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10 Good
  1. There need to be items that you need a minimum rating to purchase. You baddies are the types of people who think trophies of any kind are bad. EVERYONE who shows up to the Olympics should get a medal for showing up. It's really not fair that people who are better and work harder get Gold while others have to settle for bronze.
  2. If you are having trouble with maraduers carrying the ball you are very, very, very bad. Force push/pull is the most powerful type of ability in hutt ball and marauders don't have that.
  3. WHy do we have to go through between points (space stations) to get to our destination? Why in these pointless travel delays are we not able to mount? We are ALREADY going through a zone with no purpose to delay travel - why add insult to injury by not letting us mount.
  4. I was SOOOO MASSIVLY disapointed with the final space mission (ascendency barrier). It is roll your face on the keyboard easy. I think the last time I played it I was trying to multi-task and ran into an asteroid like 7 times - didn't even come close to dieng. use the mouse to target what you want to shoot keep your ship constantly moving with w,a,s,d barrel roll every 3-4 seconds when the map gives you a rest switch to shield regen mode YAWN YAWN YAWN PLZ give EPIC CHALLENGE space mission, I want this so bad
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