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Posts posted by Bolo_Yeung

  1. 2 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

    Because they probably had the option to take it down immediately or a bit later.  They chose the later time because there are probably less players on at that time than would be affected if they took it down immediately. 

    The devs aren't taking server down to *fix* it, but to add monitoring /debugging tools to determine what's causing the problem, so it could wait 2 more hours (or until morning, because they have to sleep too :) ).

  2. Again - got into a match, lost badly with selfdestructer. 21 selfies.


    On 4/18/2023 at 8:16 AM, Traceguy said:

    I don't know about you, but camping near spawn is how you get kicked for not participating. No enemy ship ever goes to another teams spawn, and if both teams stayed at spawn, then nothing would happen. Stalemate.

    There is already a vote to kick system, and it works for inconsiderate people who want to camp at the start.


    Camping close to own spawn, in a tight space, so the attackers arrive 20 seconds after their spawn with engine depleted while defenders being in place with still some juice. Since the attackers have to do damage - or they'll 'no contribute' as well , it is a pretty winning tactic,


    On 4/18/2023 at 8:25 AM, Traceguy said:

    Self destructs can happen a lot unintentionally. If you even tried to scan for intentional self destructs, such as 0 assists, you just open a window for someone to self destruct after getting 1 assist, or self destruct after every 1 assist.

    The real problem is there is no big incentive to win GSF. There's no leaderboard, no trophy, no reward, nothing. If Bioware wants people to stop throwing matches, they have to start handing out trophies to the winners. Imagine if in the real world, winning the super bowl amounted to nothing. No pay, no title, no rings, no trophy, nothing. Just a personal feel good feeling of "I won". And no one else even cares you won, not now, and not tomorrow. And in a minute after the match is over, it doesn't matter who the victors were.



    I am asking for a solution that can be done with minimal effort, since GSF isn't exactly focused on by the devs. Sure, there are ways to dix TDM, but need more work - and that reduce the chance of it happening.


  3. 4 hours ago, Toraak said:

    1st of all, camping near your own spawn is not necessarily the correct strategy. I have been in countless Death matches in which going on the offensive is what wins you the match. I find that camping near your own spawn point usually ends up in a loss.

    Not 'own spawn' but 'close to own spawn in a nicely defended place'. In most matches, you can see instructions on chat: "don't chase, wait for them to come" while enemy side have exactly the same instructions on their chat. Sure, if one team is clearly superior, then they'll win, but with equal teams defenders have huge advantage,.

    Problem with selfdestructers is basically that you can que from lvl1. Even if you're banned, you can just make a new account and do it again. Someone is doing it, we're reporting, it takes a day or two for the team to review report and (let's be optimistic) ban the offender from que. In meantime, s/he is still doing it. After that day or two (or ten), making a new account and jumping into gsf again takes maybe... 10 minutes? And here we go again.

    Sure, there are better ways to prevent it, but unfortunately that would need working on gsf mechanics... and how much chance the game team will do something that needs a little more complicated work in gsf?  I don't blame overworked people but sad reality is that gsf is on a very low priority. We still have medal bug for a long time. We still have deselect bug for a few years... I assume that removing one game mode could have been done easy enough to actually be done until better solution is invented.

  4. Okay... I see just added credits mosquito bites, irritating for new/f2p players. Now, how long will be 1B sinking in 5k travel costs? Fast travel 200k times just for fun?

    Seriously, the work should be done at income level. Slowly nerf the biggest income sources (slowly - because fast deflation will result in players holding credits like hell and releasing them in bigger packs, disrupting the economy) - and it will heal.
    Well, unless the point is to maximally coerce players for subbing then current changes are a step in 'good' direction.

  5. I concur with 'exhaustion zone', but for both teams. When you spawn, you have to leave it within 10 seconds.

    Also, making more spawn points would help a little. Though if enemy teams is capable of spawncamping, then the enemy team must have a huge advantage, so it's a loss anyway.

    Basically, the only problem is vulnerability on spawn (while the hyperspace exit animation is played, enemies can target you).

  6. Read: I got spanked by a T3 Strike and never figured out how to counter slicing, therefore it’s a pathetic conce


    There is no 'counter' for slicing, except lovetappingg the slicer with ion rail.


    Personally, I would be fine with it (for me it is a cancer of GSF... but well, there is no perfect ballance, so let the people who can't play anything else have some chance to score a kill); though I would just add a noticeable visual effect / sound alert for being sliced. Something like being EMPed.


    PS. Got subbed for a month, will see how the new expansion works ;)

  7. Ten medals in a badly losing DOM match? How about these ones:


    Assassin 1 solo kill (probably a proton torp, but railguns work too).

    Doable. Not guaranteed though - if most of the enemy team is close to sat with a repair drone, you will have to get lucky with railguns; protorps near sat aren't nice to lock. Also, a good team will react to enemy GS near sat.

    Combatant 10k damage dealt.

    Sure. Ion rail can do it easily, let's add even 20k one dfor teh 'sure' medal.


    Mechanic 2k repaired, (if getting butt kicked hydrospanner self heals will take care of this).

    If you're aiming for this medal, sure. There are way better wingman options though;


    Assault Destroyed 2 defense turrets.

    Siege Destroyed 6 defense turrets

    Demolisher Destroyed 8 defense turrets (actually a lot easier in losing games because there are more enemy turrets to pop).

    Assuming you aren't fighting but farming medals.

    Quick Draw 2 kills

    Assuming the rest of the team is halfway competent, if you're focused on, it can be hard. Especially in Dom matches with one spawn point.

    Support 4 assists


    That means the rest of the team must have 4 kills. Not always the case


    That' the 8 easy ones, but with some combination of Defense 1 min, Offense capture 1 objective, Fighter 8 kill assists, Ace 5 kills, and Destroyer 20k damage it should be doable to cobble together the last two with a bit of effort. Maybe even 30k damage if you cheese Ion railgun AOE at bomber junk around a sat.


    That assumes you are farming most medals instead of fighting - and the team is good enough to keep enemies attention out of you. It is not always the case, due to the lack of matchmaker and frequent placing 2 premades against 4-6 newbs.

    Sounds like a fairly modest mid-pack scoreboard line to me.


    Sure, you could get less, but 10 is fairly unremarkable a level of decent competence. Getting well into the teens might be a stretch, but 10 is maybe more within reach than some people realize.

  8. I got curbstomped in my first 10-20 matches, then I went and did research and watched vids, and no longer got curbstomped. It helps that I am an FPS player which helped me a lot with my aim...I never took getting curbstomped as a discouragment but as a challenge...

    YOU did it. I had the same problem too, but I did it. But I really like this PvP activity, if not for it, I would leave SWTOR permanently long ago.

    The problem is - how much people just tried the gsf got curbstomped few times (or were in 500:1000 DOM match, where they couldn't absolutely do anything, because people did 2:1 split) then said 'meh, *** it'?... The fact that *you* had the dedication doesn't mean *others* will. Maybe those others *would* stay and get better if not for the fact that they were discouraged at the start?...

    Also, don't forget that GSF is a team game. You won't do anything about good premade alone.



    15k+ dmg or 10medals is what I consider a decent player....

    With all due respect, you didn't even differentiate between TDM and DOM here. That says something ;)

    Also, assuming you'd say '15k+ dam in TDM or 10 medals in DOM - good luck getting 10 medals in DOM against a good premade with newbs at your team. Unless they decide to extend your suffering and leave you at one sat alone. 15k+ with (1 good pilot and newbs against premade) in TDM is doable... with an T1 GS and AoE ion rail. Which won't change the result much...


    90% of players I encounter on either teams cant even manage that...

    Where did you get that '90%'?... because I can say that is an absolute fake number, unless GSF community on your server is totally fresh.


    If you do your minimum research and put a minimum effort in the game and have the minimum motor skills, you should be able to get through those thresholds, unless you have 10 Sprigs flying on the other team.


    You can get 15k damage and still do practically nothing. Especially in DOM.


    This is how a competitive game goes: You start as a noob getting rekt=> You do your research => You apply your research in your gameplay=> You improve your skills=>You rek noobs, if you don't get to the last part, you rinse and repeat the first 3.


    Now, will people have the MOTIVATION to do it? Because that's what I am saying about. Initial curbstomp will flush most people from the queuing, so you will get the matchmaker with easier work but way lower playerbase to choose from. Resulting in longer waiting times.

  9. Trust me that you can do really good in an non-upgraded ship.

    Assuming you are an experienced pilot. Not everyone is.

    And remember that we all had to struggle at first.

    True, but premades in the first year of GSF weren't much of a thing.

    MM in GSF even if tempting, is sadly not possiblle since the population of GSF is already quite small. Do you want to wait in Q for hours?

    First - I am maybe not an 'ace' but I suppose in upper 25%. Quite often I am getting teamed with some of premades against a 4-5 4 shippers that result in a curbstomp battle, so the matchmaker COULD do better without reducing the pop frequency.

    Also, I am pretty sure that discouraging newbs , stomped 10 times in a row, from queuing again will reduce - in long term - pop frequency way more than proper matchmaking.

    Some people just are using influx of new players from Steam to farm their stats... and in effect making sure they won't stay qued.

  10. Well, for me - why bother if someone can be called 'Ace' or not? :)


    Won vs lost matches? Should be different for solo / premade mostly pilot.

    K/D ratio? Unfortunately the stats aren't differentiating between domination and TDM matches, in Dom, sometimes tactical selfie or kamikaze attack is needed.

    Matches played? Know some people that have 1k+ matches and still are making a newbie errors (myself included :D).


    Just play and have fun :)

  11. Hi all!


    As I mentioned last week, there was an additional pass on Conquests for 6.1.4 we were performing. We have this ready to go now, so I would like to take this opportunity to go over what it entails.


    • Starfighter: Dominate the Stars is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily Repeat).

    In my opinion this is very bad - Starfighter matchmaker isn't working correctly (unless the goal is to make one-sided matches), so putting an continuous emphasis on winning a match will lead to more "premades vs bunch of newbs" matches (and in effect, will scare the newbs away from GSF, or they will just "sit and wait for the match to end" - or even self-destructing to end it faster in TDM).
    My suggestion: Leave Dominate The Stars as one-time goal. Add infinite Medal of Bravery instead. This will promote actually *doing* something in a match, even if the match seems lost from the start.

    • Missions: Heroic is now only available in the 10-49 Level Bracket (change from 10-49, 50-70, 71+) and is now an Infinite Repeat (change from Daily Repeat).
    • Many “Complete [WEEKLY] Mission” Objectives are now Daily Repeat, allowing multiple characters per Legacy to complete them.

    Well, that will pull people into "doing the same planets again and again". and remove the diversity for endgame chars in my opinion...

  12. I'd argue that experienced pilots wouldn't run that tactic, but I'm afraid that isn't the case.

    Good, coordinated premade may try this and be successful. But not against a good, coordinated premade of gunships.

    And I rarely see this tactic working in real matches anyway.

    What is the reaction of typical average-to-good pilot if he doesn't have a target in range? Advance forward. If I am going to 'try to break the fortress' then the respawners (assuming the rest of my teams scores kills, if that is not the case, then ... doesn't matter anyway) will focus on scout attackers. My team doesn't have targets in range, so they are advancing too. Fight gets closer to enemy spawn.

    Finally, you get killed. Fight returns to stationary 'chess' of GS. The only difference is that it is closer to enemy spawn. Your team gets picked one by one, replacements aren't coming back fast enough (can be countered with the beacon, but that means one less useful ship in your team). Slowly, team dies.

    Fight comes back to middle, only the enemy has a few more kills.


    Aynway, even if you are loosing while trying to crack the fortress, it is more fun than sitting there and trying to snipe along with your fellow players. At least you get the Death Star trench run feeling :)

    If you like to play Porkins, go ahead. But I am afrad there aren't vent shafts that would allow you to 'insta-win' this battle.

  13. There certainly is a solution. 1-2 gunships with Ion Railgun who know what they're doing and 2-3 battlescout pilots who know what they're doing. Which means that about 1/2 to 1/3 of the team needs to know what they're doing.

    To get bombers, friendly GS have to go into firing range . Since bombers are behind GS (or hiding in asteroids), that means friendly GS are targets for enemy GS.

    It is doable - but the level of coordination needed is far greater than needed to build good 'fortress'. AND - if the 'fortress' players have the same levels of coordination, they are able to counter this with ease.

    Thus, theoretically doable, practically impossible, assuming equal level of skill.


    The only counter is to adopt the same tactic - maybe with some T3 scouts giving repairs / tensors/evasion boosts etc.

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