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Everything posted by Cuddlyhoney

  1. how ironic that they wont reply to this aswell.
  2. Ich würde ja lachen, wenn das nicht so verdammt richtig wäre
  3. every other mmo > Warhammer PvP > Star Wars PvP
  4. Total Threads: 4,449 Sorry, not 5000 The amount of threads in the pvp forum, and i didnt see a single response
  5. Cuddlyhoney

    gg wp bioware.

    What the **** is bioware doing? ~ 5000 threads and they didnt respond a single time. gg wp bioware, your game will die soon.
  6. It sucks ***, but I gave you a free bump
  7. No way ill keep playing this, I quitted after 4 days..
  8. Push ! Dont play this game if you enjoyed WoW, just dont.
  9. +rep for you mate, I thought the exact same and im pretty dam sad that this game was that of a failure GG NEXT TIME BIOWARE
  10. indeed, door > money > buy wow gamecard > fun. or wait for mists of pandaria
  11. deswegen bin ich immer nur im englischen unterwegs
  12. Kleiner Tip, competetive macht HoN mehr spaß Hab hon, lol, dota1+2 gespielt und HoN is für die, die skillcap suchen am besten. Ich will kein flamewar starten, weil mir lol auch spaß macht, aber auch eher nebenbei.
  13. i dont want 100% balance, its fine if there is just the ABILITY TO PLAY STH RATED. I hope you get what i mean.
  14. I just want to know one more thing: Why is swtor pvp better than wows pvp? Lets just talk about bg's In swtor : ability delay kills every bit of skill, laggy bg's arent very fun to play and you face 50s ( i know this' gonna be patched) But the MVP votes are a good idea, i gotta admit. In wow : NO ABILITY DELAY No lag in bg's as long as your pc isnt THAT bad. realmpools + brackets ingame stats But it can happen that you get owned by overequipped arenaplayers, yes. so a - for this.
  15. The game just feels slow, laggy and unresponsive for wow players. too bad i played that game for 3 years, I hope Pandas will own...
  16. it sucks in pvp, thats all.. But since pvp is dead in this game anyway
  17. We got no chance to defeat these guys, they just hate arena
  18. We got no chance to defeat these guys, they just hate arena
  19. If you play arena seriously, you are topgeared, if you try to play arena with your rl friend who's not in teamspeak and neither you or him have gear or exp.. is this arena for you? playing arena means being at least over 1800 rating
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