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Posts posted by Phenglei

  1. I am going to miss this game.

    When it first came out in 2011, I sometimes wound up going to bed at 7 a.m. or 8 a.m. because I had spent the entire night playing the game and just couldn't stop.

    That ... was a long time ago, and a lot has changed. Honestly, my enthusiasm for SW:TOR has been on life support for a while, and the huge increase in grinding that came after they obliterated the value of "Advancement : Reputation" pretty much pulled the plug on it.

    And I just do NOT believe their story that omitting that change from the Patch Notes was unintentional.

    I've spent the past month hoping they would do something to rectify this. They have not, so I finally cancelled my subscription. It's over. Good luck to the rest of you. If you still have fun with this game, then great. I don't anymore.

    • Like 8
  2. In a real life casino, breaking even is better than losing.


    In Nar Shaddaa Nightlife, I would actually rather lose a spin than get my chip refunded.


    If you lose, then at least you can move on to something else. Getting your chips refunded just extends the length of time you spend clicking on the machine, to no point or purpose. It's just tedious.


    It's not as if you gain anything from keeping your chips instead of betting them, like you would with real money in a casino. There is literally nothing else you can do with Nar Shaddaa Nightlife chips than bet them on the machines.

  3. I have a Jedi Consular whose Alignment button is set to Dark Side, but who has always chosen Light Side paths in her storyline. I created this character just to see how far I could stretch the disparity between the two.


    As of now, this Consular has been a total goody-two-shoes throughout her entire storyline. Not only has she always chosen the Light Side options, but she has picked the absolute nicest, kindest, most compassionate dialogue options in every conversation.


    And yet, she is Dark Side V most of the time, showing visible corruption of the Dark Side. Every now and then, she slips to Dark Side IV when she gains Light Side points from completing a mission, but it never takes long to get back to Dark Side V.


    I'm not sure what Alignment even means anymore.

  4. And having a fixed price for each cartel coin would eliminate the price difference (im pretty sure there is a difference. at least according to steam forums).


    It breaks down like this :


    $ 3 for 250 CC

    1.20 cents per Cartel Coin


    $ 5 for 450 CC

    1.11 cents per Cartel Coin


    $ 10 for 1050 CC

    0.95 cents per Cartel Coin


    $ 20 for 2400 CC

    0.83 cents per Cartel Coin


    $ 40 for 5500 CC

    0.73 cents per Cartel Coin


    $ 100 for 14500 CC

    0.69 cents per Cartel Coin


    (You'll have to add in sales tax, depending on where you live.)


    My question is : Why would you want them to eliminate volume discounts?


    So from now on, every Cartel Coin costs 1.20 cents, and there will be no more discounts for buying in large quantities? How would that be better?

  5. I am all in favor of finding out what today's flash sale is with less clicks. I don't find that insulting at all, I find it advantageous.


    Okay, I have to ask ... How have you been checking the Flash Sales up until now?


    The only place that I know of where the day's Flash Sale is displayed is on the first page of the Cartel Market interface, and you can bring that up with just one click. Or two keypresses (CONTROL-M).

  6. At first, I was a little irked that my Jedi characters would no longer be able to do the "Tython : Mission Complete" daily objective, since Tython only has one repeatable mission, "Chamber of Speech."


    (The Jedi seemed to get the short end of the stick there, since Korriban, Ord Mantell, and Hutta have two, three, and four Heroics respectively.)


    Then I remembered that "Chamber of Speech" has a Bonus Mission attached to it, so in fact, a Jedi character can still complete the "Tython : Mission Complete" objective.


    It seems to me that this change doesn't really affect gameplay very much at all ... which is actually what bothers me about it. Why invest the time and effort to make a change to the game that doesn't actually DO anything? To me, this looks very much like another example of somebody changing the game JUST for the sake of changing things. There's no real constructive value to this.


    And wasn't there a repeatable conquest objective of killing 200 enemies? It appears to be gone.....awesome.


    It was called "Galactic Rampage : Defeat Enemies."


    To be precise, it was a non-repeatable objective (meaning that you could only complete it ONCE per Legacy, during the entire week's Conquest) that required defeating 200 enemies, and gave a really big reward.


    Once you completed it, it was then followed by an infinitely repeatable objective that also required defeating 200 enemies, but gave a much smaller reward.


    It looks to me like each week's Conquest has a few non-repeatable Objectives. If you set your Conquest Objectives list to "Sort by Repeatable," you will be able to see all of the non-repeatable ones in one short list.


    The non-repeatable Objectives seem to change from week to week. Last week, it was "Defeat 200 Enemies" and "Complete 35 Missions."


    This week, it's "Harvest 30 Resource Nodes" and "Complete 25 Crew Skills Missions."


    So the "Defeat 200 Enemies" objective will probably return at some point, but again, you'll only be able to do it for the one week.

  7. I don't really hate the new Social UI, but I also don't see any constructive value to it. It looks to me like yet another example of somebody making a change JUST for the sake of changing things.


    If you're going to invest the time, effort, and resources into changing the game, how about making a change that actually adds something useful to the game?

  8. Or are you actually supposed to do the same quest 3 times for different rewards?


    No, you only do the mission once.


    There are three different versions of this mission. Which version you get depends on what you say to Padawan Fia when she asks you to take her holorecording to Master Till'in.


    If you don't ask for any kind of payment for delivering the message, then you get the standard "Hero Worship" mission.


    If you do ask Fia for something in return, then she will offer to give you a device she's been working on. If you accept that as payment, then you get the "Hero Worship : Gadget" mission.


    You can also ask Fia for money instead. She will be puzzled, because Jedi aren't supposed to care about wealth, but she will agree to pay you some Credits. That is the "Hero Worship : Credits" mission.

  9. A few hours ago, I downloaded the update and I was able to log in to the game without any difficulty.


    But something has happened since then ... I can't even launch the game now. I enter my display name, password, and security key, and then ... nothing. The "PLAY" button remains dark and nothing happens when I click on it.


    When I try to exit the launcher, it says "You are currently patching. Are you sure you want to exit the SWTOR Launcher?" But I already downloaded the patch a few hours ago. At least, I thought I did.


    I have no idea what's happening now.

  10. Hm, last time i did that with an insta 65 character, the game visibly assumed he treated her horribly and she was really far from being happy to see him.


    Really? Maybe I'm just not remembering it right. It has been a while.


    Or perhaps I just have a different idea of what constitutes treating Vette horribly than the game's default settings do.

  11. Yeah, my poor trooper hasn't talked to her husband in years because he's dead in someone else's game....:mad:


    Yes, that's a problem.


    They kind of wrote themselves into a corner with the four love interest companions who could die during Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne. Now, all future appearances of those companions have to be completely optional, which really limits what the developers can do with them.


    ... Unless ... Unless they came back as Force ghosts.


    But none of those four were Force-sensitive, and three of them were with player characters who aren't Force-sensitive, either. I don't know if that makes a difference in the lore.

  12. Is it a bug? I always assumed that this was how the game was written.


    It looks to me, unfortunately, like the returns of your lost companions don't really take into account the choices that you made with them during your original class storyline.


    As a Sith Warrior, you could treat Vette absolutely horribly during the entire original game, and she will still act thrilled to be reunited with an old friend when you meet her in "Profit and Plunder."


    At least, that was how it was the last time my friends and I saw it.


    I also seem to remember Kaliyo being really hostile to the Imperial Agent when they reunite in "Anarchy in Paradise," even if they had a great friendship before ... But then again, it is Kaliyo we're talking about. "Hostile" is what she does.

  13. I haven't gone into the VIP section of the Fleet in years (literally), but I vaguely remember being in there and thinking how great it was to have a small section with a Cargo Hold, Mailbox, Galactic Trade Network terminal, and ... Was there anything else? I don't remember ... all conveniently close together. But the lack of a Legacy Storage access point eventually led me to look elsewhere.


    You can have access to all of those on your ship, but never close enough together for it to really be convenient. I wound up just setting up an arrangement of it myself in a small room of a Stronghold.


    I don't know how many people would even notice if the VIP section of the Fleet was updated now, but I'm sure I'm not the only person who would find it convenient to have all three types of storage, a Mailbox, and a Galactic Trade Network terminal all within easy reach of each other.

  14. The first character I completed the Alliance storyline with was an Imperial Agent who had defected to the Republic at the end of Chapter III. And, like the characters that you folks have described, my Agent was always far more sympathetic to the Republic than the Empire.


    I was disappointed to find that, during the subsequent storylines on Ilum and Makeb, my Agent's true loyalty to the Republic was never seen or mentioned. If she could not show her allegiance openly, it would have been nice if her missions had at least included opportunities for her to quietly sabotage the Imperial war efforts.


    To give credit where it's due, I was really happy to see that bonus scene at the end of Shadow of Revan, showing that the Agent is still in contact with Ardun Kothe and really is working for the Republic. There were also references to my character being a double agent in Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne, which was good.


    I appreciated that the game allows the Alliance Commander to choose which faction to side with on Iokath and Ossus. What frustrated me was that, while my Agent was finally able to openly join with the Republic on Iokath, she eventually had to go back to pretending to be loyal to the Empire again. As of "Jedi Under Siege," my Agent has chosen to ally with the Republic, but has to do it in secret.


    The one thing I dislike the most about this is that only a few people in the Alliance can know the truth. It would be impossible for the entire Alliance to know that they are really allied with the Republic, and still maintain secrecy. I absolutely hated the fact that my character had to lie to her own people.


    So the Alliance Commander's loyal followers, all of whom genuinely believe they are allied with the Empire, are sincerely doing their best to help the Imperial cause, and meanwhile, the Commander is clandestinely working to undermine the Empire and help the Republic. In effect, I am forced to secretly fight against my own followers. I hate that. I would have much rather had my character join the Republic openly.


    I really wish that the game would give players the option to have the Alliance publicly join the opposing faction, if that's what the player chooses.

  15. "This choice will end your romance with Vector Hyllus. Are you sure you want to proceed?"


    Yeah, as if the romance wasn't about to end no matter what you chose to do.


    Sometimes, the only reason that I had a character choose to remain with Lana or Theron rather than renew their relationships with their previous significant others was because I realized that those former love interest companions were not going to appear in the story again once these cutscenes were finished.


    It's not really a choice between staying with Lana or going back to Vector. It's a choice between being with Lana or ending your character's romance in the game altogether. The only place you were going to see Vector from here on out was standing around in the Alliance Headquarters on Odessen with nothing to say or do.



  16. I'm just wondering ... Has anybody here yet played a Nautolan character having that conversation with Treek in which she talks about making Nautolan stew?


    Treek : I have been curious to try the fish-head people. You call them Nautolans? I have not found one unspoiled. Maybe someday ...


    (Even better, your dialogue options include offering to get her one.)


    Treek : If I find good unspoiled Nautolan, or maybe Rodian, I will make a stew.


    ... Your character better sleep with the door locked.

  17. Of course, it's going to look weird if you're playing a Devaronian Bounty Hunter, and the mission briefing for Tatooine has Crysta and Mako talking about Devaronians as if there isn't one in the room with them.


    Crysta : The good news is Tyresius is Devaronian. He shouldn't be hard to spot.

    Mako : That's true. I've seen two Devaronians my whole life. They've got red skin and two big horns on their heads.


    But it would be no stranger than when the soldier on Ord Mantell tells a Cathar player character who and what the Cathar people are.


    Or a really good example ... when Treek talks at great length to a Nautolan player character about making Nautolan stew.


    Treek : I have been curious to try the fish-head people. You call them Nautolans? I have not found one unspoiled. Maybe someday ...


    Even better, your dialogue options include offering to get her one.


    Oh, well ... When they wrote the original game, there was no way that they could have accounted for everything that might be added to it in the future. We just have to tolerate these odd inconsistencies when they crop up.

  18. It was always a trade-off.


    If needing one voice actor instead of seventeen to record lines for a conversation makes it easier for them to add content to the game, then I can live with it.


    If it's a choice between these KOTOR-style conversations and not having your character talk to the NPCs at all, because of the costs of having so many fully animated, voiced-over cutscenes ... Well, these conversations are better than nothing.

  19. I was just looking at the cutscene from "Jedi Under Siege" in which an Imperial Saboteur meets with the Republic contact, Jonas Balkar.


    My character was a female Imperial who chose to romance Lana Beniko, and married her at the end of the "Nathema Conspiracy" storyline. When Balkar started flirting with her, what I would have really liked is for her to be able to tell him that she was married. But the only options were to either flirt back with him or just ignore it.


    I realized that this wasn't the only time that I would have liked to have a character cite his/her commitment to a love interest companion in response to an NPC's interest.


    When you're designing cutscenes in future storylines, it would be nice if you added a dialogue option for a player character who has formed a romantic relationship with a companion to cite that commitment to turn down an NPC.

  20. You may consider doing a bare minimum of missions to level the character, if you decide not to use a booster. Just do the purple Class missions, don't worry about the bonus goals, skip all the side missions and optional flashpoints. Hit the space bar to skip through any scenes you're very familiar with, as cut scenes eat up a lot of time.

    There is one type of boost where you create a level one character then boost it to level 70 and NO missions are completed so you can do them as you wish later.


    If you combine these two suggestions, then you won't have to worry about anything.


    Since you start out at Level 70 with the Master's Datacron, you won't ever fall behind on experience because of skipping missions, codex entries, etc., and you'll already be at the maximum power that Level Sync will allow on any planet.


    I don't know if you've ever gone through a Chapter I planet doing only the Class storyline and nothing else. I have, and the planets go by ridiculously fast when you only do the Class storyline.


    Normally, when you go to a new area of a planet, you have several missions (Class storyline, Planetary Story Arc, Exploration Missions) to perform that take you all over the map. But if you only do the class storyline, then it's not uncommon for an entire area of a Chapter I planet to be reduced to just go to one place and do one cutscene.


    So you could expect to complete the Prologue and Chapter I lightning-fast. Starting with Chapter II, the class storylines get a lot longer, but you can still do them pretty quickly, especially if you space bar through scenes you're already familiar with.


    One time, I had a character complete Chapter III and then just skip Ilum and Makeb entirely, and go straight into Shadow of Revan, because I honestly could not remember any part of Ilum or Makeb that really made any difference in how your character's storyline proceeds. I'm open to correction on this. Maybe I'm just not remembering correctly.


    I do note that if you reach Level 60, and then just go straight into Knights of the Fallen Empire from your ship's Mission Console, then the game will auto-complete your class storyline and Shadow of Revan, but not Ilum or Makeb. That makes me think that Ilum and Makeb are not, in fact, critical to your storyline progression. If that's the case, then you could just skip Ilum and Makeb altogether, which will speed things up considerably.


    You would still have to do the core storylines for Rishi, Yavin 4, and Ziost if you don't want to risk missing an important decision. All in all, it would probably take a lot less than a couple of months.

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