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Posts posted by DLWhite

  1. A 100% fanboy post is just as useless as a 100% hater post. Most people do not fit in to either category. I would bet most people feel like this - "I like this game and want the issues fixed so I can enjoy it even more"


    Discussing the issues is a fair and sensible way to improve the game we enjoy playing. Pretending that issues do not exist is pointless. If I see somthing terrible in the game I will highlight it. Otherwise, nothing would ever Improve.


    Posting "OMG I love this game" or "OMG i hate this game" are both useless and should be jsut deleted. Sadly, with all forms of media, the extreme views are the ones that get shouted the loudest. The Fanboy and the Hater represent very few people and should be just ignored.

  2. Just becuase you have opinions and point out issues, doesn't mean you hate the game and want it to fail.


    Most of the complaint posts ive seen are from people who do NOT want the game to fail and are highlighting the problems so help save the game.


    Im glad people are highlighting the problems and im hopeful that the developers will do something about it. If we all jsut shut up and say nothing, then nothing would ever get sorted.

  3. Glad to see posts about the issue. The control responses are horrible for me and I experience lots of spiking. Having listened to the constant "its your computer/connection" advice, I was looking forward to improvement on the shiny new computer I got for Christmas. I was dissapointed.


    Im a huge fan of what they are trying to do with this game, but huge problems like this must be actioned ASAP.

  4. Really enjoying the game, especially the whole SW feel. Theres lots of things that make me go "wow" and a few things that make me go "really?".


    Don't for one minute see it as a serious 'end-game' MMO. As it stands It's just a million miles from that. Agree with most of the OP comments.


    Still a great Purchase though and I can see myself levelling plenty of characters and sticking with it a good while.

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