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Posts posted by Nocturnalis

  1. One great aspect of Ever Quest 2 was the fact that all items had 2 sets of stats. PvE and PvP. This way balance on one aspect didn't affect the other.


    Unlike here the Dev's are using a very broad stroke that affects everything.


    I am at the point where on my Commando I'd like to option to change advance classes with these 1.2 changes.

  2. You need to understand this game has been released for less than 3 months.



    This game is completely voice acted.



    the rate they are pushing out content right now is impressive.


    WoW would take much longer,


    I think they understand they need to increase the difficulty on raids to make the progression harder.




    Patience is an attribute you will need when playing MMO's


    Just b/c they are doing some things right does not mean people should not be vocal about the area's they are doing things wrong in people's eye's. If the PvP community just sat back and accepted the fact that they are pushing out content and fixing things they'd think we'd have no problems with PvP in it's current state.

  3. The OP just wants a carrot on the stick is all. What he is saying is that since all he does is PvP and did it for the reward (gear) if that is basically free now why bother PvP if you achieve nothing. If they added another incentive like a solid gold speeder mount or at rank 90 you get an ingame house to live in he would have something to look forward to.


    I knows exactly how he feels b/c I refuse to PvE outside on 1-50 progression. I like to PvP but there is no point. And it's not even that there is no point for me it's that there is no point for other people who I can go and PvP with or against.


    BW has created a vacuum with Ilum still broken (scrapped now) and PvP gear easily obtained with nothing to fill that void for the PvPer to say atleast we have this. War zones is not the answer. PvP needs to be on the lines of organized confusion not 4x4 sandboxes with no room to breath.

  4. That would be awesome although 3 fps would be terrible. I'm telling you, if they shortened it to 3 instead of 5 points, moved the bases to the 1st and 3rd area and made you have to kill something in the base to win, it would be Swtor version of AV and be the best.


    To add to your base invasion it would really nice to make use of the stealth classes. Sneak in flip a switch bring down an internal shield everyone start waling on object in base to destroy. Of sneak in flip a switch turn off base turrets if you can't kill them fast enough. I mean the possibilities are endless.

  5. I agree. Sometimes by the time I get to the starting area a bomb is already planted. I just say screw it and quit.



    No reason to start like that.


    Won't be able to do that and be happy with the penalty they are putting in for quitting WZ.

  6. To all that don't care about the color...


    why do you post on this thread then? If you don't care then why troll a thread of poeple who do? Oh because you're trolling, got it...




    I've seen the magenta crystal on sale on gtn (republic side) for 350k on my server(prophesy of the five). It seems one guy on rep side is crafting them, i plan on buying one when i have a spare 350k on me.


    It's not even close to purple. It's more like pink. I gave mine to my Companion Nadia :rolleyes:


    We can't settle for the magenta crystal we want full on PURPLE for Republic.

  7. Will be fun...watch how fast nobody wants purple lightsaber crystals when the developers finally just say "fine, everyone gets it" and the game turns into a sea of purplelightsaber wielding clones with nothing unique about them at all.


    Sounds like nothing will change or affect the game if you ask me. Look at Champ and BM gear. All the damn same look if you ask me. So adding a more obtainable purple crystal will just make more people happy and sub another month.

  8. It's probably diminishing returns on valor gains. Can't kill same player, X times in Y minutes. I've had no problem getting 150 kills by killing the same group of Imps on Ilum in about an hour of playing. 2-1 Imps to Reps. I've seen the message saying I get no valor but I eventually get valor from someone.


    The only way I can see that this is an issue is if you are an Imp killing a small group of Reps over and over.

  9. It's like playing lotto. Every bag opened is a new 20something % chance at getting a piece.


    Even if you opened 100 bags at the same time you are not guaranteed 20 something pieces. You can end up with 0 b/c of the RNG.

  10. A Resolve rework would take months AFTER it was announced. Bioware hasn't even hinted at the idea of a resolve rework.


    Sorcerer Tweak vs. Resolve Rework


    It's like the difference between replacing high power lightbulb with a med-power lightbulb and tearing down the whole house to fix the lighting.


    It's funny that Sorcerers want a resolve rework instead of just a small balancing tweak. It's like every OP class in history trying to preserve their dominance for as long as possible. It's incredibly frustrating to watch.


    I'm with you on moving talents around. I mean WOW did a few times. But the easiest thing to do is role one, a Sorcerer then it'll get the adjustment it needs. This tends to happen in all games turn a class into a FOTM with countless atl Sorcerers running around and they'll address it.

  11. So you don't base/spawn camp lower level players. Seems perfectly reasonable to me, want valor go do a warzone or go to Ilum.


    That's not a valid excuse on a pvp server. Also they can implement diminishing returns so you can't farm players. They can't also implement the valor system so that you can only get kills from X level above of below - NOT a 50 camping high 20's on Tat. They can't also increase the base guards (cannons) etc, etc.


    There is no reason this can't happen right now either. The reason why it doesn't is b/c there is NO point to it at all on ANY LEVEL.

  12. Shows how "pro" those gamers are. Might as well give them the gear so they can get to standing around spouting "I'm bored", emotes all day. You want to prove you're PvP tough, fight me in your underwear without your special gear, stacked buffs, buddies...oh nvm, I have a starship to raid.


    Seriously, if that's how people are going to gain valor, why even play? The devs do need to discourage this type of behavior. ;)


    They also need to open up Valor gains for other planets especially on PvP servers. Seeing the opposing faction these days it's pretty much wave and just keeping it moving.

  13. Sadly you get no valor for any of this. If we did it would promote more non-WZ-Ilum pvp battles. It would also promote pvp raids on bases.


    I'm not sure why BW chose not to give valor for open world pvp especially on PVP servers?!?!?!...


    My only conclusion is that BW is planning to open up cross server WZ and the pvp servers would out rank the PvE servers b/c the PVP servers would be gaining valor outside of WZ/Ilum. Solution cross server PVP server to PVP server only and PVE server to PVE server only ;)

  14. Eve-Online....


    This is the problem saddly. EVE online has hardened you. Now playing anything else is like childs play. There is no risk, there is no living on the edge in SWTOR, there is no stress. You get all of that in EVE. Yes the stress too. I lost a Mach to NPC's on a solo misison run and I lost a Tengu in a wormhole. Billion + ships with fittings but I bought them right back to continued again :D. I stopped b/c I could not stand the stress and the wife and children aggro while playing. I can get that in SWTOR and it's not a big deal.

  15. Yeah, right. Then why doesn't project interrupt someone caping an objective as soon as you cast it? Why doesn't it land when someone goes into stealth? You know, what happens? The rocks (or whatever you just found underground) just floats in the air for a couple of seconds and then disappears without dealing any damage even though it's listed as "Instant".





    THIS ^^^^


    Is is exactly the behavior I've been experiencing as well as a 50 Infiltrator Spec Shadow. I see floating rocks all the time in Ilum and WZ trying to rush in and either get a final blow on an opponent or stop a cap if my other spells are on cool down.


    I need to fraps these behaviors with the Shadow class.

  16. I fail to see the relevance of your Valor rank in the context of this conversation.


    Plus that spec somebody posted, why on earth would you put 2 pts into Soldiers endurance (2% End) when you could put it in Heavy Trooper (2% End + 6% increased healing received)?


    I believe he posted his valor rank b/c he LOVES to PvP. So I'm guessing he wants a commando build that will take him up to Valor 62 using grav round.

  17. Shadowbane - for the FFA pvp and the ability to completely wipe a guild and their Keep/Fort off the map. Can you say siege engines real ones. Also the thief class was epic......EPIC!


    All other MMO's more or less left the same from Anarchy Online (my first sorry, I missed the UO and EQ boat) to SWTOR.

  18. Hey,

    I just see too much QQing and complaining about NERF this NERF that. EVERY forum you can find someone saying another class in OP. I've seen Juggs and Guardians are OP. IA and Smugglers are OP. Sorcs and Consular are OP..Assassins and Shadows are OP..BH are OP, Troopers are too good...wow.. If everyone is complaining about every other class..maybe thats called BALANCE?


    Learn To Play


    Learn to Interrupt


    DONT let a DPS class just sit and spam an ability.


    Kill healers in PVP


    And most of all...you have to also take into account when you're hit by that IA that yes he just crit you for 6k and yes...maybe you are in full PVP gear...but he is in better gear, and has an adrenal and stim stacked with the PVP buff so for awhile he will be a monster. But, he is still squishy as hell. Maybe some tweaks need to be made but every class does NOT need nerfed. This game is fairly balanced in my opinion.


    With PVP experience in EQ1, EQ2, Lineage 2, Warhammer, AOC, WOW, GuildWars, Mortal Online, and Rift..probably more that I cant think of right now...The game is in FAR better condition that many of these others. You guys really need to say thank you to BioWare. They have produced a pretty damn good quality game so far, and are actively listening to your BOOHOOing. Balanceing is needed YES i do agree, dont get me wrong there...but its not as extreme as many posts make it out to be.


    What we need is a combat log to actually check damage and damage per second and do real testing, not just watching youtube and seeing a geared player killing non geared players or 50's in battlemaster killing lowbies. Or bad players in general getting beat.


    Sometimes you just need to stop complaining about the game..and look at the person behind the keyboard. Maybe YOU just suck....


    Devs, BioWare team...Keep up the good work... Give us a combat log so we can actually see numbers vs even matched / geared players and determin what adjustments need made at that time.




    What no Shadowbane? I'm afraid you don't know what real pvp is....

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