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  1. x12 xp = people leveling new characters = people having to do warzones in PvE gear to get PvP gear. I thought the answer was pretty obvious myself.
  2. I'm on TV!!! lol. This is Thoroux, and I'd like to say, thanks Dire for being a good sport about last night. My buddy and I were going to go to kill the world boss to put stuff in our guild bank for guildies alts and noticed that someone had already taken him down Imp base was nearby and seeing as I got jumped the other day leveling my alt, figured I'd repay the favor...of course all in fun. Was a pain trying to fight through all those level 50 NPC's to get to some people, but again, made it more of a sport. I want my companion to heal like yours btw, lol. Thanks again, see ya on the battlefield sometime.
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