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  1. So before you select the juggeraut as your permenant sith warrior class, there is a slot to add an "off-hand melee weapon," from my interpretaion, this means that besides your lightsaber, you can have another weapon such as a sword, knife, or something along those lines. (I have seen venders that sell "off-hand melee weapons.) Now from reading the descriptions of both the marauder and the juggernaut, it sounds like it is impossible for the juggernaut to weild more than one melee weapon. Now I'm not specifically talking about lightsabers, but it would be nice to have the juggernauts advanced defense, and a second melee weapon. I have not yet chosen between the maruader or the juggernaut, and do not know if the slot for another weapon is still there or not if you pick the juggernaut, but if anyone can give me an explanation or has a juggernaut with two melee weapons, could you please let me know.
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