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Everything posted by Radyor

  1. Thanks all for the input. I have already utilized all the functions you haev mentioned. I think my difficulty was coming from being in one area and trying to locate something in another, coupled with being righteously misled by a channel troll. Thanks again and hope yall have fun.
  2. Ok I like this game but there are some issues. Maps here are horrible. Cant find anything within a reasonable level of convenience. Went online to find a map. People have maps but nothing is labled. Why is that? Trainers... <insert SNL skit "REALLY?!"> Basically everything is pretty hard to find and all of the resources provided by the game writes and devs is of no assistance at all. Also I cant help but notice there arent even any street signs. If there are...I dont think many of us recognize the hieroglyphic directions. Thanks for the authenticity though. If anyone has a descent map (Coruscant specifically) that is labeled with trainers, banks kiosks, etc etc it would be greatly appreciated by many. at least on the server I play on. [this post contains bad grammar and spelling]
  3. Fail thread...I wont be much help either but I believe people are referring to the fact that their companion is being worked on or with "that one dude". If anyone could more clearly the process or questline to getting the companion back, it would be most appreciated.
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