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10 Good
  1. Well unlike a lot of people who play a Sage, I will not play any other class. The whole reason I still play this game is because I love my sage so much. I work hard for what I have and I play harder. I feel like my heart was ripped from my chest, thrown on the ground, laughed at, then stomped on. This whole time I was talking **** pre-1.2 to scoundrels/ops saying "i cant wait till you get nerfed" yadda yadda, and I'm the one who gets nerfed while I still get 7k crits. FML /wrists
  2. Maybe once they realize how big of a percentage of people unsuscribed because of thise they will attempt to fix it.
  3. Please hurry up, GW2
  4. I highly doubt a company that makes millions and millions of dollars gives two ***** what we have to say when it comes to challenging their developmental decisions. Play or don't play, they are still getting a paycheck. I would honestly not expect any of this to be fixed. The same thing is going to happen to SWTOR that happened to WARhammer. Fun as hell for a few months, then bye bye it goes because devs REFUSED to listen to their customers
  5. You just made a class that I could not log off of because I was having so much fun completely unbareable to play. Anyone who thinks that Sage was overpowered pre-1.2 is ridiculous when you have Scoundrels/Operatives running around opening fights with 5-9k crits. Not only did you completely destroy our ability to do any sort of decent damage output but you made our heals completely worthless in PvP as well. Thank you for completely killing all the fun I had in this game, thank you for making all my hard work and effort completely worthless and thank you for destroying my favorite class. I had to click the 'Cancel Suscription' button. Sincerely, One very pissed of Sage
  6. I completely agree. Everything I learned/worked hard for is now completely worthless. Gear no longer matters, because I don't have the abilities that gear typically backs up. I went from holding my own in PVP and being able to have the intense game play that kept me clicking "queue" but now, I get 1 Operative, Maruader, Powertech, hell any class im just stun locked, interupt locked and the 1 time I do get to see my 2.7 second heal go off it heals me for 1.8k....worthless, thanks for taking a class that I loved pouring gasoline on it and watching it burst in flames.... /suscriptionend
  7. Lol. This whole time I was excited for 1.2 because I thought maybe sages would go from complete crap, to kind of crap. Instead we went to absolutely worthless. At this point you have two choices: 1. Reroll Scoundrel/Op to keep up 2. Cancel sub I'm going with option 2.
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