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Posts posted by TheGreatHambino

  1. Aside from starting planets, CZ-198, and Ziost I won't do heroics on a non-stealth class. Even with 326+ gear it takes entirely too long and drains all the fun out of playing. On top of that, seeing a level 30 mob withstand my attacks better than anything at level 80 breaks the immersion.
  2. I've noticed that when a bug is reported, Dev replies have basically said "Congratulations, you've found a bug that we've been aware of. Now that it's been found we'll add it to the published list of known issues."


    It would be great if they'd give us a more comprehensive list that way time isn't wasted reporting something they already know about, and we know what should be avoided in-game.

  3. Hi folks,


    Thanks for the report regarding Gabe Dovaro and the Balmorra Republic Bonus Missions.


    Our team is aware of this bug. For visibility, I'll add it to the known issues list:

    • The Balmorra Bonus Series Mission is not granted after talking to Gabe Dovaro.


    There have been quite a few responses like this from the Dev team. It's possible I'm missing some information somewhere, but shouldn't the Known Issues list be a list of problems that the developers know about, and not a list of issues that have been found by players? I'm sure people would like to know there's a problem with something they're about to do BEFORE they lose time, credits, materials, or gear because of the issue.

  4. My only mostly-tongue-in-cheek summary of PVP: walk in, get stunlocked, get mobkilled, respawn; wash, rinse, repeat until the match is over.

    Some people think this is fun; more power to them. I don't. Fortunately, there's other stuff in the game that I enjoy a lot more.

    You forgot the post-match whispers from the elite PvP player calling you garbage, blaming you for the loss, and telling you to never queue again.

  5. Exactly. Keep it up folks and they will just walk away from your feedback, having an open PTS, etc. etc.


    You mean like they've done for the past 3 - 4 years?


    Look, I think OP is way off base, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. The devs have a LONG history of abandoning their renewed focus and efforts (Class Representatives, anyone?). Harvey Keitel had a great line to Vincent and Jules in Pulp Fiction that absolutely applies here.

  6. Not having to produce new content means fewer staff, which allows the community to get to know the 4 remaining BW employees on a much more personal level. We all know Keith, Eric and Charles, but I'm really looking forward to learning more about Ted, the Operations Developer / Combat Developer / Environment Developer / Artist / QA Tester / Network Admin / Janitor / Receptionist / Intern.
  7. A developer has NO say in advertising. They are a coder, or an analyst, or a designer. They do not get a say in business decisions. Unless they are also the owner, in which case they will but with their management hat on.


    I don't tend to be a contrarian but this isn't correct. There are Job Developers, Business Developers, Program (not software) Developers, Relationship Developers, and a number of other "Developer" titles. All of them have nothing to do with coding but most certainly have a hand in the cultivation and growth of a business.

  8. When SWTOR finally shuts down, whether it's 6 months or 6 years from now, there will invariably be the "confession" posts on places like Reddit from anonymous former developers. What questions would you want them to answer about the life of the game? Personally, I'd like to know how many people were actually working on the game after 2016, and how heavily EA dictated development.
  9. I was just about to post a link to this article. If it's true, the nosedive development and communication have taken after Keith's promises to re-engage makes a lot more sense, although it's fairly obvious they're working with a near skeleton crew at this point.
  10. I live on the east coast and I've been playing on a west coast server since day one. I know for a fact that there are quite a lot of us playing on west coast servers.

    I've never had a single problem with lag issues. Usually it ranges in the 60's and I've had it in the 100's but I never had an issue. Give them a chance to investigate the issue and fix the bug.

    I know for a fact there's nobody playing on west coast servers.


    And there's no patch that can be installed or configuration that can be tweaked to change the fact that the servers have moved 3,000 miles. Geographic distance is not a bug. They MIGHT be able to eliminate a hop or two, but west coast and particularly APAC players are going to be negatively impacted by this.

  11. Hey folks,


    As many of you know, on Tuesday Keith explained that in preparation for United Forces we moved all current west coast servers into our Virginia data center. Here’s some of the key questions we have received about the North American datacenter change:


    Why not communicate this ahead of time?

    We made the decision to not communicate this information ahead of time because we wanted you to have the ability to immediately login and determine the impact to your gameplay experience. This meant we could quickly start gathering feedback on what you were seeing in-game (more on this in the next question). However, we have seen posts from players who made specific decisions based on location (such as character transfers) and we will be in touch with them to discuss. To ensure there is no confusion about this update in-game, we adjusted the server selection screen to reflect that all NA servers are on the east coast.


    My ping has gone up since the change and it is affecting my gameplay, what options do I have?

    Please continue to report it! As Keith mentioned in his forum post this is something we are actively tracking and working with our network partners to address where possible. We will be working through this especially over the next two weeks as we ramp up to United Forces.


    Could there be one data center in the Central US so that pings are more even for each coast?

    Creating an entirely new datacenter is a daunting task, even above and beyond the substantial changes we have already made this year. This just isn’t something that was viable in the scope of the changes we made for United Forces.


    Since all of NA is in one datacenter, shouldn’t we just have one server?

    Moving all of NA together would create a very heavily populated server. This would introduce several challenges: 1) Players would likely experience queues accessing the server and 2) It would increase the chances for server instability and downtime. There are also a variety of other issues, but a key concern was combining all of North America would result in substantially more character name collisions.


    We hope this answers some of your questions and lets you know what’s going to happen over the next couple weeks. Please remember, on November 8th we will move all players to their new servers during an extended maintenance (currently looking like 12 hours). We are also discussing starting a few hours earlier than usual (e.g., 2 or 3am CT), but will let you know a few days beforehand.


    Thanks everyone.




    I think this best describes by feelings about what was written here.

  12. Multiple threads have been created by Eric and the developers over the years owning up to their poor communication with promises to do better. That's how we got the class representatives, fan site initiatives, and talk of more frequent live streams. None of these lasted more than a few months.


    If the devs are truly hesitant to communicate with the community out of fear, they've done nothing to address it, and have in fact thrown gas on the fire by continuing to make promises they're unable to keep.


    I believe the reason for the developer pull-back is more simple: We're closer to the end than the beginning. SWTOR's path has been laid out and isn't going to change much if at all based on feedback, so they aren't going to make an effort to elicit it.

  13. I assume Eric or Keith, this will be looked at seriously, because you really cannot afford to ignore this issue.

    Of course they'll ignore it. They ignored pleas to keep daily CXP where it was at, they ignored the feedback on all the nerfs (even though they asked for input), and they ignored PTS feedback on multiple releases.


    We've been firmly placed onto their "Pay no mind" list.

  14. Daily CXP was just right. It was too low everywhere else.


    Unfortunately this is how BW rolls. Instead of boosting under performing areas, they nerf everything else to its knees. I'd love to know why BW thinks it's a good idea to disincentivize game play. Unless the CXP event is permanent, it's NOT a suitable replacement.

  15. They ARE increasing CXP across the board, by up to +75% CXP for sub 300's. They're also giving us another +100% CXP week along with it.


    But of course some people just can't have enough and want to put in minimal effort for maximum reward.


    You completely missed the point of the post. The "bug" has reinvigorated dead areas of the game, and led to some players re-subbing which is never a bad thing. While I certainly wouldn't mind if they never fixed the bug, all I'm asking is that they not take away a popular feature without having something to immediately replace it with.

  16. Amen, the CXP at these levels feels right where it should have been since 5.0 launched because we can gear out main, off spec, and alts in a normal amount of time instead of just exclusively grinding our main. That means that I can finally enjoy the game and do other activities instead of grinding. It also means that I can raid more because I have more than one serviceable toon so I can run group finder on off nights, help my guild's other raid teams when they need a sub and honestly just enjoy the game. As Keith stated, with the increased CXP the players have been happier and honestly from the drastic increase in numbers of players in daily zones more active.


    This is exactly how I feel. It's faster to gear through Ops, but the increase in CXP has felt like a fair supplement to the traditional gearing route.

  17. Keith, according to the recaps I've read you stated during the live stream that the daily area CXP will be dropped back to 75 per mission next week, and that you are discussing with the team how you can increase CXP for everything.


    My request is simple: Please don't reduce CXP until you have something to substitute it with. The increase in XP has definitely led to me playing the game much more often, visiting areas I haven't seen in a very long time. Given the instance population in these areas, I'm quite certain I'm not the only one. Taking away a reason to play the game without adding a different incentive doesn't seem like a wise decision.

  18. If BW were somehow able to prove they have a serious commitment to the development of the game, I'd happily drop $30 - $40 on a RotHC or SoR sized expansion. I'd pay double or more for SWTOR2 on a proper engine.


    But alas, I haven't seen anything over the past 2+ years that would lead me to believe they're going to do anything more than touch up the lipstick on the pig.

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