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Everything posted by CJnEw

  1. I think you mean your. Here let me fix that for you. And here is the reason why the POT5 vs Bastion argument never ends. People at the Bastion can never admit that they were wrong. Some people won't understand what you're trying to say.
  2. CJnEw

    A Lie about Bastion .

    HELLO!!! Watch streams on Twitch.tv and choose for yourself which server is best.
  3. thanks maniac for posting these videos, that Turning-point guy does know how to tea bag you lol!!
  4. We have more then pie, we have lots of bacon and cookies and a **** load of cake. We also have condoms at the bastion just in case you meet a nice girl on our server. Come to the Bastion we are all friendly people and we treat everyone with respect POT5 kids are just evil, they don't like people.
  5. omg another 2 weeks. Bioware is to slow.
  6. Yea i really want a release date for 2.2.1, I really want my sorc from POT5
  7. SHANKS is the best guild on this server.
  8. CJnEw


    I would ninja that **** too if i was ops leader.
  9. I hate smash holy ****!
  10. 1st. Gudarzz 2nd. Bestworld 3rd. Wakalord
  11. None of mvp had any 55 gear that first night. So far both teams are about equal to what i have seen from last night.
  12. 7 and 3 ? please tell me you aren't counting those 3 games when mvp had level 50 gear when some of your players had a few pieces of level 55 gear. Last night games should be the count 3 and 2. So like i said 50/50
  13. you guys are good, but its seems to me that the maps are in your favor, you guys keep getting Civil war more then 2 times in a row and Voidstar. I would say Mvp favor is Huttball and Novare coast which they barley get. I would love to see some more huttball action besides Civil war 80% of the time. That guys guild doesn't even play rateds and I would say you guys are about 50/50
  14. All of them were wearing Elite Warhero, none of them had 1 piece of new pvp gear yet.
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