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Everything posted by XiamaraSimi

  1. We can always hope they stuffed him in carbonite too, we'll just cart his popsicled self off to belsavis and see what that Mother Machine can do As for the whole but hes a ghost issue... Two words...
  2. No no no, the bunny is the sympathetic victim, dont you know anything???
  3. Hes abusive to the player in general, the whole wants to kill you, impaled you with his lightsaber, killed possibly billions to try and find you yo kill you. The guy stabbed you, tried to kill you multiple times, and you people want to **** him? Seriously?
  4. Im going to guess youve never been in a physicaly abusive relationship. I cant even begin to understand why someone would want to "pretend" to be in a relationship with someone that tried to kill them/beat them regularly. Some things just dont make any sense to "RP", especially to those that have actually experiened things like that. Reminds me of all those women who want to marry Chatles Manson...
  5. This is just as bad ad all those women/girls who keep going back to the guys who beat the **** of of them... "BUT BUT, HE ONLY BEATS ME BECAUSE HE LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURVES ME!!!!! No wonder domestic violence is so high, just reading this forum alone you can see people activly seek out abusers... Before the "But but i can redeen him...." drivel pops up, thats what those abused women generally say is why thry keep going back, that if they just love him enough he will change... they usually dont... Blech
  6. This: And also: Kinda like being Jewish, escaping from the gas chamber in a concentration camp, them trying to bang Der Fuerer...
  7. More people wanting to bang crazy, you all really need to watch a movie called "Fatal Attraction" Also, the trope is a lie, crazy doesnt always mean "Will do all tbose freaky/kinky things you want to do in bed because shes to whackado to care its freaky/kinky"
  8. Vowrawn was hilarious ^_^ While my warriors love their Quinn, my inquisitors would have had some fun with Vowrawn
  9. I didnt really care for any of the republic characters so are meh on their romances, but those who do enjoy them should be able to be re-united with them. My inquisitor wasnt overly impressed with Andronikos (it didnt help that all his customizations were all just flat out ugly) so my Sins all happily swirched to Team Theron. And were dissapointed on how much face time Lana got compared to him. My warriors? All love their Quinn, who is MIA, and want him back yesterday. My agents? Feel the same way about Vector, who is also MIA. Torian always felt...too young for the BH, so wasnt really a romance that drew me in overmuch, so of course that was the imperial male LI Bioware decided to grace us with... Im a woman, who enjoys men, and have zero interest in playing male characters so no input on male to female romances aside from feeling sorry for male inquisitors saddled with that twit Ashara. Thats what bothers me though, with the few options there are available in kotfe, they should at least make them equal. Lana, Theron, and Koth should all have -equal- time/resources/interaction/whatever invested into them. But they dont. If they want to just ignore all the old in favor of the new, if they absolutely have to "Just focus on the 3 new LI", they -need- to give them equal focus/attention/time. But they dont, instead of it being Lana 33%, Theron 33%, Koth 33%, its more like Lana 90%, Theron 5%, Koth 5%. Amd thats just biased / massive favoratism on Biowares part.
  10. This is the smart thing to do, which I myself do, but too many players cant handle having to spend 30 seconds switching chars and insist their heads will explode if they cant buy that shiney thing that very instant they see it As the thousands of posts long thread with people screaming/crying they were scammed by people posting things with decimals shows, your average SWTOR gamer cant be trusted to pay attention to what they are doing, and a bank toon is a better idea then all money pooled together all the time.
  11. Thats the root of the problem, like with the rest of this badly shoehorned one size doesnt really fit all joke of a story they gave us with KOtFE, the devs are pretty much trying to shoehorn us into only being able to "pick" Lana. They could put more effort into Theron/Koth, or returning other missing LI, but they dont want to, they like Lana, and assume that Lana is what everyone should chose, and devote all their time and effort on her, ignoring/pushing aside further work on anyone else. Bioware: Old LI? Nah, you dont need them, go off in a corner and play with Lana. Bioware: Theron? Why do you want to talk to him, go off in the corner and play with Lana! Bioware: Koth? Hes offended you dont love Valkorian as much as he does, we have Lana waiting for you in that corner with the lights low and 70s disco adult film music playing in the BG, go get her! Bioware: What, your a straight woman not into other women? Pfffft we all know theres no such thing as girls on the internet, its all just men pretending to be women to act out their lesbian fetishes/fantasies! Bioware: Your a man not into Lana? Your lying, Lanas perfect, look how much work we put into redesigning her for you to worship like we do! Bioware: Your a lesbian not into Lana? Lies, every lesbian loves Lana! All the men pretending to be one say so! Bioware: Your a man into other men? Are you sure? We have this wonderful (barf) girl named Lana that you might just change your mind for...
  12. Hes not Lana Seriously though, since the devs saw fit to take away all of our LI, and only gave female imperials back Torian Bieber, If your a heterosexual imperial woman and not a man into Lana, a man pretending to be a lesbian to act out his lesbian fantasies with Lana, or one of the few actual lesbians playing into Lana, your shafted. Koth doesnt count, hes to busy stroking one out to his Valkorian pinup magazine to care about anyone else So, that leaves no one if your not a female BH who romanced Bieber Boy pre-Kotfe aside from Theron. Who gets little time or interactions since the devs are all about Lana. Lana Lana Lana! :mad:
  13. Two people. I'm tired of this "Lana or else" ****
  14. If thats real, just rename the game "You only matter if you are banging Lana" :mad::mad: I was already pissed that they wont give us our missing LI back, if they take away the only one thats not for straight men, men pretending to be lesbians to act out their not so secret lesbian fantasies, or actual lesbians, im beyond done.
  15. Good luck to you wherever you end up!
  16. Sadly this. Also, if you want actual romantic interaction that isnt an afterthought, hope your into washed out blondes who look like ex meth addics.
  17. Never assume anything in Bioware games. In Dragon Age, telling a NPC named Leliana you like shoes tells the game you want to have a lesbian relationship with that NPC... not flirting, not picking romance options, just agreeing you like shoes... (and given most women like shoes and will agree that they like shoes, making -that- be the trigger/lock is the stupidest **** ever)
  18. Vector Hylus & Lord Scourge have been wearing bras & unitards for 5 years, sadly these all fall into Biowares "Couldnt care less" pile. (They sure made it a priority to fix Ashara asap when she had body/clothing issues, but then again, shes a female npc, they had to make sure they could ogle her in a slave bikini... )
  19. Yet after the 9 chapters of Kotet, where they dont give them back to us, they are once again dumping story to focus on other things. So they -might- get around to dribbling them back to us in a year or two... maybe...
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