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Posts posted by Xpar

  1. Oh and what BioWare has done with Illum is unforgivable. Overall PVP in this game has been an amateur effort at best. My PVE friends tell me that the grass ain't much greener on their side either.
  2. The game i dying slowly cause Bioware dont see the problem with population and the lack of it.

    Peak hours on the fleet max 60. players... borring. pvp with the same persons over and over again.. Borring..

    But wth.

    New mmo's are ready to take over.


    Yup. Being on a zombie server absolutely sucks. As of this moment my server has <150 people online, at peak maybe double that.

  3. I must say I thought the game was bad, until I rerolled on a high population server. Its completely changed my opinion playing on a server with a decent pop makes the game amazing. Being able to actually do FP's and WZ's has a massive effect :D


    I wish I was on a high pop server. :( I might just unsub until server transfers/merges or cross server queues, already have pretty much my War Hero set, nothing to do.



    552 likes, 866 dislikes


    Because with SWTOR, BioWare's arrogance finally did them in. Community engagement is no where near Blizzard's with their community. What is the FIRST thing they talked about in the podcast? Instead of new features coming top down, the team members were empowered to design features... not a single comment about how they listened to the community and responded, it comes off as arrogant in a "you should eat whatever we cook up" kind of way.


    The community wasn't clamoring for legacy features, we wanted transfers, merges, ranked WZ, cross server queues, etc. I know so many pvpers that unsubbed because ranked didn't make it into 1.2 as promised and there's only 1-2 pvp games happening on my server during peak in the 50s bracket, which is just depressing.


    What is wrong with this game is the fundamental misalignment between what the players want to see and what BioWare's vision is.

  5. And loses shielding, Guard, better venting, Jet Charge, a mediocre tanking cooldown which can be used to protect others, and a crap ton of mitigation.


    I'm not talking out my *** here. I've played ST, I've played Pyro, I've played Adv Proto, and I've played the Parakeet. Parakeet brings more to the table in both solo and team situations in PvP.


    Parakeet takes damage almost as well and holds threat significantly better in PvE (also a lot more fun, but we don't play games for fun anymore, do we?).


    DPS is admittedly less, hell I've admitted it's less. Not as much as you're making it out to be, espescially since you obviously haven't figured out enough of this spec to realize you don't need Incin to keep a burn up if you want a DPS build. Not that keeping Incin up isn't a super awesome idea anyway, but whatever. Point is, PvE in this game isn't hard (when it isn't bugged to ****) so it isn't like it's a big deal.


    Enjoy your respec costs I guess.




    I didn't challenge you to math. I neither know, nor care, who you are. No offense bro.


    Couple of points. This thread you didn't bother to read? It's about PvP. It is specifically about PvP DPS and I already mentioned that flat Pyro is better if he wants to do straight dps. I am a strong advocate of Pyro. It's my second favorite spec. People asked about ST/Pyro so me and Trung obliged them.


    Second, all of your "points" I already made in a post on the very same page. It isn't that big of a deal, Rain of Fire is the strongest talent the build is missing, and all of the PvE in this game is a joke anyway. If it isn't a joke, it is because it is bugged the hell out and Oil Slick does more for us completing fights than any of the damage I'm missing, which again, isn't as much as you're making it out to be.


    So who's taking this personal? Me? Or the guy who couldn't be bothered to read a PvP thread about PvP builds and started talking about PvE efficiency?


    Yes the OP asked about dps in Pvp. Pyro is superior dps spec is it not?


    Does it run the ball better in huttball? Nope.

    Does it tank or guard better? Nope


    The OP asked about dps in pvp. Pyro is the king of dps, especially burst, the kind the matters most in pvp.

  6. If you compared 21/2/18 to 4/6/31 all the above applies to PvP as well. Pyro fights in pvp using CGC and gains the benefit of all the points I listed.


    Get the **** out


    Dude, I know it's some spec you named after a dead bird and you got some emotional attachment to it.


    But YOU challenged me on the math and I provided all the reason why the delta between 21/2/18 and Pyro is larger than merely the 30% crit in RP you suggested. I used your argument points.

  7. Not a clue what you're talking about.


    Runs a ball just as well as a full ST. You're only missing 10% shield chance, which is at most 5% mitigation. You pick up 2% flat defense instead. The missing toughness isn't even noticable.


    You gain significant damage. Almost all of the worthwhile damage from the Pyrotree. The only damage missing from the Pyro tree is the cylinder itself (not a big deal), 30% crit damage on Rail Shot, and 10% flat damage to a couple of abilities. The 30% crit damage on Rail Shot is mitigated by 30% more crits from Rocket Punch (and Flame Sweep if you love wasting Heat).


    Heat Venting is much better than any of the single trees combined. Damage blows ST away and competes with Adv Proto in practical situations. Missing TD for burst hurts compared to Pyro, but you can take significantly more hits than Pyro.


    If you can't do the math in your head on why this spec is so viable, and can't be bothered to try it yourself, then don't waste people's time yammering about things you don't know anything about. There is a reason this is the most talked about spec on these boards.


    I need to check my math? Here are all the reasons why it's no where close to 31 Pyro for dps.


    1. You lose 3% tech crit from CGC from Prototype Cylinders

    2. Lose another 3% tech crit from Burnout

    3. Loss of 6% crit on all fire effects from not having Prototype Burn Enhancers

    4. Lose 30% crit/surge dmg from Firebug

    5. Heat management becomes issue with CGC in pve dps spec because you have to keep spamming IM to reapply dot for railshots

    6. 20% less armor penetration for RailShot

    7. No Thermal Det

    8. Lose 9% damage from Rain of Fire (this HUGE! unforgivable)


    ... and your feeble rebuttle to all of this is: "yeah you get 30% more crit chance on RP".


    Instead of the shamelessly promotion some spec you named after a dead bird, why don't you do the math and tell people the truth instead of misleading the BH community to believing that this mediocrity of a spec is best thing since sliced bread.

  8. Overall I think the hybrid spec is flawed and this fad will pass in time as theorycraft plays out.


    IGC or CGC, there are no doubt a lot of points wasted either way. All that just for Jet Charge. If I were running EV nightmare and a BH showed up with this, I would kick him out of the raid.


    It's a decent pvp spec if you want to be average. It neither runs the ball well as a 31 point shield tech and the damage is no where close to full pyrotech. If you want mediocrity all around, 21/2/18 is that spec for you.

  9. These two specs are worlds apart. It's not only the spec but 21/2/18 and 4/6/31 both have different itemization.


    21/2/18 would likely use either Combat Tech or Supercommando pvp sets. Hybrid with Eliminator set isn't as effective as Combat Tech or Supercommando since Railshot on hybrid does roughly half of the damage of RS with 4/6/31.


    On the other hand, 4/6/31 uses Eliminator set for the 15% crit RS bonus. It has no jet charge, but the dps in both sustained and burst are higher. The heat management is more challenging with 4/6/31 than hybrid tho.

  10. Coming from someone who has seen countless PvP videos and had a few years of very serious/hardcore experience in various MMO's, I have a couple comments to make in regards to this one.


    First and foremost, I like to see a decent powertech PvP video, seeing as this advanced class is not seen as the "premier" PvP flavor the month.





    Lol. Like I can control what gear my opponents have. Most of the fights I am out numbered and don't have the jump on them. So I don't see where the comment of me getting the jump on people comes from.


    And yes, pyrotech without shield gen and ion gas is squishy even with 10% expertise, I mitigate it with biochem and kolto whenever I can.


    Also... you're suggesting that someone that does 500k dmg for your team doesn't contribute to the match. I think otherwise, in any objective based game whether Civil War, Huttball or Voidstar, being able to kill the other team's numbers contributes significantly to winning.

  11. Hey all. This is my 2nd video.




    My first video can be seen at:



    I called it Fearless cause that's my style, I engage my opponents at any odds stacked against me, then truly I can see what feats my little pyrotech can accomplish. ;)


    Few things have changed since the first video. Now a 4/6/31 spec instead of 2/8/31 and I added quite few more pieces of champion gear (Eliminator set).


    Every single clip is from solo queue. I realized that I couldn't get any good footage from my premades since we just roll everyone so I started solo queuing to make things more interesting.






  12. I see a lot of posts about the 21/2/18 and that of course is trash. Pvp is all about burst damage and TD is pretty important (mine crits for 4k). I'm 9 ranks away from Battlemaster right now and have few hundred games of pvp under me.


    Engagement rotation is such:

    TD > IM > RS > FB > RS or RP


    The rotation basically means your railshot hits at the sametime the TD goes off. When they both crit along with the IM dot, my target typically would be down by 9-10k hp with my gear.



    Is of course 2/8/31




    Here is a game from last night:



    My pvp video:



    I've never spoken or seen a 21/2/18 guy do any where close to my dps in pvp.

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