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Everything posted by DangerButtons

  1. Welcome back CKN glad to see more competition on the server.
  2. I'm looking for a guild to raid with outside my normal raiding times on pot5, cause I get bored during the day. I'm 10/10 df/dp pre nerf and have both timed run titles, I would be looking for a group to raid with here that does nightmare during the early afternoon. I have a dps powertech on harb that has cleared both df and dp in their entirety.
  3. Hi there, I think you might match up well with our raid times. If you're interested, send me a PM or send an in game mail to Mixed.
  4. Who are we? Prestige is a competitive progression raiding guild on the imperial side of Prophecy of the Five. We have always been a guild focused on being the best in the world, and we are looking for high quality members to strengthen our lineup. We do not recruit substitutes, we are looking for great players who can fight for a core position. Raiding We run three core raids a week, and currently have all content in the game on farm. Our current schedule looks like this. Monday - Off night Tuesday - 8:30 to 12:00 Wednesday - 8:30 to 12:00 Thursday - 8:30 to 12:00 Friday - Alt raids (optional) Saturday - Alt raids (optional) Sunday - Alt raids (optional) On non core nights we run alt raids of whatever we feel like at the time. Alt raids are entirely optional. This schedule changes greatly when there are progression races for world/server firsts going on, and we expect our member to be able to adapt to that. Loot Our loot rules for recruits are one set piece per run, excluding the main hand and implant. After a two raid trial period recruits will be able to roll on the mainhand and implant. . That said, recruits will be geared out fairly quickly, as most members are approaching best in slot on multiple characters. Our loot rules for core runs are one piece per person, and if there is a piece no one needs it is a free roll. Applications Applications are guaranteed to be answered within a week, most will be answered much sooner. All applicants will have to go through a recruitment process that will entail an interview via teamspeak and a multiple raid trial period. What We Want from You At Prestige we have one goal - be the very best. We enjoy our raids, but what what we really want is to clear all of the available content that SW:TOR has to offer, as fast as possible, and have fun while doing it. All members are required to have teamspeak installed, and a headset is mandatory. We expect everyone to conduct themselves appropriately, both during raids and during their free time. If this interests you, please head to our website at http://prestigeswtor.enjin.com/ and fill out the application or send Yoboo or Mixed an in game mail, and we'll get you in for an interview.
  5. I noticed today that the relic isn't activating, anyone else seeing this? I tested it in oricon, pulled a bunch of mobs and just watched my debuffs, it simply wasn't proccing at all. I don't think that's intended.
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