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Everything posted by NetmanQ

  1. Need help figuring out what to sell. Green or Blue, shields or hilts. Help me out guys
  2. I think its too much to ask but i would love to see every mission for the same amount of tries, To know what mission gives the most mission discoveries per hour. Thanks for the great work.
  3. Yes, its the same missions but for empire/republic. Main question is are they really the same with outcome?
  4. I have a feeling its empire only mission.
  5. cant find The Automated Saboteur mission... It never appear
  6. So thats not a lot of money but still its 100% profit and you dont have to gamble like slicing/treasure hunting. Arifice/Archeology required. This works much better if you have 2 companions. First you pick a "The Syned Conjunction" archeology mission for 120 credits, never failed it and you get from 6 to 12 Rubat crystals from it. The other companion has to do Resolve Hilt 4 which costs 2 Rubat crystals. You sell that hilt for 75 gold to any vendor. I guess you see why its a solid money, i understand its not a big amount and you can farm 1000% more... BUT i know a lot of people who work/study and cant play the game and tab into it every 5 minutes or so is not a big problem. I hope someone will make money of it or tell other possible ways to do money without risking anything. Also would be nice of someone to calculate average profit, i am too lazy.
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