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Everything posted by Hierodule

  1. I have a theory, expressed in another post, that Bioware doesn't just like having voices in your head, it likes "you being the big bad guy secretly" You are Valkorian/The Emperor. He split himself into different beings to experience different paths of the world. Two more peices of evidnece I put together. Senya says to you on the gravestone when you're in front of the monolith "I get the feeling you're not entirely yourself when matters call for it" When SCORPIO meets you if you're not an agent she says "Only a slight deviation from expecations"
  2. It would be cool to have this as a title. best would be if it could actually replace you name Ok would be <character name>, Darth <Nox/etc>
  3. Meta version: We the customers are the emperor. We demand obedience from the game world. We demand to play it different ways that are really different. But BioWare Midichlorians won't do as we wish. There is another....
  4. The being revealed in a brief holocall glimpse will be totally crucial in Star Wars 1. The emperor in ESB 2. Maul in PM 3. GEMINI
  5. My only evidence: you go back to all the original planets, and everything is JUST AS YOU LEFT IT. There is no evidence of destruction on DK or Coruscant. All the heroic missions are just as unresolved as you left them. You are trapped in the carbonite dream, re-living your past over and over again. Blowing up the Death Star, I mean Star Fortress over and over again. A sillier theory, yes.
  6. GEMINI droid. But earth constellations are from a different galaxy. So what's up with that? Are there 10 more? I think it would be funny if the two droids end up getting married or something. Clearly they are counterparts in a way. And we had the MENTOR plot already.
  7. Yeah, crazy theory I had on my walk to work this morning. But lets consider 1. The emperor can divide himself into multiple beings and entities. Why does he do this? The example of Valkorian seems to imply that part of it is to experience different parts of life in the universe. 1a. he tells the Jedi Knight that he could perhaps live a life as a farmer or simple man, for the experience 2. So he has set eight different persons into the universe.. All of them are the "most interesting" people he could think of. One of them he has strike him down, and he seeds that persons companions with A Child of the Emperor. Another he has strike him down to free him to go beyond the galaxy. Another he has learn an ancient ritual of binding ghosts inside a person. There is also the youngest, most powerful jedi anywhere, who can remove corruptions. And a soldier, smuggler, spy and bounty hunter, just because the Force isn't everything [Weak point] 2a: The Knight must face a child of the emperor. The consular must fight a child of the emperor. Arcann and Thexan are children of the emperor who face each other. 3. "you are the one being who merits my full attention. you leave your mark upon the galaxy. JUST AS I DO" 4. Also Vakorian shows he likes the idea of setting two people at odds with each other*: his own children for example. The conflict between the Rpublic and Empire might be one form of this conflict. At least, Vallkorian has made the situation such that his new, more enlightened Eternal Empire is now opposing a new Alliance of Sith and Republic. *: or we could perhaps say the Force likes the idea of setting two people at odds to bring "balance" [The Force = The Plot] 5. Bioware is returning us to classic KOTOR Storytelling: Classic KOTOR storytelling: You are the Big Bad guy, actually. 6. HK-55 declares there are NOT 2 people inside your head. HK-55 HAD TO DIE unrecoverably to keep the secret from you. Half Life 55 Confirmed. Problems: perhaps the things Satele Shan and Marr say, but I have to review their dialogue first.
  8. Not as such. But there do seem to be a lot of similarities between some of the Inquisitor plot and the KOTFE plot. But maybe because I play it with my Inquisitor first.
  9. I know they tried to sell old models of ships from existing ship assets as cartel versions Those never appealed to me mostly because I didn't think any of them looked much like starfighters. But how about some star-fighters that look like Zakuulian ships?
  10. I had made progress on teh Aratech Coral mission on my character and when KOTFE started, all the progress has been reset to zero/zero.
  11. Agreed. The new way to farm mobs is to stay put in one populated place and just send the companion to attack whoever you select. They will totally dominate. They seem like they're not as Level Synced as the PC is
  12. Now that the old gear from old events is back, it would be handy to let us exchange old Tokens of Enrichment we may still be holding for the gear that's available, or even just some kind of exchange for the components needed. Thanks
  13. We finished #8 on Ebon Hawk. Same thing for me. The "Personal Conquest Reward" quest is still around too.
  14. I like having bloom on for sabers and other effects, but its too much on the Network Secuity and Orbital Power monitors. And probably a few others. Can those items be made bloom-immune or something?
  15. I'm thinking of ranked arenas here mostly. 1. That suggest good utilities to take 2. good rotations to use 3. offer class based and role based advice. Noxxic used to have some. Dulfy's are all PVE oriented. What's out there?
  16. The rendered video also showed some kind of troopers with physical shields. Yes to those too please.
  17. Anyone know of a good way to make a good looking office that would look at least as competent and businesslike as the ones in the CZ flashpoints? I find the layouts of most rooms hard to use for good looking offices. Anyone have any examples to share?
  18. I really don't demand a class "mission". I just demand that like, 10-20% of the time in convos some mention is made of my background and former role. Or I get to choose to say things in convos like "When I was on the Dark Council, I never would have let this happen" or suchlike.
  19. Really? Outlander to me sounds like some kind of foreign element with no real influence where it's important.
  20. Am I the Outlander who used to be best friends with Kaliyo? or the Outlander who's former medical assistant had a relationship with Kaliyo and never met her before?
  21. I'd love them. I'd also love if they will adjust the engine enough to allow wielding a physical shield, as they do in the cinematic trailer. I have a single weapon Juggernaut who uses a Cathar honor sword who would like to sword-and-board it.
  22. When Malavai Quinn has the Infected customization, his skin shows as completely black when wearing revealing clothing
  23. The cartel sells certain devices that can be used in game for brief periods [emotes] A fair number of these things malfunction. The one man band device breaks down and stops. The HY-G9 vanity chamber malfunctions The sparring droid blows up Any others? I can't think of devices that are current level tech that work right. The drink machine I guess. Thoughts?
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