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Posts posted by Larry_Dallas

  1. So, my logitech MMO mouse broke about a week ago and I'm waiting for a new one.


    In the interim, I've bound everything bound to the mouse buttons to the number pad (shaped the same way, so I don't need to relearn where everything is). Since the number pad is on the right, and I've got another 16 or so bindings on the left side (all of which I use commonly), this means most of the time I don't have my hand on the factory mouse in combat.


    What this has taught me is that keyboard turning is way, way too slow for any endgame purposes, even if you just quarter turn, then strafe away or toward wherever it is you're going.


    Now, this isn't a huge deal for me, because this is only temporary in my case. But for people without an MMO mouse or, I don't know, with hands that are too small to use, like, shift and a button like '1' at the same time, the keyboard turning speed is a huge disadvantage that could possibly prevent them from experiencing content. I don't really think it's right to require a peripheral or a particular hand size.


    So what I'm suggesting is that, just like with "camera rotation speed" for the mouse, a slider be incorporated that dictates how quickly the player turns when holding down the "turn" binding.

  2. The potency of stacking them and the nature of the burst/kite that Pyro had was ridiculous. If you didn't think it was ever going to get toned down you really don't know much about class balance. The few rated matches I did it was not uncommon to see 4-5 Pyro PTs on each side. That's a pretty good sign that something needs a nerf.


    So the problem is that pyros synergize with each other too well?


    Sorry, not buying what you're selling. The synergy between two or more pyros pre-2.0 was not better in comparison to two or more rage warriors chaining or any combination of carnage maras and concealment ops focusing the same target. Rage warriors arguably got stronger (at worst, they moved laterally) and concealment ops definitely got stronger. And I haven't even gotten to the neat tricks you can pull off stacking snipers.


    And the last and most important thing to mention is that every class I just mentioned that synergizes as well or better than pyros is considerably more difficult to drop, then and now.

  3. problem is not the class being OP or requiring skill or not, nothing in this game requires skill. Problems is we lost one of the primary healer killer specs in SWTOR. Just notice what a healer fest has 2.0 become.


    And no, bads were you guys, unable to beat PT before 2.0. On my Sniper, PT Pyro always was a joke, even before the 1.4 nerf.


    After 1.4, very few classes weren't capable of 1 on 1 ing a pyro PT, provided the player knew what he was doing. Even lowly classes like Lightning sorcs could just wreck them. Off the top of my head, the only in-use specs that couldn't drop a pyro in a 1 on 1 were the three merc specs, the other two PT specs and sorc healers.


    So yeah, I agree completely. There were OP classes before 2.0 but pyro PT wasn't one of them. Very considerable strengths and very considerable weaknesses. Only people having problems with them were the ones with low situational awareness. If he got 3 globals off before you noticed him and popped cooldowns to mitigate that initial burst (or, if ranged, got the fridge out of 10 m range), you're the bad, not the Pyro.

  4. How on Earth could the entire raid be fully min-maxed with 72 gear? Every DPS requires 3-6 advanced initiative enhancement 31s (depending on available earpieces and implants), which are uncraftable, not available in the knockoff gear and drop from a total of 3 possibly piece types, 2 of which every raid member needs one armoring from for the set bonus. The minimum amount of weeks it would take a raid group to be fully min-maxed is 12 weeks (but more likely in the 18-20 range). 2.0 hasn't been out that long. And that's just one problem with your claim.
  5. Has anyone else noticed this? It clearly states immune to interrupts for 10 secs and I am interupted immediately after using it.


    I'm not talking about stunned either. Interrupted. Anyone else confirm this is broken?


    Haven't been interrupted with an interrupt far as I know, but have been interrupted by a leap, I think (tough to tell in a chaotic warzone...could have been a knockback, since I was against a wall).

  6. i would like to see a vid of this :D.also for you to do enough dmg all the planets must align i dont know why but i just dont see the burst we are supposed to have.if you get a good healer its so difficult to kill him with and i dont seem to have any problems with the rest of my chars.By the way i got all classes and i know what burst they do and what they dont :D.Burst in papers and in dummy looks good but chain lighting is restricted by armor and death field is not so much so i see bigger numbers on my death field than on my chain.


    Guy in the thread linked a video of a sage doing essentially the same thing I'm talking about (he uses shock instead of tkt) with close to the same numbers. They're overlapping, so it's hard to see, but I'd ballpark his combo (plus the dot ticks and the echoes) at roughly 16k. Trade shock for tkt and you get 18


    And in terms of burst vs other classes--burst is so much greater with my lightning sorc than my pyro now that I've respecced the latter shieldtech to see how that does in pvp.

  7. So about our burst as dps.on my commando with almost same equip i done 8.5 biggest hit on my sorc i cant even hit 6k and i dont think many can.so we got more dmg ok BUT the dmg you gave to the rest of the classes is so huge our dmg is nothing.ok i know we can top charts at dmg but its not cause we do dmg but cause we can dot everything on sight thats why we do that dmg.our burst compared to the others classes is nothing.i want to hear some opinions about our burst which many that play this class from start know what burst we had then lost and still havent found :mad:


    On my lightning sorc, I've hit for 18k in 3 globals. If you can lineup a barrage, then use thundering blast (which seems to proc chain lightning a lot now), and go TB->recklessness->FL->CL on an afflicted target, you'll knock off up to 75% of the target's health. Even if CL doesn't proc, Lightning strike also crits for a ton.

  8. Depends how long the aoe phase is. The longer it is, the more likely it's a lightning sorceror. hardcast CL->fs 2 ticks->instacast CL->Fs 3 sec->Fs 1.5 sec->HC CL->FS 2 ticks->instacast CL (repeat).


    Orbital strike hits for more than a CL, but sorcs get CL at a ratio of 10 to 1 vs orbital.


    Although I do wonder what numbers pyros can do now that flame sweep puts a dot on.

  9. For Lightning spec, I'd argue it's Xalek. On makeb, there are a lot of trash in the mobs and you've got a lot of aoe. If you can get him to pull, they'll cluster around him and you can hit them with a chain lightning, a force storm then a second instant chain lightning, which pulls aggro, but not before almost all of them are dead.


    With revel or ashara they don't cluster as well, or else they'll aggro you and stun you before you can pull this off.


    Not to mention you're squishy and, with bosses, there is no way your DPS comps will end up higher on the boss' threat table than you will, meaning you'll be tanking, which is bad.

  10. ***, why u cry? PT is still powerfull, you cant rolfstomp ppl anymore


    I've got other classes to play so I'm not all that hot about these nerfs at this point for pvp (preferred to pve on my Pyro anyway), but what you're suggesting hasn't been true...pretty much since the bubblestun and OP smash got added to the game in, I think, September of last year.


    PT was a one-man army before the range nerf. After, it was a class with clear strengths and weaknesses.


    It had the highest burst and, if a player was inattentive, could kill before the player even knew he was being attacked. On the flip side, every single DPS spec in the game, played correctly, was capable of soloing one--except for an arsenal merc and only if harpoon was off cooldown. In addition, in ranked, it went down the easiest of any AC.


    Now? Glassiest class. Least utility. Less cannon in the cannon.

  11. Does anyone know where you get that gear from? I saw someone wearing the leggings once and they look awesome. Is it from the cartel market or from a special vendor?


    If it's what I'm thinking of, it was from an event. Think something to do with some cartel of those bug brain things from Starship Troopers.


    Edit: Oh, you can't get it, if it's what I'm thinking of. However, there's a similar set on the cartel market, I think.

  12. Simple as. Lack of testing or ignoring the threads on the test server has led to this current mess with combat. In the quest to grant more damage, TTK has been reduced, bolster is busted and some classes STILL have broken abilities.


    Apart from the huge amount of stupid stuns, combat was fine before, it didnt need boosting damage.


    When SWG changed combat, it was for the worse and right now, the same is clear with 2.0 in SWTOR. There's an old saying 'if it aint broke, dont fix it' or in Biowares case - 'if its broke, just leave it'.


    Considering how little pvp testing actually happened on the PTS, every subscriber should be positively ecstatic with the results. My experience is that, as long as you aren't bad, you can take pretty much anything into a warzone and do reasonably well with it, which wasn't the case in 1.7 unless you were a complete outlier with your chosen spec of an underpowered AC. I'm pleasantly surprised at the classes having good rounds in each warzone, and pleasantly surprised by the classes I see having terrible ones.


    Now, this isn't to say it'll keep up. It's possible gear scaling or player ingenuity will see "haves" and "have nots" re-emerge, but right now, this is as good as it's ever been.


    The only thing that seems out of balance (overpowered) to me is, perhaps, Sins.


    That you're a Sin and you made a thread like this speaks volumes about your real problem.

  13. Isn't that what people do for the PvE content? Why should the PvP content be different, considering there are a lot of people that are just as serious about it as there are ops?


    Quit being scrubs, and go EARN your crap just like people have to do for PvE.


    Edit: does anyone ever see posts from "pvpers" crying that they want to have top tier gear immediately, when they hit max level, so they can be viable in HM/NiM ops.....NO. Why, because everyone knows you have to put the time in and get the gear necessary to do that crap. Why should it NOT be the same for pvp? For a lot of people that IS their game, and you just slapped all of them in the face by making the gear progression null and void


    PvP = exists for the purpose of competition against other human beings


    OPs = exists for the purposes of solidarity and coordination with friends


    Asking why gear shouldn't trump skill in pvp is like asking why your opponent in a duel doesn't have an enrage timer.

  14. Skill deficiency? You mean, hitting 10 skills vs 30 takes more skill? I know it's hard for a lot of carebears to comprehend, but the new system is not a skill-based system, and SWTOR doesn't have skill based mechanics.


    Bolster =/=skill.


    If you have 30 tools at your disposal and are consistently losing to people with 10 tools at their disposal absent a gear advantage, then yes, they have more skill then you do.

  15. Let's say your argument is true, which it isn't. (Lazy level 30s are now a DOMINANT force in PVP.) But, hypothetically, let's say, for the sake of argument, that your statement is 100% right.


    Why play SWTOR then? If I want a game that doesn't reward the PVP hamster wheel, there are a ton of games that do it way better than SWTOR. If I want a game that isn't RPG-like in its PVP design, I will just go play one of those other games. Now, if SWTOR actually handled PVP better than DOTA, LOL, Crysis, GW2, Mortal Kombat, StarCraft, Call of Duty, Team Fortress, Awesomenauts, Chess, or Hide and Seek, then we'd be taking a step in the right direction with 2.0 bolster. SWTOR isn't on a level with any of those games in terms of PVP though. So now, SWTOR has tried to shoehorn a mechanic which fits games that don't work like theirs, and it has broken the system. 100% BROKEN.


    There is no reason to play SWTOR now. None.


    If the purpose for pvp for you is to seek to attain a mathematical advantage that can hide a skill deficiency as opposed to enjoying competition and seeking to get better, then the answer to your question is that no, there is no reason someone such as yourself should play SWTOR anymore. Sayonara.

  16. Read it and weep, Bolster has provided tools for people to become better. Sure gear progression is fun if you like that old ball and wax. But when it comes to PVP when a game needs good players the skill will over trump gear now in 2.0 till 55.


    I like 2.0 and think this was the best move for this game, now even the casual player can contribute alot more without the gear gap.



    *If you want a gear progression then go raid, or get 55.


    *If you want competitive PVP then makes some alts and enjoy the ride to 55.


    *If you can't handle the heat of PVP and the changes, then go to another game that don't care about balance.


    Bolster has actually balanced PVP in SWTOR, thats right all the classes are viable now.


    All the crying and complaining is retarded, and TBH this change saved this game and made it 10 times better than before.


    Sure Bioware catered to the casual, and made the game easier to PVP in with all the classes, and if you are bad now then you was bad before.


    If people can't handle these great changes then don't let the door hit you where the sun don't shine, cause it can't get any better than this in a mmo.


    What you think Warcraft has balance?


    Yea thought so. :D





    Well said.

  17. Weekly limit on classic comms needs to be, like, quadrupled, or left out completely.






    The weekly cap on Classic Commendations will be removed in an upcoming patch.


    Incidentally, there is currently a bug that causes the game to warn you that you've exceeded your weekly cap even when you are at 0 in your weekly progress (it's erroneously looking at your total commendations). Make sure you check the actual weekly progress value displayed in your currency tab.




    Good news.

  18. It won't compound ... you will still basically average 3+ procs a minute - this will give you a 20% proc chance instead of 22% - obviously that is 10% better of a chance (per tick). You'd have to do a distribution curve to see the actual effect, but if you do, and you average it, then you will get this:

    the difference in a chance of proc (so basically a WM crit) on the first tick is: 20% at 20% and 22% at 22%

    by the second tick: 36% and 39.6%


    it ultimately looks like this

    tick crit on cumulative crit on cumulative difference

    1 20.00% 20.00% 22.00% 22.00% 2.00%

    2 16.00% 36.00% 17.16% 39.16% 3.16%

    3 12.80% 48.80% 13.38% 52.54% 3.74%

    4 10.24% 59.04% 10.44% 62.98% 3.94%

    5 8.19% 67.23% 8.14% 71.13% 3.90%

    6 6.55% 73.79% 6.35% 77.48% 3.69%

    7 5.24% 79.03% 4.95% 82.43% 3.41%

    8 4.19% 83.22% 3.86% 86.30% 3.08%

    9 3.36% 86.58% 3.01% 89.31% 2.73%

    10 2.68% 89.26% 2.35% 91.66% 2.40%

    11 2.15% 91.41% 1.83% 93.50% 2.09%

    12 1.72% 93.13% 1.43% 94.93% 1.80%

    13 1.37% 94.50% 1.12% 96.04% 1.54%

    14 1.10% 95.60% 0.87% 96.91% 1.31%

    15 0.88% 96.48% 0.68% 97.59% 1.11%

    16 0.70% 97.19% 0.53% 98.12% 0.94%

    17 0.56% 97.75% 0.41% 98.54% 0.79%

    18 0.45% 98.20% 0.32% 98.86% 0.66%

    19 0.36% 98.56% 0.25% 99.11% 0.55%

    20 0.29% 98.85% 0.20% 99.31% 0.46%


    sorry if that isn't too easy to read


    the point is, beyond the first tick, the acceleration (the difference between the two proc chances, shrinks). So it isn't actually a 10% better chance of anything happening, it is a bit smaller.


    I am merely giving you the math and my preference, what you want to do is purely your own preference. But you were asking for opinions and I gave mine :)


    EDIT: I just added in that distribution curve using the percent crit to calculate the proc chance - thanks for this discussion since it made me think of doing that :) The result was the same, regarding spec and crit



    Don't apologize at all. This is the most thorough answer I could possibly have hoped for and answers my question as well as I possibly could have expected.


    Off to the respec guy.

  19. Well if you had to chose between just those three, I'd probably go critical kinesis.


    But, if you had points in penetrating light I'd put those into force gift.


    I may have linked this earlier in the thread, but I believe this is the TK spec I found was the highest on the spreadsheet: http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/jedi-sage/19/?build=210000000000000000000000000000000323022202120210023001020230001003020002000000000000000000000000&ver=20


    Hmmm. Isn't psychic projection going to take longer to proc that way? And won't this problem just compound the longer the fight goes?

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