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Everything posted by Bullwrath

  1. Same for me on Republic side. Alderaan is not only fine. It is a piece of art.
  2. It seems Deathwing's Cataclysm hit so hard that it even smacked Blizzard in real life. Now *that's* a boss.
  3. Is your blaster broken? Does it contain a light side modification (like a blue color crystal) when you are above dark side 1 (or vice versa)? Is it equipped on your character? Are you targeting an enemy when you try to fire? I can't think of any other reasons at the moment, but if the answer to all the above is NO, then I think you are stuck.
  4. I agree with you, actually, except that I do use force camo as a closer on snipers in cover. In most other situations, I wouldn't do this. I mentioned it as a possible tactic to avoid damage until you are in killing range, that's all, not necessarily as the ideal tactic to use in all situations.
  5. I agree with the OP. I don't care how it's implemented, but find them and punish them severely.
  6. Holy crap! How did I miss that? If this is true, I love you. If you are trolling me, I hope Banthas use you as an enema.
  7. When you start to think about the choices in your RL in terms of "dark side" verses "light side".
  8. To answer the OP. Bioware has acknowledged the problem and has said they are fixing it. They have a developer tracker thread on these forums so you can see how they are communicating with the community. They have a question and answer segment where they will (weekly? monthly? I have forgotten) field 10 questions from the communtiy. They have implemented weekly patches with specific gameplay fixes; sometimes more than weekly. If this seems unresponsive to you, or if this is not good enough for you, that is certainly your own business and your ow decision to make, but it is untrue to say that they are unresponsive. I came from a game where the devs *truly* were unresponsive to the community and implemented sweeping changes *against* the expressed wishes of their clientele and had bugs specific bugs/exploits in their game for years without even a mention, much less a fix. This is why I canceled three WoW accounts and opened three TOR accounts. So far, I am delighted with the way Bioware acknowledges and fixes problems. It is by no means perfect, but it is refreshing after seeing what Blizzard did.
  9. Here is my experience: I started as combat and liked it. It was fast, fluid, and relied on direct damage rather than DoTs (I played DoT classes in WoW so I was thinking DoT=slow damage). In FP groups I was in, I felt like I pulled my own weight, and I noticed that as long as I kept my gear at-level while leveling, I was able to complete all solo missions. In short, I was happy. Then I read all the hype about Watchman spec on the forums. I was dubious at first, but as I was questing in Alderaan, I was noticing that things were becoming quite hard to kill with a lot of down time in between pulls. I thought, "hey--I am DPS, so I am trading high DPS for low survivability. seems logical." But I was curious enough to try watchman spec. I was *not* expecting it to be any better. Boy was I wrong. Watchman, sad to say, is head and shoulders above combat spec in both damage *and* survivability. It's not even close. Switching from combat to watchman was an immediate change from feeling like a punching bag to feeling like Rambo. The damage is better. You have healing. You have more frequent interrupts. You force leap more frequently with fewer range restrictions. It's faster. It's more fluid. It hits harder. It has less downtime. It is night-and-day different. To those still doing combat spec out there, I am *not* hating on your spec of choice. I wish to God that all three specs were just like three flavors of awesome ice cream. But in my experience, that is simply not true. I know that there are some awesome combat specced sentinels out there. But that doesn't mean watchman isn't better or that you awesome combat sents wouldn't be even *more* awesome as watchman. An Analogy: Jackie Chan is fully capable of killing a man with a spoon and making it look awesome. That doesn't mean that we'd be better if we went to war using spoons instead of guns. It means that Jackie Chan is exceptional. I see you combat specced guys the same way.
  10. I try to help you and you insult me. Nice. Let me try one more time. Your specific problem with our class seems to be huttball, and getting knocked off the scafolding into the pits. I am telling you that one-on-one this should never happen and should result in a kill for you 100% of the time unless the ball carrier stops to kill you and succeeds. 1. You are talking about the watchman spec and yet seem not to know how freaking AWESOME force camo is, so let me explain in detail: you have a talent in the watchman tree called force fade that makes this ability a 100% damage reducer for 4 seconds. This means that if you use it as a closer against a ranged class they can't damage you while you approach. It's not to get a "sneak attack" off, it's to close distance quickly without getting shot. 2. Open up on your enemy using a combo that will get your burns going. This will vary based on how much focus and centering you have. 3 Be ready for the knockback, if possible stand so that you are not between them and the edge, it's possible that you might not even be knocked off the platform at all, *but even if you do* as long as you are able to face them (*not* below the platform),and in range, and not stunned, you *can* force leap back to them. 4. It's true that resolute has a long cooldown. If it's on CD, you might get stunned, but the ball carrier will by no means escape you during this time. 5. Your target is now unable to get you off him 6. Kill him. Again, one-on-one, in close quarters, there should be nothing to stop this. I *do* play a sentinel. I'm sorry you are having a hard time with it. I feel like the Angel of Death in warzones. I am trying to help you and others like you who are having problems with this class. As for the other guy who mentioned that WZs are *not* one-on-one affairs. That is a fair point, but again if 5 of you *all* get knocked off TWICE in a row by 2 inquisitors, I will still argue that you are making a positioning/teamwork error (to put it kindly) and you deserve to get scored on.
  11. It has no search function, no way to type (or even better, click) on an item and run a search for it to see if it's available and what price it is going for. Instead you must enter in all kinds of information about the item you are looking for which you may not even know (such as what gathering profession it is related to). For a view of what a good Trade Network looks like, see WoW. I hate WoW fanbois with a passion (one of the reasons I left that game, in fact), but you have to admit that their interface is polished to perfection.
  12. Nice breakdown of the numbers. It explains what I see on my server nicely.
  13. I wasn't being sarcastic. His post was epic.
  14. Comparing whiny, entitled crybabies in two universes was FTW.
  15. I bow before the greatness of the OP.
  16. 1. Walk to target; use force camo if you are worried about getting shot along the way 2. Attack soon to be dead victim. 3. They attempt to knock you off, but you use force leap in mid air and get right back in their face. 4. They stun you; you use resolute. 5. They are now screwed; completely, totally screwed. 6. Kill them.
  17. Awesome. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  18. Here's a question: does zen apply to DOTs already on the target? Or does it have to be activated before using cauterize and overload sabre for it to work? I had always assumed it was the second case. (Like in WoW where you had to get mangle on the target before rip in order to get the benefit from mangle, for those of you who can relate to that.)
  19. TBH, I was scared when I read the initial responses to our changes while I was at work yesterday, but I reminded myself that a lot of people really overreact on these forums. When I got home I was relieved to discover that the buff that many were saying was a nerf was really not much of a change at all. I really didn't notice any difference at all, (but who can tell without a damage meter: hint hint, developers) except when popping Zen. *That* seems to be buffed. Watchman+Zen+Overload Sabre=Angel of Death The UI is not an improvement over the old system (which in turn was not an improvement over the previous system), mostly because it seems "slow" or "off" a little. It seems like I can actually push a button before the waterfall animation says I should, which sort of defeats the purpose, IMO. The allegations of "ZOMG GOING BLIND AND HAVING SEIZURES" are really, really overblown.
  20. I like the OP's idea. If you Derp and sell something you wanted accidentally, then you will have to go to a vendor and buy it back. Seems convenient and harmless to me
  21. This. Having those particular models of fighters would be completely out of place lore-wise. If the criticism is that there could be more customization involved in the purchase and equipping of the ships, I think that's legit, but then that's what content patches are for. I like the space combat very much. I am just learning the missions and I must say that they are a nice compliment to the rest of the game, and an element that I really wasn't expecting from an MMO.
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