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  1. Not to say I wouldn't take a job by Bioware if it was offered to me, but the basis behind the name of the thread was "What the hell are the people you're paying doing? Half your gamer community could do better in the think tank position here". But all your responses are apprecited, however relative or insightful they may or may not be.
  2. I want this game to succeed so bad.. But there is just so much wrong with it.. Honestly you have to first realise most people are playing this game because you sold it through Star Wars, otherwise it would have been an utter flop. The potential in this game is nearly unlimited, though little of it has been executed properly. Here are some changes that I have mentioned in general chats and seemed to get a popular vote on. Make a new class for either (smuggler vs agent) and again for (trooper vs BH). There's no reason that one shouldn't be able to act out their fantasy of being a gun-ho uber-geared imperial soldier.. Or that you should be forced into a faction as either a Bounty Hunter or a Scoundrel. I honestly see where you tried to link the two morally for a majority concsensus but this isn't what players are generally looking for. They want the freedom to explore the character that they have created in their head and playing it out on these wonderful pixels. (EDIT: A quick fix, however temporary it should be, would be allowing weapon specialization. I mean really.. You have sniper rifles with aim in there already!) Branching off from that last bit will take us to a second discussion. MOAR DECISIONS, say we! What if you made a starting point instead of creating more levels beyond the 50, which you are undoubtebly thinking of doing. This way players can start neautral and choose a faction as they get a feel for their character, and feel more personally related to their characters story. (As opposed to.. "Oh, I made it to havoc squad", I guess. Or "Oh, I'm not a slave anymore, I guess". This will also allow you to get skills in faster, as the begining of this game is, to be brutally honest, incredibly bland. The game doesn't really develope into fun until you're at level 20, so your free-trial honestly may have hurt you almost as much as it helped. Another branch, sir? Forget the World of Warcraft mentality! Yes, they paved the way for MMO's, but you can't let that restrict you and you can't be scared to break that mold, it's what players, (aside from SW fans now) are looking for. This could open an entire new faction if you wanted it to, gray jedi, renegade mercenaries, bounty hunters, and smugglers, rogue agents.. the possibilities are endless! Are we seeing a trend? You want to make everyone happy, from the people who are only here to "Pwn face!" to the people who want that juicy story or even Role-Play their choice character.. And usually to do that you have to see beyond the scopes of what people complain about to what is really important in making a successful game.. This list could go on for hours, but to spare you I will leave you with these. Maximise that potential! For everyone!
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