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Posts posted by Tiggy

  1. A simple AoE ability would have interrupted the plant."


    ^ Indeed this. When this bug occurs, even if you are knocked back via Force Wave etc, you're still stuck in the door. So I guess you normally have 3 options when this happens:


    1) Stand there like a lemon until you die from aoe damage

    2) /stuck yourself

    3) Try and plant a bomb


    Most will likely try and plant a bomb and some might not even realise they're stuck. The bug has a higher chance of occuring it seems when people are knocked back into the door, the only way to minimise would be to minimise using knockback near doors I guess.

  2. I believe I was in that match and think he was knocked into the door through knockback (known bug), I noticed because I tried to heal him and my heals wouldn't land due to LoS, I tried to use Extrication on him to pull him from the door but it also failed to land.


    I have had this occur to me before (Note: I do *not* hack/exploit etc) - I was double knockedback into the doors and couldn't move from out of it, only aoe damage could hit me, the difference being that I did not try to plant a bomb on the door and instead used /stuck to kill myself.

  3. There is a diffrence in one person undercut 1 item or a hole guild undercutting with 40/50 items everyday.

    how much more credits do you need/want before you give others a chance the can sell there stuff ?


    I think you'll find it's not their entire guild, if anything Luviel does most of their crafting.

  4. So, tbh, you're basically saying that *everyone* on the GTN shouldn't undercut each other. It's the way the GTN/AH/Whatever works in *any* game. There will always be people that play the GTN to their advantage (buying all lower price things and sticking up for higher price etc), it's the way it works.
  5. I have to thank you for this guide by the way, in the end I decided to switch towards the hybrid tank spec rather than full tank putting my points first into the madness tree, whereas before I had points in the darkness tree (not max level yet) and just :eek: at the utility of instant whirlwind and deathfield. I'm obviously still able to protect as much as I was before but I feel I can contribute more now (instant cc and ranged interupting of capping nodes etc) plus I'm hitting that much harder now to help bring down healers etc.


    So thank you :cool:

  6. Still leveling my assassin at the moment but planning ahead with gear/builds etc. I'll be some of the time running alongside my other half's new healer so definitely wanting a tank/hybrid tank build. He's relatively new to pvp and healing in general so figured a tanky-type would be a good way of easing him into it. And no I'm not mollycoddling with guard, I still switch it to whoever needs it the most, it just means he's got at least one person in a pug watching his back while he learns the healing ropes. Probably leaning more towards the full tank build than the hybrid but we'll see.
  7. Lol how many times have you made this thread? Go reroll a republic if you really think that but i guarantee you will probably make qq thread about the republic on red eclipse. i have chars on both sides and there is crap pugs on both sides and winning depends on who you get on your team faction is irrelevant. completely.


    ^ This

  8. Its pretty easy to get high hps as sage/sorc if you're full heal specced with the aoe heal IF you are left alone since when you are kitting 1-2 dps you arent healing the group but if you are left alone to spam the aoe heal on the action you can get very high hps. Thats the main factor tbh :p Its very situational


    *force pushes Miss Bleezar Bunny*

  9. Don't think it does AP & Sticky nade though.


    It doesn't but if you hit your shield probe (useable in stealth) before/as it explodes, the damage is absorbed and the stealth doesn't break (from my personal experience anyway).

  10. Hi everyone - thanks for posting your concerns. We're looking into this right now. As we investigate, please post in this thread if you've noticed any sound effects that have been replaced with new sound effects or any that are missing. Thank you!


    Smuggler - Emergency Medpac (Instant heal, consumes Upper Hand) does indeed have a different sound now since 1.4 patch.

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