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10 Good
  1. Tera would disagree with you
  2. It should be removed after lvl 30 at least. I mean for planets at lvl 30+. The world does feel empty and this is also something i never liked in Age Of Connan tbh. I think Warhammer Online had it removed after you reached a certain area/lvl.
  3. Thank you. Yes, you are right about that.. the thing is (i know this is nothing new) they have to release the game at some point.. and MMOs are not easy to make and to test.. The state of the game is not as bad as some people are try to make it.. its by no means perfect but its better than most MMOs on release day.. and again you are right.. we live in times where we accept an unfinished product.. but for me personaly.. ill rather play an MMO that has a good foundation but is not 100% there yet, than a bugged out singleplayer game where you are never sure when or if they will patch it But as long as they keep the game updated I think it will stay here for a long time..
  4. well so I thought before I got it. so if you want to read a blog-like stupid-azz story.. continue reading: Never liked StarWars, the lore is/was boring and the Force? The Force sounded silly and I couldn't take it "seriously" So a friend of mine had a great idea "OMG SO BORED.. let's play something .." I asked him "Well.. there is nothing out thats even remotley fun.. all the fun games are coming next year.. what do you want to play then?!" He said "Star Wars MMO ^^ ?" I asked him if thats a joke.. I mean.. have you seen the game ? The trailers look so damn boring and the animations.. OMG .. as if an intern did them! And I don't like the Star Wars Universe to begin with.. the stupid PewPew .. and BzzzBzzz laser sword nonsense is stupid... So this went on for like.. a week.. there was simply nothing to play atm.. and there is no way in hell I would play WoW ever again.. boring *** game! So.. at 2 AM on a holiday.. we said "ah.. fck it.. lets buy it and see what all the fuss is about.. " My first thought was "great 20gb.. ill let it download over night and play it tomorrow.. " But to my surprise.. the download maxed my connection speed.. 1 hour later.. i was playing it! Played it since.. and fell in love with it.. didnt think it will be possible but the game is very good! There are bugs and glitches and what not.. but thats normal .. and the game has HUGE potential and I sure hope they keep adding good and fun content downt the road! tl;dr .. didn't think I will like the game.. fell in love with it This post is more for the BioWare guys than for the Players.. and if someone from BioWare actually reads this post.. Dragon Age 2 SUCKED!
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