with different models, the big targeting reticule is just indicating that the frigate needs to be destroyed (everything on it). As to how to destroy them, there should be 2 shield generators on the frigates that needs i think 3 or 4 missiles to destroy each of them. To find out which ones are the shield generators, shooting your main gun at it, it will glow blue. Then the rest you can just use your main gun (the turrets and engines) to destroy.
  19. The new space missions comes in two parts, dailies for each new space missions that grant 7175 credits and 20 fleet comms each and a weekly where each mission resets on a different day of the week, e.g. Heroic Space Mission 1 weekly resets on Monday, Heroic Space Mission 2 weekly resets on Tuesday, etc... These weekly missions give 7175 credits, 40 fleet comms, 5 daily comms and 2 black hole comms.
  20. Some tips to completing the new space missions 1. I think the most crucial items you need are the T7 300k cred Power conversion module, T7 concussion missiles and the T7 Improved EMP. The T7 Blast condenser is very useful and maybe crucial for maybe one of the new space missions but not necessary for others. 2. Accept that you are going to fail once/twice and even many times... But persist and get to know the route and layout of the missions 3. Just go for main objectives, skip the bonus ones 3. Use arrow keys to move and dodge around the screen instead of using only mouse, use mouse for aiming. (I don't use the space bar for dodging) 4. You'll be using the power conversion module a lot and switching between damage and shield a lot. (Your hand will be jumping between arrow keys and numbers)
  21. No MK-3, still MK-2 BM is gone
  22. Those 3-4 ppl need to l2p Any dps can pull large numbers in wz pve =/= pvp
  23. Pretty much everything for the new warzone Ancient Hypergates have been completed, all but the ending cut scene back in August.
  24. I wouldn't mind that so long as there's stuff to do past that first month.
  25. http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/21321-gamescom-2012-interview-with-gabe-amatangelo Scroll down to zorn/toth picture, there's 2 questions which relate to when Nightmare EC is coming out.
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