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Posts posted by angryca

  1. Guys this is an MMO, groups are always going to take precedence. The idea behind this genre of game is to join a group. Yes, I'm aware that's not always an option, but to expect an MMO to work any other way is foolish.


    The only thing dumber than this statement is the possibility that the code actually works the way the OP described.

  2. The funny thing about this is that bioware said they were going to try and avoid this problem. They didn't want players getting rolled by premades all the time.


    Bioware said all the right things before launch. They talked about an intelligent match making system that evaluated gear and grouping and overall pvp experience. What we actually got was the 10-15 people in fleet queing against each other most of the time.


    The were aware of all the problems but have not solved any of them. Matchmaking does not work without a large population. Not having cross server ques is just foolish.

  3. Well, Bioware should promote premades.


    The incentive to cooperate should be set higher than to play solo.


    In the real world, do you think an individual has any chance of compeating against a large company?



    You get organized and you try to beat the competition. You dont whine about it being unfair. End of discussion!


    They should not promote premades. They should not promote solo play. They should promote fun. They want people to purchase their product/service and the way you do that is by giving the customer what they want. If they want to give premades some sort of rewards so their is some incentive (beyond COMPETING) to do it great. Why should a solo player care?


    Again - it is stupid to have premades fighting pugs.

  4. It is completely stupid to think the premade vs pug is a sensible way to build any sort of pvp. This game should have launched with cross server ques and a matchmaking system that worked instead of 10-15 people on each side queing against each other and tons of games against the same faction.
  5. What has real life things to do with game balance?


    If the game is only balanced by gear that is attained by playing more than someone else that is a clear example of the real life determining what you call 'game balance'. Everyone can't (or even wants to) play 70 hours a week.


    Then stop qqing until you get it.


    Why should anyone, in their free time, spend time doing a task they find unenjoyable with the hope that at some later date they may begin enjoying it.

  6. Isn't it to disable the people around the guy you are trying to kill so they can't kill you first.


    Also, I can think of 2 classes that have break on damage stuns out of the 3 I have played extensively.

  7. what? i wz about 10h/day steamrolling on a premade <5 min wins mostly for ~140+ WZ commendations. I pug maybe 1-2 hours of my play time.


    Regardless , what does my spare time to play, have anything to do with game balance?


    You do know that it is nice outside some days.

  8. Hey everyone,


    I have recently been running accross something that seems really wrong. Every Jedi Shadow on my server, and I do mean every single one of them, cannot be interrupted and are almost impossible to be stunned. Now before you go say, "His resolve bar must have been up." I assure you they weren't.


    Nothing new to me, and it isn't limited to shadows. A lot of my abilites have no effect on people with less than a full resolve bar displayed.


    Sometimes they are from abilites the opponent is using, sometimes they are bugs or lag or .... something.

  9. There are situations where i want to use my force push to knockback someone into a fire pit or poison pit (whatever the green stuff is in hutball) but force push acts so wonky. Sometimes i force push someone and my opponent goes flying sideways or straight into the goal line in hutball. In order to compensate for this i have to wait a few secs before force pushing but pvp is fast paced and sometimes you dont have a few secs


    It is just as hard to deal with for the guy fighting you. Plenty of times I know they want to force push me somewhere and try to adjust my positioning accordingly but in the end I just go flying in some random direction that seems to have no corelation to anything.

  10. Welcome to this thread AngryCa. However, your contribution to this thread felt a bit taken out of context to be honest. Why do you even feel the need to use this thread to reply to a post from a different, not to mentioned closed, thread...?


    It got closed because this one exists and they are the same. I don't know why I really care though. Most of the people on these forums are waiting for the last twilight movie.

  11. I'm not telling a story. I'm not asking for every class to come in here and QQ. I play a DPS specced BM guardian and I'm lvling a scoundrel scrapper, both of which took some noticeable hits in 1.2. I could live with those hits, if it meant that the game overall is more balanced.




    I'm looking for a discussion on whether or not the sweeping changes to burst dps make healers/tanks combo a little over the top in 1.2



    Before you submit your post to this thread, ask yourself if it's on topic. If it's not, then go post in one of the billion individual class QQ threads located on this forum.


    If you just want someone to say "healer/tanks are going to be OP" and ignore any other comments you should have said so.

  12. Responding to below from a now close thread



    "I can see that they offer interesting ways to use push/pull/leap abilities, but to me that makes them fun and surprising, not broken. It sounds like you're frustrated, which is OK. But please don't confuse that feeling with universal truth.


    My Commando and Gunslinger kind of like the catwalks too. Lots of places to lurk and attack from a distance. They're also great places to use my character's knockback abilities. "




    If taking the abilites to the z axis is fun and surprising to you I guess it is a barrel of laughs. I am not frustrated. I play 5 of 8 classes and it is pretty clear which contribute the most (by a large margin). If you aren't one of the hutball golden children you just hope to get them on your team - it generally only takes a few of them to win a game.


    Knockbacks are push abilities Einstien.

  13. Huttball is the best I play a sage guardian and smuggler

    And have no trouble with this wz I love how the class mechanics are used


    When I'm on my

    Sage or smuggler I'm holding mid when I'm on my guardian I'm running the ball



    So I have to dissagree


    I don't know how you can't see that a map with narrow elevated walkways up to a ledge to score are not broken by push/pull/leap abilites.

  14. I just can't figure it out some times:


    1 - bad tab targeting VS bad mouse targeting

    2 - losing huttball matches to tons of leapers/pullers VS losing voidstar matches that you really won

    3 - lightning spam VS missile spam VS getting autoattacked to death

    4 - matches starting at 5v8 65% of the time VS 1 hour ques

    5 - getting stunned at full resolve VS perma root for melee

    6 - groups that vocally quit is the first 30 seconds VS groups that don't communicate

    7 - playing against the same premade for 3 hours VS having to reform group after every game

  15. Go to my videos.






    Those specs with DPS gear.


    It is hard to see how a 31/0/10 spec is a hybrid. The only sense that it is a hybrid is that you are using a tank build with damage gear. Do they nerf the gear?


    As far as the original point - it would be great if they did something about all the double bladed tanks running around. I feel like a clone.

  16. I have the survivor gear for the set bonuses but don't really want all the stats they give me (accuracy, shield rating, absorb rating, defense). Is there some way to stack endurance so I can feel tanky?
  17. Huttball is the most class dependent broken warzone there is.



    Jugg + Sorc = highest scoring percentage in the game.


    When two people can score over 8 people the game is broken. Movement abilities shouldn't let you move the ball. It takes away any need for team work.


    The fact that people can't unque for it in 1.2 = PVP failsauce.


    Winner! The map is all about pushes, pulls, and leaps.

  18. People queue, then don't accept when it pops. Since they're putting a deserter penalty in for people who leave warzones, people who queue and then don't accept when it pops should suffer the same penalty. If you aren't going to play, don't queue. If you think you might not be able to accept, un-queue and then re-queue when you know you can play.


    I am not buying it. I have never see number mismatches become a problem of the magnitude it is in this game. Crappy population numbers, crappy faction population balance, and crappy coding are far more likely answers. Unless you would argue that there is something specific about the players of this game that would make them far more likely to que and then not accept it than the players of all the other games I have played?

  19. Hey,


    We're perfectly aware that this difference exists.


    It's because, shockingly, Agents are not Inquisitors.


    The mirror class for the Agent is the Smuggler, the mirror class for the Inquisitor is the Consular.


    Just in case it wasn't clear: We have different classes in the game - that means they actually have different abilities, energy systems, costs, etc. In short: It's working as designed.





    edit: fixed a typo where "Consular" should have appeared!


    Are you aware that this game is plauged by tons and tons of bugs and an assorted lack of polish that can only be explained as pathetic?


    This bothers paying custers because, shockingly, we are not beta testers and are paying for the product we will receive in about 3-6 months.


    Just to be clear: I am willing to silently suffer all the design, coding, balance, and aesthetic mistakes you have made that drunken monkies would not have taken to live because I am patient. I am not willing to silently suffer the type of behavior I see here, even in passing.


    TLDR: You, Sir, are an *** and deserve public censure.

  20. TLDR: objects and scoreboards aren't mutually exclusive: often times controlling objectives will give your team higher scoreboard numbers.


    It wasn't that long and I did read.


    If you need some charts to tell you if you played well ... you didn't.

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