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Posts posted by Nika_Alexandrov

  1. I say we have something a lot cooler. Like a Tarisian stronghold. I always thought it'd be cool to live in a reconstructed tower and watch the swamps evolve under me.

    Not a fan of taris all that garbage and everything ugh.

  2. Agreed. They should make it so when we complete the Heroic, we get a Heroic Transport back to the questgiver to see the cutscene.

    It would also fix the broken codexes and titles like Imperial Scholar..

    It would indeed and that would be a good option. Same with A Question Of Motivation. I miss being given the option to either tell the Lt to surrender himself into custody or take the darkside option.

  3. I wish they'd give us the option for the old heroic cutscenes. Couldn't they just make it so that the Heroic Transport will return you to the questgiver and you could claim your reward that way?


    I wish they would as well. It's so irritating that they've made heroics all grindy now. Half the time I don't even care to do them except for credits or the loot. No honest joy in doing them anymore. No story feel to it, just like the way they have most of the quests in Warcraft nowadays.

  4. I'm not exactly for Ashara to become 'darkside' per se but I do wish she would have a little growth. From the time I gain her as a companion till the time of the end of Illum, she stays that petulant rebellious teenager. A lot of time and experience is covered through that and she does not grow in either direction. She does not become more resolved in the jedi way and she does not embrace the sith.


    One of my wishes is to flat out tell her she will never be either, take away her lightsabers and leave her on Alderaan. "this is where you belong".


    No she doesn't, again like I said it's always her way even though everyone around her knows more. A real sith would've flashfried her the moment she said no. And I'd had the option I certainly would've done so or sold her to the huts after severing her connection to the force.

  5. This is very true,

    but again she was treated as a commodity her whole life. First her parents, then the nobles then finally the Jedi not to mention Baras as well. When she fell it was because not just of those things mentioned but the freedom the Sith Warrior gives to her. For Ashara she's just the spoiled brat in need of being smacked upside the head repeatedly. The writing for her I've always felt was poor at best because of how stupid she acts.

  6. 1) Count Dooku Lightsaber. Would be interesting curved fencer's style hilt and everything. Don't have to call it Dooku/Tyranus lightsaber either.

    2) More trenchcoats, and better gunslingerish hats. The only one that looks halfway decent for coats is unfettered Trench coat, and as for the hats like the Shrewd Rascal's One is awful, the antenna thing really makes it look stupid least in my view as does the underhood or whatever its called.

    3) Aquirium; I've mentioned this before but those would be nice for strongholds. Red, Green and Blue variations with just some generic fish swimming back and forth nothing really fancy, but eye-catching all the same.

    4) Holsters that you can slip blasterpistols into. Self explanatory for the bounty hunters and smugglers who want to play the part of a gunslinger/fast draw artist.

    5) Lightsaber crystal making furnace/oven like the one described in Shadows Of The Empire. Already have the lightsaber forges so why not something for making the actual crystals with maybe thin tendrils of smoke coming out.

    6) Black Sun styled armor; be nice if there were armor pieces with the Black Sun logo. I mean we've got Exchange, Kuat, the Hutt Cartel and Republic and Sith so why not Black Sun?

    7) Sith Lanvarok: The Sith lanvarok was a wrist-mounted projectile launcher that could fire a volley of metal discs, usually in a small but unpredictable spray pattern, which made dodging or blocking the deadly projectiles very difficult. Due to the lanvarok's exceptionally long reload time, it was best used for delivering a one-shot surprise attack. To counter its lack of accuracy, a Sith could use the Force to guide the discs to their targets, turning the lanvarok into an incredibly deadly weapon.

    8) Some more gaming tables, computer terminals, wineracks; be interesting as well same with cabinets holding cups, dishes and plates. Glass or wood would be fun, same with more kitchen related items.

    9) Holo band and stage, for lounge areas. Animal pens with animals in collections in them as well.

  7. In her last message to me that seemed to be somewhat the case. She said that "We never belonged to those failed orders" by which she means the Jedi and Sith.
    And yet you aren't given the option to tell her to take her jedi ideas and shove them where the sun don't shine. Every time I talk to her she acts like she again knows more than the Sith she's serving even though said Sith supposedly turned her from the the jedi path.


    Perhaps I'm expecting too much just with Jaesa she falls hard lashing out from what I've seen after everyone around her before the Sith Warrior wanted to use her as property. She was first a means of raising her parents status, and then as Nomen Karr's magical glowing rod in his callous war against Darth Baras. Meanwhile Ashara she's supposed to be prideful and stubborn and aggressive the very ingredients for a fall yet soon as you get her complete 180 with her insisting the sith have to change and be more jedi like to which my Sith Inquis always wants to strangle her for trying to inflict her values onto my character ya know?

  8. They are listed below and were not awarded at all. When speaking to a customer service rep repeatedly all I got was a run around instead of fixes for the issues. Both quests listed are Stage One Through Three quests that are supposed to show up and do they? No, even after the 'show exploration missions' are enabled. Instead of throwing out new patches can you devs actually fix these issues?


    1) Archaelogy Of Opportunity - Tatooine. (Obtained the proper quest 'the thing that czerka found' but did not receive Archaelogy of Opportunity.

    2) Demoralize and Demolish - Alderaan (obtained Hive Mined and yet this one also did not appear as it used to before the kotfe patches)


    As in both cases the 'show exploration missions' had already been enabled and I was on the appropriate quests and again nothing. No little droid showing up no nothing. This did not happen before the new system and another quest I worry about having the same issue will be the 'Unwelcome Alliance, Friends Of The Republic' for exactly the same reasons as detailed above.


    Character: Xaviia

    Server: Proginator

  9. I am not sure if it's already been mentioned, but if anything, more correspondence with our LIs would be wonderful.

    The message received from Torian after the reunion carried a lot of weight for me. Considering it doesn't require a cut-scene or voice actor recordings, it would be really nice to get semi-regular messages from them in our mailboxes.


    Little touches like that would really enhance the experience, and I don't believe they would be difficult or expensive to make happen. (Being able to save messages would be nice too - but one thing at a time :) )

    In case of Torian I really wanted my Sith warrior to tell him and all the mandalorians in general off. (Isn't a fan of them). Would be nice to have more I mean the claim that they are returning to storytelling seems at least to me not completely accurate when you don't have the option to do more with the new companions as well as the old.

  10. To be honest, i ain't sure, i only heard a rumor.


    But yeah, like you said, it was a total rip off. I got an emergency medical table, a stupid pet, two companions gifts and supplementary armor. And i used all of my complimentary coins just to get the things above. Either Bio Ware should give us more complimentary cartel coins per month or lower the prices. Seriously tho!!!


    EDIT: I personally think they should add a vendor in the fleet that sells one pack for like 90,000 or 100,000 credits.



    This is something else they could do or offer decoration specific packs, armor specific packs and weapon specific packs so you don't feel like your playing Russian Roulette all the freaking time. Another thing is increase the chances of actually getting those things.

  11. yea, leveling it to rank 50 with grade 6's from odessen takes 150+ i think - thats 4500 crystals.


    So yea - grinding.


    too much grinding for me to wanna do for 40 characters in the end.


    i am focussing on getting all companions up to rank 50 on 1 character, just for the completion - and im only a little over half way there, using all gifts i have gotten on all character, and spending all crystals from all characters to buy gifts.


    i might not play as much as you, cause my work is very time-consuming, but i do think i play more during a whole week than the regular player.


    it just feels very unrewarding to have to do it all over on all my alts - even if i can just do 6-7 on those.

    Feels that way to me as well and part of the issue is you don't have any companion sidequests like you did for the others. There's no Sith Warrior getting the option to talk to Aric after the events of the latest chapter to boost up affection/influence which also rather sad.

  12. I bet you also QQ when a thread is Necro'd. It doesn't hurt you, so just move on instead of a a bunch of whining.


    Yes please to the Legacy Bank holding credits idea.

    Would be a nice option that way you can also have better chance of figuring out how much all your toons have total and pooling the amount for something better without having to hop from one toon to the next.

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