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Posts posted by Slamuel

  1. You only waited an hour before bumping this. Please remember that people do not live on these forums...

    Well, I hardly think anyone will look for threads on the 2nd or third pages........


    If a crafter gets a critical success on a crafting mission, the item will have an augment slot along with the base stats. Adding an augment to that slot increases the attribute on the augment.




    Because they like the look of the other gear better. Stats are based on the mods installed, not the item.




    What else do you want to know?


    I guess Im ok now.

  2. I am a level 32 sent with a 17 snipe. I really am kind of a noob with this game and have played no other MMOs. :confused: I have a few questions about modding. First off, what is a augment? Also, why would one want to remove the mods from supposedly the best PvP gear, bm, and put it into another orange piece? Could someone explain this to me, and perhaps to go into detail in things like this and modding?


  3. Yes you can.


    1. Dailies

    Daily missions give you daily commendations, which can be used to buy rakata implants, earring, and some mods.


    3 [H2] missions in Belsavis and Ilum will give you a full set of mods for orange armor, armoring, mod and enhancement everyday that you do them. So if you can get a full set of orange armor, you can put the mods in and be fully covered in artifact mods in 7 days.


    There is a weekly for the new Black Hole dailies zone. It gives you 6 Black Hole commendations per week if you complete all dailies at least once. With it you can buy gear that is better than columi


    2. Flashpoints

    It is possible for you to get a tionese and columi gear by doing hardmode flashpoints. Hardmode Taral V has a lot of skippable mobs and will only take 30-40 mins to complete. So you can farm hardmode Taral V.


    3. Crafting

    You can reverse engineer a green item all the way to a purple item.

    Or you can buy purple items instead with money.


    But this depends on what your definition of endgame gear is.


    thanks, will do.

  4. Few weeks hardcore play or few months casual play...or few years hardly playing it.


    MMO games takes effort in playing a char to get levels, skills and gearing up. You dont get a good geared skilled char in a matter of days. If you dont want or cant put the effort in obtaining what you want then like someone else already said MMO games is not the thing for you.


    you misunderstand me. I understand there is a lot of effort involved, I was just asking how to get the stuff.

  5. I have a currently level 30 sent, and a sniper alt at 17. I plan on leveling the jedi to 50. However, I hardly have time to play much at all, sometimes, only thrice a week. I know ops take forever, so I will not be ableto get rakata comms there, because I cannot play for twohours ormore, or less. To get war hero/bm, I would have to do, about what, 500 wzones? So, my point is, how can I get good gear without much play? I like pve and pvp.:wea_03:
  6. You need to go to the artifice vendor and buy more higher level recipes. You are more than likely doing recipes that are now grey to you and do not level up artifice. You do not get new recipes by just leveling up alone. Go buy some yellow and orange ones and should be good


    where? on tattooine?

  7. I have artifice, archeology, and treasure hunting. I have a 29 sent. I have hardly used crew skills. My archeology is at 82, and my artifice at 60. Therefore, my archeology was only producing tier two items. I set the filter to tier one, because my artifice was only high enough to use the tier one crystals and such. But, whenever I use artifice to lvl it up, it stays at sixty. I keep wasting money on arch, then get useless crystals back from artifice. I have a 2 endurance crystal in my moddable saber, from artifice. I cannot get any better, because my tier wont go up! anybody got a fix, or experiencing this also?
  8. I too had problems trying to defeat him. Got him down to where he had 1 health point and it was impossible to beat him. Formed a group and still couldn't beat him. Restarted my story and when back in and then it worked. Pretty sure it was bugged the first time.


    once he gets down to one, you heal, then talk to him! you dont keep attacking!

  9. No. He barely beat Anakin, in fact he was losing 90%. And Vader wasnt in his prime at that time. Vader was in his prime in the suit.


    Just no! It only looks like he was losing because he was using Soresu, and not attacking back (as per style). When obi fought anakin, that was his prime. As darth vader, he was slower and had to result to solely power mostly, and could not utilizce djem so that well. He was still a good duelist, but his abilities were diminished.

  10. Poppycock. Yoda was far beyond into his own, Sidious bested him, sorry but yea. Malgus bested Satele (one is just NOT scared to face someone they beat before, just doesn't happen or make sense). Maul (an APPRENTICE) bested Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn.


    Now there are counter instances you can point to sure. You favor the Light Side/Jedi from what I gather. I favor the Dark Side/Sith. So being the fans that we are, we can rehash this debate.


    What I think it is, why this is becoming the default SW logic is cuz at the very least, the Sith SEEM more powerful, especially in terms of raw power. Anger & passion are great conductors of this. The Dark Side is obviously more geared towards offense. Hence the plethora of DS techniques such as Force Lightning, Shock, Storm, etc. Force Choke, I can go on. The Light Side just isn't, that I've ever seen. All a LS Jedi can do to counter a Sith in a force contest is project, but surprise, Sith can do that too. In terms of lightsaber combat, anyone's guess. Force combat? Sorry, but I gotta give it to the Sith.


    A Jedi Master is supposed to be a Sith Lord's equal, mirror. The Jedi Grand Master is supposed to be the Dark Lord's equal, no? Well take from the movies, books, etc. & judge away kids.

    first off, satele was not defeated. I agree, yoda was defeated, but it hardly looked he was fighting back. mace should have and could have defeated sidious. Maul would have been a complete sith except that sidious, the best sith ever, took him as an apprentice.

    maul was one of the best sith duelists ever, and qui-gon was not known for his fighting ability. instead of force choke, for example there is force stasis. jedis level headedness also helps them in battle.

  11. If you don't have a orange saber and are still in lvl range of esseles, i'd say sure.

    or just buy one with commendations from any given planet.


    Don't really see the point you're making here? do you want it for the name or the moddability?


    Id just want it for modability, yes.

  12. So, long ago on coruscant (not that long, im only on tattoine, I got rid of my original lightsaber. I equipped a offhand (called sentinels lightsaber, not original offhand though, rating of 62 or something). I have cycled through various primary sabers, but none of them have been modable. I saw a post a while back that said to keep your original lightsaber, modding it out as you go, but I had already got rid of it. Is there any reason to do the Eselles or something to try to get it back?
  13. I had the same thing with a JK, Guard defense spec. Armor doesn't make all that much difference, I would expect (altho I will see, have a level 20 sent now as well).


    What I had to do, and many others, is go back to Nar Shadaa and grind coms to update as much orange gear as I could. That grind also got me at least 2 levels.


    I wish I could tell you that this is the only fight like this, but it not and it seems to get even a bit worse (in the NPC balance catagory) as you progress in levels. My guard is now level 47, as I learned to grind everything in my way to overlevel these class bosses, and just got a 5 sec lunch on a level 42 class boss in Belsavis last night in fact.


    It would seem that Bioware is very afraid that some1 will call the game "easy" and have programed some "programed to die" development into the class bosses. Up to now, overleveling has seemed to help considerably, After a while, the "challange" deal goes away and it just ends up being "frustration".


    Best suggestion, go try and grind a few levels, while your after Nar Shadaa coms updating your armor mods 1st and you should do a lot better on this one.


    I did all the nar shadaa, except for heroics, although I skipped a lot on coruscant, and a few on taris.

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