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10 Good
  1. I'd like to see Duinuogwuin NPCs. They would be kind of impossible as companions, but it would make sense to have one appear in a sidequest, as they are mentioned in the codex somewhere. If they did appear, they'd probably fill a role similar to that of the Hutts, NPCs that only talk but never really move much.
  2. You know, here's a good one. The best part is, its 100% certified grade A canon. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jeby Good luck Bioware, please and thank you very much.
  3. Right off the bat, that's an impressive list. And its great to see that Bioware is going to add more species like the players want. Cathar aren't the most obvious choice but I appreciate whatever I can get. I feel like the more species they add, the closer they come to truly creating an authentic universe. Filar-nitzan... I can't even imagine that as a species, but if it was used I'd be soundly impressed. But more than anything, I'd like to see the Starweird in the game. As enemies, fantastic. As companions, mind-blowing.
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