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  1. I'm in CST but because I play exclusively in the morning/early afternoon due to my work schedule (and please forgive me if I'm wrong but I assume those who will be interested live in GMT) so I would be a available right around 1pm-8pm GMT
  2. Hello! First let me start off by asking if you are still looking for an RP partner to re-roll/take on a master padawan relationship with. If your answer was yes then... I'm your guy! I'm looking for an rp partner as well and it just so happens that I was planning on leveling a jedi shadow, so that would work out for your requirement of a consular partner. It doesnt matter to me if you want to start from scratch or have your knight take on my character as a padawan, really I'm just looking for the same thing.
  3. If you really had played WoW for 5 years then you would have similar memories of finding any type of pug group before the queue system was implemented. Get over it and keep trying, you would know perseverance was required in WoW as well if you hadn't lied about how long you've been playing it.
  4. Hello! I'm actually looking for exactly this! I'm very flexible as to the server and faction of the characters, and this is what I can offer: I work nights and live in CST, so that puts me about 8 hours behind you I believe. However because I play mornings due to my work schedule I believe that puts my play time right at your zone's prime-time. I have been searching for someone to RP with but because of my schedule have found a lot of disappointment, therefore if this gets off the ground its not something I would toss aside out of boredom. I don't mind what happens IC as long as it stays IC I'm very committed to my role playing, I used to rp in SWG and I spent a LOT of time brushing up on my lore before I even approached my old rp group, and I will die before I sink to text rp. >_> And just for the sake of conversation, I'll be turning 21 next week.
  5. Hello, I've recently broke through the experimentation barrier with the classes/factions and now I know what I wish to level on either side. I'm looking for someone who may be in in the same boat that wants to level IC with me. The only catch? I work nights so I would be available primarily in the mornings/early afternoon. I'm flexible as to the server faction and class, I really have a set in stone plan as to what advanced class I'll be playing for anything. My plan is to keep two characters on the server we will be leveling on one will be for us to level the other to play while we're not both on, as it would be unfair for me to ask you not to play just because I'm not there. I'm very excited to get going with this so if you are interested at all please let me know! I would like to start as soon as possible.
  6. I know that this has been said before but I would like to re afirm to show my belief and support on this subject. The Sith gain their power from powerful emotion, through passion I gain strength. Fear and anger are simply the chief emotions used by the general populace of the Sith. Even one strong in the force driven by the best intentions and kindest emotion can do unspeakable things to achive their goals or protect their loved ones. On a side note I would also like to bring up the point that the physical corruption brought on by the dark side is done so primarily through the use of the key emotions fear and anger rather than just doing evil things. If we look back at a little star wars history we remember that anikin skywalker slaughtered the children of the Jedi temple and immedietly you saw the corruption start to take over as his eyes glowed yellow. Similarly emporer palpatine was corrupted in a big way after killing Jedi master Mace windu. However if we look much further at the Sith lord Naga sadow who would use the force to make stars supernova killing entire solar systems we see the he was surprisingly fee of physical corruption. The ancient Sith order was comprised of lords who respected each other and indeed drew deep regret and apprehension when forced to kill one another. The idea of a benevolent Sith is not far fetched however we must remember that all Sith no matter what emotion they are driven by believe in power first and foremost and even a Sith with the best of intentions will kill anyone to protect their agenda.
  7. Hello everyone! I am creating this post in the hopes that someone who is part of a role playing group active primarily in the morning/early afternoon will come across is. I have recently ended the experimental stage of game play, and the only two things I can say for sure is that I want to role play and I want to be a shadow/assassin. I work nights so I'm generally asleep during the afternoon/evening. I am open to what ever server/faction is required of me. If you have any information as to where I could locate such a group, if you are part of such a group, or if you are another role player with a similar vice and would like to start this group - please let me know. I would be MOST appreciative! Thank you for your time.
  8. Hello everyone! I am creating this post in the hopes that someone who is part of a role playing group active primarily in the morning/early afternoon will come across is. I have recently ended the experimental stage of game play, and the only two things I can say for sure is that I want to role play and I want to be a shadow/assassin. I work nights so I'm generally asleep during the afternoon/evening. I am open to what ever server/faction is required of me. If you have any information as to where I could locate such a group, if you are part of such a group, or if you are another role player with a similar vice and would like to start this group - please let me know. I would be MOST appreciative! Thank you for your time.
  9. Hello everyone! I am creating this post in the hopes that someone who is part of a role playing group active primarily in the morning/early afternoon will come across is. I have recently ended the experimental stage of game play, and the only two things I can say for sure is that I want to role play and I want to be a shadow/assassin. I work nights so I'm generally asleep during the afternoon/evening. I am open to what ever server/faction is required of me. If you have any information as to where I could locate such a group, if you are part of such a group, or if you are another role player with a similar vice and would like to start this group - please let me know. I would be MOST appreciative! Thank you for your time.
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