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Posts posted by YooYooMa

  1. A thread full of praise and free of QQing? I must have woken up in some sort of parallel universe this morning...


    I also love the game, been playing since the 11/11 beta - I have played other MMOs and, while I don't feel compelled to dump on them just because I found a more awesome game, TOR will be hard to knock down from my #1 spot.


    Only because the mods are deleting all "negative" posts now.

  2. You still didn't answer my question, if you hate a game so much, why spend all your time on the forums bad mouthing it?

    Sounds like you have a lot going for you, go do that, because this game obviously brings out the worst in you and makes you look like a douchebag.


    Because buyers remorse and no bang for my buck. The game left a sour taste in my mouth and now I've done my share of vomiting (catharsis) on these forums.


    Like I said, no entertainment value. I basically paid 60 bucks to be bored for 23 levels. The past 2 days on this board have entertained me sufficiently.


    Also, there's that feeling of "we could have had KotOR 3."


    Bioware/LA/EA deserve all the hate in the world for not making that.

  3. YooYooMa, I've been reading the forums for awhile now, it seems like your entire goal in life is talk crap about this game! every thread has your turd stain smeared on it...if you hate the game so much then bugger off and do somthing else!


    I spent 60 friggin dollars on this trash. Tonight is my final night, don't you worry. I've gotten my dollars worth of entertainment, not from the game though.


    I have 2 weeks left to prepare for biochem and fluid/thermal dynamics, hang with friends, do outdoor activities,restart my workout routine (after all this christmas lounging and feasting), read journals/review papers, and generally do enjoyable thinigs.


    I thought this game was going to be one of those enjoyable things I could do during Winter Break, but I was sorely sorely mistaken.


    Shoulda coulda woulda KotOR 3


    This game is a farce.

  4. Good luck being abused with DLCs ;) $$$!!





    Good that this game got rid of that tedious tasks, pretending to be funny instead of idiot tasks with no fun that just waste your time. (yeah, so much skill involved on killing 300 npcs at the same place waiting for drops, or wandering around all the world looking to improve your crafting...)


    I can't argue there. But, frankly, that's the whole draw of MMO's. They're huge time-sinks that require no effort or skill. You can be brain-dead and still be a "Master" level player in an MMO.


    That's why I hate MMO's and frankly that's why I was horrified when this junk was announced instead of KotOR3.

  5. This isn't Burger King, you can't have it your way. Ya, I think I got your point.


    If you want daylight, go to Taris.

    If you want nighttime, go to Nar Shadaa.

    If you want sunset, go outside.

    If you want to run up a moutain, go outside.


    Other than that, strap on your lightsaber and do something productive for the gaming community instead of crying about sunsets on a video game.



  6. what you want...want it quick? even for free? everyone would have it than...in case you missed it...if you want something special..you have to work for it...





    Ironically, this is the easiest MMO that has ever been released and every system has been specifically designed to be a soft time-sink that requires no effort (crafting, leveling, gear, etc).

  7. I was stuck at the Cheesecake factory with my wife pretending i was in a SWTOR conversation with my waiter and that my decisions had LS/DS points.


    Waiter: ...and what would you like to order my Lord




    Garlic Noodles

    Thai Noodles +50 DS

    Norwegian Salmon +50 LS


    Yeah haha, spending time with your wife sucks XD



  8. Thats not totally true. There was a global channel very briefly but it was the gold sellers wet dream and they got rid of it.


    Getting a group during most of LK meant sitting in town spamming trade for a group.


    This is the system we have in SWTOR because for some zanny reason people think spamming a trade channel or sending /tells to random people = social and commnity


    I played between 2005 and 2006 and I remember that LFG chat being there for quite a while in that time period.

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